ASTM D3887
12. Test Method----Fabric Count
12.1 Scope—This test method is applicable to knitted fabrics of all types, such as warp knits,卸妆巾 weft knits, flat
bed knits, and so 对方的英文 forth.
12.2 Summary of Test Method—The number of wales a桓仁旅游 nd cours per unit distance are determined using suitable
magnifying and counting devices.
12.3 Significance and U—This test method is considered satisfactory for acceptance testing of commercial
shipments becau of prior extensive u. In ca of disagreement arising from differences in values reported
by the purchar and the ller when using this test method for acceptance testing, the statistical bias, if
any, between the laboratory of the purcha飘的经典语录 r and the laboratory of the ller should be determined with each
comparison being bad on testing specimens randomly drawn from one sampling unit of material of the type being
12.4 Apparatus—U any suitable magnifying and counting device (such as pick glass, rule and pointer, microfilm
reader, or projection equipment).
仪器设备---任何放大或计算设备(如放大镜、直尺、小针、显微镜等78年属相 )。
12.5 Sampling:
12.5.1 Take a lot sample as directed in Section 6 or as agreed upon between the purchar and the ller.
12.5.2 From the lot sample of rolls or pieces, cut one laboratory sample from each roll or piece the full width
of tubular or open-width knit fabric, and at least 2 m (2 yd) in length.
12.6 Conditioning—Condition specimens as directed in Section 7.
12.7 Procedure:
12.7.1 Unless otherwi specified in a prior agreement between the purchar and the ller, make no count clor
to a lvage than one-tenth of the width of the fabric, or within 0.5 m (0.5 yd) of the end of the roll or piece.
12.7.2 Unless otherwi specified, count the wales and cours on the face side of the fabric.
12.7.3 For fabrics containing 10 loops per linear cm (25 loops per linear in.) or more, determine the number
of wale loops and cour loops per 2.5 cm (1 in.) by counting the number in a space not less than 5 cm (2 in.)
at five different places in the piece, equally spaced both across the width and throughout the length to the
nearest whole number of loops.
如织物每厘米含10个线圈( 每英寸含25个线圈)或以上的,则在每批5个不同位置测定至少5厘米(2英寸)的纵行数
12.7.4 For fabrics containing less than 10 loops per 1 cm (25 loops per 1 in.), make the count over a 10 cm (4
in.) width and repeat in at least five randomly designated places across the width and throughout the length
to the nearest whole number of loops.
如织物tct报告 每厘米含少于10个线圈(每英寸含少于25个线圈)的,则在每批5个不同位置测定至少10厘米(4英寸)内的纵
纵行数或横列数/in 25或以上 25以下
最小测定距离 2英寸(5厘米) 4英寸(10厘米)
测定次数(位置) 5 5
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ASTM D3887
12.7.5 In fancy knits where one or more yarns do not appear at regular, short intervals, make count measurements 婴儿疝气图片男孩
over at least one full pattern repeat of each design component to the nearest whole number of loops.
12.8 Calculation---Calculate the average number of wales and cours per 2.5 cm (1 in.) to the nearest 0.1 wale
or cour.
12.9 Report:
12.9.1 State that the specimens were tested as directed in Specification D 3887. Describe the material or product
sampled and the method of sampling ud.
注明本测试是按照ASTM D 3887方法,描述所用物料和方法。
12.9.2 Report the following information:
报告以下内容﹕ Average number of wales and cours per 2.5 cm (or per 1 in.) stating the wale count first.
每2.5厘米(1英寸)的横列数和纵行数的平均值,先横列数(wales/in)再纵行数(cours/in)。 Size of the pattern repeat, size of each design component in the pattern, and the total yarns in each
measured component for fabrics having fancy knits.
列出花型图案循环的尺寸大小。 Temperature and relative humidity conditions during testing. For example, standard atmosphere for
testing textiles, ambient conditions, and the like.
12.10 Precision and Bias:
12.10.1 Precision---The precision of this test method for counting wales and cours in knitted fabrics is being
12.10.2 Bias---This test method for counting wales and cours in knitted fabrics has no known bias and is ud
as a referee method.
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