Jiangxi Risun Solar Energy Co., Lt山海经30个神话故事 d. Application Form
应聘职位名称 第二选择 填表日期:
Position Applied: _________________ Second Choice. : ________________ Date to fill in the form:______________
个人资料Personal Details
姓名(中文) 姓名(英文) 性别
Name(Chine): Name(English): Gender: _____________
出生日期 籍贯 民族
Date of Birth: Native province: Ethnic Group: :
技术职称 最高学历 所学专业
Titles: Education: 喘气 Major: :
身高(厘米) 重点英语 体重(公斤) 血型 婚否 健康状况
Height(cm): Weight (kg): 这一天让我铭记作文 Blood type: Marital Status: Health: :
Prent Address:
邮编 电子邮件
Zip Code: E-mail: :
电话号码 手机
Tel NO: Mobile: :
I.D. Card No.:
Permanent Address:
.邮编 电话号码
Zip Code: Tel NO: :
教育及培训状况 Education and training(请从高中开始填写 Starting with the nior middle school)
由 (年/月) 至 (年/月) 学 校 名 称 学位 主修专业 证明人
From(Month/Year) To(Month/Yea r) School t DegreeTestify person
由 (年/月) 至 (年/月) 培 训 机 构 资格证书 课程名称
From(Month/Year) To(Month/Year) Training institutions Qualifications Title of cour
Major Subjec
语言及技能Language Ability and Skills
语言Language 阅读read 会话Spoken 书写Written 技能Skill 水平/证书Level/ Certificate
普通话 Mandarin 计算机程度Computer
英语 English 驾驶Driving
其它 Other 其它 Other
家庭成员 Family members(包括父母及个人家庭 Include parents and personal family )
姓名 Name 关系Relation 年龄 Age 工作单位 Working Units 职务 Position
工作经历 Work Experience(请由最近的工作经历开始填写 Starting with the most recent)
由(年/月)至(年/月) 离职原因
From(Month/Year) Reason for
To(Month/Yea r) (before-Tax) Leaving
其它资料Other information
目前年收入(税前) 期望月工资(税前)
Prent yearly income(before –tax): Expected Monthly Salary (before -tax):
可到职日期 兴趣爱好
Valid Date of reporting: Interests:
您有无在公司任职之亲友? Relatives or friends, if any, employed by the company?
姓名Name 关系Relation 职位Position
Have you ever suffered from injuries due to work accident? If yes, plea specify.
您是如何得知此职位招聘信息的? □网络 □现场招聘 □报纸 □内部介绍 □电视 □其它
How do you know this information? Network On-site recruitment Newspaper Internal introduction TV Other
您为什么双子座水瓶座 会选择瑞晶公司的这个职位?Plea state why you choo the position in Risun Solar?
遇到紧急情况时的联系人 姓名 关系 地址 联系电话
Emergency contact person: Name:__________ Relation:________ Address:__________________ Tel No.:_________
书内所有资料属实;如有虚报之处,可作为立即开除之理由。本人完全了解上述宣言的含义,依风干鱼怎么做好吃 据以上内容,本人申请受
雇猫怎么养 于贵公司,并同意在受雇前接受体检。
I authorize Jiangxi Risun Solar Co., Ltd. to cure any infor甲胎蛋白升高 mation regarding mylf and I hereby relea any person, firm or
institution of all liability for any damage whatsoever issuing from such information. I further declare that the statements made by me
in this application are true, complete and correct. A fal statement or dishonest answer to any question may be grounds for my
immediate discharge from employment with Company. I apply for em上床睡觉英语 ployment in your company on the basis of the information and
conditions mentioned above which I fully comprehend and on the understanding that the company may require me to be physically
examined before engagement.
签名 Signature: 日期 Date:
公司承诺Company commitment
We stick to the company morality,all your information will kept as a cret with the relerant provisions.
以下由人力资源部填写 The following will filled
以往资历调查 Reference check 聚餐 调查人Investigating person:
体检Physically examination 填写人Filled person:
公司名称 职位 证明人
Company name Position Testify person
Monthly Salary
Tel No.
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