
更新时间:2023-05-03 01:32:08 阅读:37 评论:0

1征课类无障碍通关环境  A Barrier-Free Customs Clearance Environment
2征课类依规定格式申请复查An Application for Review in the Prescribed Form
3征课类从价税Ad Valorem Duty
5征课类广告品Advertising Articles
6征课类补税金额Amount of Duty to be Reco中药减肥配方 vered (or Made Up) 7征课类诉愿案件Appeal Ca
8征课类抵达(港埠)报告Arrival (Port) Report
9征课类展览物品Exhibition 精气神书法 Articles
10征课类货品暂准通关证ATA Carnet
11征课类货品暂准通关公约ATA Convention
12征课类优良厂商Authorized Trader
13征课蘑菇屋简笔画 类提货单Bill of Lading
14征课类载货清单Cargo List
15征课类原产地证明书Certificate of Origin
17征课类生效Come into Force (or Take Effect  /  Become Effective)
18征课类商业样品Commercial Samples
19征课类货物税Commodity Tax
20征课类赔偿产品Compensation Products
21征课类权责通关单位Competent Customs Offices 22征课类竞争优势Competitive Advantage
24征课类复合税Compound Duty
26征课类发货人Consignor (or Consigner)
27征课类按月汇总缴纳税费Payment of Consolidated Duties and Charges on Monthly Basis
28征课类货柜站Container Station
29征课类货柜场Container Yard
30征课类管制物品Controlled Articles
31征课类跨区报关Ccross-Regional Customs Declaration 32征课类关税法Customs Act
33征课类报关行(人员)Customs Broker
34征课类通关程序Customs Clearance Procedure
35征课类关税Customs Duty
36征课类进口通关程序Customs Import Procedure
37征课类海关进口税则Customs Import Tariff
38征课类关税领域Customs Territory
39征课类关税完税价格Customs Value
41征课类报单Declaration Form
43征课类报单号码Declaration No.
44征课类滞纳金Delinquent Fee
45征课类货名Description of Goods
46征课类外交邮袋Diplomatic Mail Bag
48征课类不服海关所为决定Dissatisfied with the Decision of the Customs 49征课类应税物品Dutiable Articles
50征课类免税Duty Exemption, Duty Free (or Non-Dutiable) 51征课类税款缴纳证Duty Bill
52征课类先放后税Post-Relea Duty Payment
53征课类完税证明Duty Payment Certificate
54征课类税率Duty Rate
56征课类电子数据交换EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
57征课类关税法施行细则Enforcement Rules of the Customs Act
58征课类得申请退税Entitled to Claim Duty Drawback
59征课类享有外交待遇Entitled to Diplomatic Privileges
60征课类代办业务Entrusted Functions
61征课类简易报单Simplified Declaration Form
62征课类船边验放Cargo Examination and Relea Alongside the Vesl
63征课类仓库验放Cargo Examination and Relea at the Warehou
64征课类验货Examination of Cargo
65征课类免关税Exempt from Customs Duty
66征课类免验Exempt from Examination, Free of Examination 67征课类出口报单Export Declaration
68征课类出口报单副本(抄本)Export Declaration Duplicates
69征课类滞报费Late Declaration Fee
70征课类制作Fabrication; Making;Production
71征课类报关File a Declaration
72征课类向海关递送File Something with (or Prent/Submit to) the Customs
73征课类向海关投递报单File a Declaration with the Customs
74征课类成品Finished Goods (or Products)
75征课类定额Fixed Amount
76征课类定率Fixed Rate
77征课类保证机构Guarantee Institution
78征课类国际商品统一分类制度The Harmonized Commodity Discription
and Coding System
79征课类健康福利捐Health and Welfare Surcharge
80征课类诚实申报Honest Declaration
81征课类进口货物舱单Import Cargo Manifest
82征课类进口报单、进口申报Import Declaration
83征课类进口文件Import Documents
84征课类输入许可证Import Permit
85征课类邮递进口Imported by Post
86征课类进口货物Imported Goods
87征课类进口原料Imported Raw Materials
89征课类征收Levy a Tax on (or Collect a Tax on) 90征课类进口船只Inbound  Vesl
91征课类在场、陪同In the Prence of, In the Company of
92征课类误卸Inadvertently/Mistakenly Discharged/ Discharged by Mistake
94征课类内地税捐Internal Revenue Taxes and Dues
95征课类核给退税Issuance of Duty Drawback
96征课类发证机构Issuing Authority
97征课类大幅降低税率Large-Scale Reduction in Tariff Rates
Permit for The Import of Controlled
Telecommunications Radio-Frequency
99征课类烟酒税 Tobacco and  Alcohol Tax
100征课类邮件清单Mail List
101征课类海产品Marine Products
102征课类运输工具Means of Transport
103征课类医疗器材Medical Apparatus
104征课类通关方式Mode of Clearance
105征课类起运地海关Customs Office of Departure
106征课类目的地海关Customs Office of Destination
108征课类从量On a Specific Basis
109征课类从价On an Ad Valorem Basis
