80年属什么 1. 篮球是我的过去、现在和未来。(Basketball is my past,
prent and future.)
2. 我从来没有失去过,只是有时候赢得不多美容用品 。(I never lost a
game. I just ran out of time.)
3. 如果你不放弃,你会获得成功。(If you quit once, it
becomes a habit. Never q运动发带 uit!)
4. 我从来没有看到自己是一个传奇,我只是一个普通的人,有
着不同的天赋和机遇。(I’ve never en mylf as a legend. I’
m just a guy from Wilmington, North Carolina, who has different
talents and opportunities.)
5. 失败是我成功的催化剂。(I’ve misd more than 9,000
shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times
I’ve been trusted绩效文化 to take the game winning shot and misd.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that
is简单的成语故事 why I succeed.)
6. 有些9画属水的字 人想要成功,有些人是在想象。(Some people want it to
happen, some wish it would happen, others ma经理的英语 ke it happen.)
7. 如果你不努力,你永远不会知道你能达到多远。(If you do
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the work, you get rewarded. There are no sho炖鲫鱼汤 rtcuts in life.)
8. 伟大的事物不会在一夜之间发生,你必须坚持不懈,不断追
求。(Great things come from hard施工进度表 work and perverance. No
e经典喜剧片 xcus.)
9. 最重要的是,你必须有信心,相信自己。(You have to have
confidence in yourlf.)
10. 篮球比赛只是一个比喻,你在生活中也需要做出正确的选择
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