第二篇 金属电子显微分析Electron Microanalysis for Metals
第一章 电子光学基础The Electron Optics
The microanalysis: Composition, topography, and crystals construction.
The instrument of electron optics:
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
3.The incident beam of electrons (or ions) condend with electronic optics technique interact with the materials of samples to exact and product the informati精彩广告语
on of materials’ topography, crystals construction, and also, to detect and to treat the information about the composition, topography, and crystals construction.
4.Micro-analysis technique.
1.1.几何光学: 折射定律,Geometric Optics :Refractive law
光的折射是其成像基础。Refraction Law, the basic principle of imaging.
薄透镜性质Thin lens’ properties:
Thin lens’ focus law:(1/L1)+ (1/L2)=1/f,
L1– 薄透镜物距 Object distance ; L 2—薄透镜像距 image distance;f—薄透镜焦距focus。
放大倍数Magnification :M = L2/L1
Optical Diffraction, Optical microscope and limitation of its Resolution
Visible light: wavelength: 390nm-760nm
Radii of Airy spot :
Ro =( 0.61 /n sin)M,
式中 n-- 透镜物方介质折射率
Refractor in object side;
--透镜孔径半角 Half angle of aperture of lens;
M--透镜放大倍数Magnification of lens.
说明:埃利斑半径与照明光源波长成正比,与透镜数值孔径成反比。两埃利斑中心间距等于第一暗环半径R0。此时样品上相应的两个物点间距离△r0。定义为透镜能分辨的最小距离,也就是透镜的分辨本领: ro =( 0.61 /n sin)
对于玻璃来说,最大的孔径半角=70~75,物方介质为油情况下,n≈ 1.5,其数值孔径 nsin ≈1.25 ~ 1.35。
因此式可以简化为:ro =(1/2)
Diffraction, the Airy spot size: RO=(0.61/n sin )M
Resolution for visible light △ro=(1/2)
1.3.有效放大倍数 Effective Magnification for microscope
The resolution of persons’ eyes is 0.2mm, but the resolution of Optical microscope is 0.2m (2000).
The effective magnification is Meff =re/r0
Herere—The resolution of persons’ eyes, r0—the resolution of Optical microscope
人眼的分辨本领大约是0.2mm,光学显微镜分辨本领极限大约是0.2m(2000)有效放大倍数: M =re/r0
The effective Magnification of Optical microscope Meff=1000, The largest magnitude is 1000~1500. If we want to increa Meff the most important thing is to u the source with short wavelength.
Comparing table for optical microscope and electronic microscope (TEM)
Table 1.Comparing table for optical microscope and TEM
| 光学显微镜 Optical microscope | 电子显微镜 Electronic microscope (TEM) |
照明束Illumination beam | 可见光 Visible light | 电子束 Electron beam |
波长Wavelength | 390nm-760nm | =(150/U)1/2 e.g. U =100kv, =0.0037nm |
透镜的分辨率Resolution | 由衍射,埃利园斑决定 diffraction, the Airy spot size RO=(0.61/n sin )M 分辨Resoluti安全生产总结报告
on △ro=0.61/(n sin ) △ro=(1/2) | 1、 衍射, 埃利园斑 diffraction, the Airy spot size RO=(0.61/n sin )M 2、 球差Spherical aberration CS 分辨Resolution △ro=0.49CS1/43/4 |
最好分辨The best resolution | 200nm | 0.1nm (300kv) |
放大倍数Magnification | 1000~1500 | 几十万倍 600K |
透镜Lens | 光学透镜Optical Lens | 电磁透镜Electric and Magnetic Lens |
条件Condition | 大气Atmosphere | 真空Vacuum |
| | |
1.4. 电子的波性及其波长 Wavelength of electron wave
1. 电子波粒二相性,Duplication of the electron wave
2. 德布罗义关系式
Formula of de Broglia wave
式中 h—Plank const,普朗克常数, is the wavelength, 波长。
整理得: = h / (2meU)1/2 把h=6.6210-34Js,e=1.6010-19C,m0=9.1110-34kg 代入(1-12a)可得: Formula of de Broglia wave Electronic wavelength:
电子波长 Wavelength of electron wave
:; U:V
第二章 透射电子显微镜 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
Construction of TEM:
Electron Optics system
1)电子光学系统Electron Optics system :
电子枪 Electron gun, 聚光镜 Condenr, 倾斜调节装置 Tilt asmbly
2)成象系统Imaging System:
物镜 Object Lens, 中间镜 Middle Lens (Intermediate lens) , 投影镜 Project Lens;
3)图象记录系统Record System of image;
4)样品架Specimen holder, 样品铜网 Cupper grid
Power supply and control system (include High voltage power supply for electron gun, power supply for lens, and power supply of control circuits)