110征课类通商口岸Commercial Port
111征课类查询欠税Overdue Tax Inquiries
112征课类出口感受幸福 船只Outbound Vesl
113征课类装箱单Packing List
114征课类细项Particulars; Detailed Items
115征课类免验通关Exempt from Customs Examination 116征课类付税Payment of Duty
117征课类定期盘点存货Check Inventory Periodically/Take Inventory Periodically
118征课类易腐品Perishable Goods
119征课类逐渐取消Pha Out
120征课类港口海关Port Customs
121征课类商港服务费Port Dues
122征课类输出口岸Port of Exportation
123征课类输入口岸Port of Importation
124征课类预报Pre-Entry Declaration 125征课类专业器材Professional Equipment 126征课类推广出口贸易Promote Export Trade
127征课类互惠待遇Reciprocal Rreatment
129征课类退税Tax Refund; Duty Drawback
130征课类放行货物Relea of Cargo
131征课类救济物资Relief Articles
132征课类复查案件Review Ca
133征课类海上打捞Salvaged from the Sea
134征课类无商业价值样品Samples of No Commercial Value (N.C.V.)
135征课类类、章、节、目、款、项Sections, Chapters, Headings, Sub-headings, Divisions, Items
137征课类销售佣金Selling Commission
140征课类简易报关Simplified Declaration
141征课类特别关税Special Customs Duty
142征课类从量税Specific Duty
143征课类简易查验Summary Examination
144征课类提货Take Delivery of Cargo
146征课类税则分类Tariff Classification
147征课类降低税率Tariff Cuts
148征课类关税配额Tariff Quotas
149征课类纳税查询Tax Payment Inquiries
150征课类补发税单Re-Issuance of Tax Statement
151征课类暂准免税进口Temporary Duty-Free Admission of Goods 152征课类暂时措施(权宜措施)Temporary Measures  (CF. Expediency ) 153征课类过境货物舱单Through Cargo Manifest
154征课类助航服务费Navigation Aid Charges
155征课类助航服务费缴纳证Navigation Aid Charges Memo
156征课类贸易及外汇管制Trade and Foreign Exchange Control
157征课类推广贸易服务费Trade Promotion Service Fee
158征课类贸易统计表报Trade Statistics Report /Statement
159征课类传送、转达Transmit to
161征课类转口货物Trans-Shipment Cargoes
162征课类三角贸易Triangular Trade
163征课类加值型及非加值型营业税法Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Business Tax Act
164征课类提领出仓进口Withdraw from the Warehou for Importation
165征课类在规定期限内Within the Prescribed Time Limit
166征课类毁损船只Wrecked Vesl
168征课类海关进口税则总则General Rules of the Customs Import Tariff
169征课类海关进口税则解释准则General Rules for the Interpretation of the Customs Import Tariff
170征课类输入商品合格证明Import Certificate of Inspection
171征课类输入商品查验证明Import Certificate 茂盛的近义词 of Monitoring Inspection
172征课类进口货物税则预审Advance Tariff Cla三年级下册语文课本 ssification Ruling on
Imported Goods
173征课类转运转口货物Transit Cargo
174征课类发递单Dispatch Note
175征课类多国集并货物Multi-Country Cargo Consolidation,MCC
176征课类货主自备货柜Shippr's Own Containers,SOC
1查缉类随身行李Accompanied/Hand-Carried/Carry-On Baggage 2查缉类查缉走私Anti-Smuggling Operation (Interdiction)
3查缉类纸币Bank Notes
4查缉类舱位元配置图Docking Plan
5查缉类金、银条或块Gold, Silver Bullion or Nugget
6查缉类执行Carry Out/Implement/Execute
7查缉类船舶国籍证书Certificate of Vesl's Registry
8查缉类检查号码Check Digit
9查缉类托运行李Check-In Baggage
10查缉类没入Confiscation /Forfeiture
11查缉类货柜安全计划Container Security Initiative
12查缉类监控下交付Controlled Delivery
15查缉类伪币Counterfeit Coins/Currencies
16查缉类原产国Country of Origin
17查缉类海关缉私条例Customs Anti-Smuggling Act
18查缉类登船(机)关员Customs Boarding Officer
19查缉类通关手续Customs Formalities
20查缉类旅客通关须知Customs Guidelines for Pasngers
21查缉类危险物品Dangerous Goods
22查缉类入境旅客申报单Declaration Form for Inbound Pasnger
23查缉类扣押Detain Something/Take Something to Custody 24查缉类缉毒犬Narcotics Detector Dog
25查缉类旅客红绿线通关制度Dual-Channel (or Red-Green Lane) Pasnger Clearance System
26查缉类濒临绝种动植物(或物种)Endangered Species
27查缉类逃避检查、关税或管制Evasion of Inspection, Duty or Control 28查缉类赌具Gambling Apparatus
29查缉类团体申报Group Declaration
30查缉类家用物品Houhold Articles
31查缉类私运货物进/出口Smuggling of Goods into / Out of 32查缉类人民币非法交易Illegal Renminbi Transactions
33查缉类违反In Violation Of /In Contravention Of 二、查缉类

本文发布于:2023-05-03 01:32:08,感谢您对本站的认可!



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