用的60个英语前缀(上)(2008-11-13 09:52:32)
1) 中国人民警察节 dis(not, the opposite of)
disadvantage, dislike, disagree, disappear, disarm, disaster,
disastrous, disappoint, disable, disability, discharge, disclo,
discount, discourage, discover, discovery, discrepancy, dia,
disgra高一地理 ce, disgui, disgust, dishonor, dishonest, dislike, dismay,
disorder, dispatch, disper, displace, displacement, displea,
disregard, dissatisfy, distort , distract, disintegrate, isparage,
dispassion, disproportionate
2) in- (not, in, into)
inability, incorrect, inability, incapable, indirect, inhuman,
injustice, informal, inside, include, inclusive, income, increa,
increasingly, incredible, indefinite, independence, independent,
indifferent, indirect, indispensable, individual, indoor, inertia ,
inevitable, infamous , infinite, inhabit , inhabitant, inherent , inject,
inland , inlet , inner, innocent, innumerable , input, inquire, inquiry,
insane, innsitive, inrt, inside, insight, insist, inspect,
inspiration , inspire, install, installation, installment , instance,
instant, instinct, insulate , inten, inte黄鳝网箱 rior, internal, into, intrinsic,
invade, invalid , invaluable , invariably , invasion, invert ,
investigate, invisible, involve, inward, incomplete, indecisive,
inedible, inept, inevitably, infection, infirm, injection, innate,
insatiable, incurity, 康乃馨好养吗 insider, insidious
3) im-
(not, in, into) impossible, imbalance, immature, immoral,
impatient, implicit , impress, impression, import, immigrate,
imprison, immer
4) il- (not)
illegal, illiterate, illogical ir- (not) irregular, irresponsible,
5) un- (not)
unable, uncover, undo, undoubtedly, undress , uneasy,
unemployment , unexpected, unfold , unfortunately,
unimportant, unlike, unload, unusual, unaware, enlightened,
unparalleled, unsustainable,
6) non- (not)
nonsmoker, nonexistence, non-cooperation, nonstop,
nonmetal, nonresident, nonn, nonfundamentalist,
7) mis- (wrong, wrongly)
mislead, misspell, misstep, misfortune, misu, misguided,
8) de- (showing the opposite, to remove, to reduce)
deform, deface, demobilize, destruction, deforest,
denationalize, decode, decrea, depress, depression,
degenerate , degrade , descend, descendant , descent
9) pre- (before, in advance)
prefix, pre-historic, precaution, precede , preceding,
preclude , predecessor , predict, predominant , preface, prejudice,
preliminary, premature , premier , premi , 易烊千玺壁纸 premium ,
preparation, prepare, prepay, preside , president, presumably,
presume , pretext , prevail, prevent, previous, prewar,
preconception, prediction, prescientific, presumptively
10) ante-, (before, in advance)
anteroom, ante-Christian, antemeridian, anticipate, antique
11) fore- (in advance, before, in or at the front)
forearm, forehead, foreman, foretell , foree , forefather ,
foreleg, forerunner , fore , foremost, forecast, forewarn
12) ex- (out, out of, former)
ex-minister, ex-president, ex-Soviet Union, ex-wife, export,
exclude, exclusive, excursion, exhibit, exile , exit, exotic , expand,
expansion, expedition , expel , expend , expenditure , expen,
explode, explosion, explosive, expo, exposition , exposure,
express, expression_r, extend, extension, extensive, exterior,
external, extinct, extra, extract
13) post- (later than, after)
postgraduate, postwar, postmeridian, postpone, postscript
14) sub- (under, below, less important)
sub, subject, subway, subtitle, subdivide, submarine英文鬼故事 , sub-
zero, submerge, submit, subordinate , subscribe , subction,
subquent, subsidiary , subsidy , substance, substantial,
substitute, subtract, suburb, subconsciously, subtly
15) infra- (below in a range, beyond)
infrastructure , infrared
16) re- (again, back to a former state)
react, reaction, recall, recede , receipt, recipient , reclaim ,
recognize, recognition, record, recorder, recover, recovery,
recreation, recur , recycle , redundant , reflect, reflection, reflexion,
reform, refrain , refresh, refreshment , refund , refute , reinforce,
reject, remember, remind, removal, remove, renaissance , renew,
repay , repeat, repeatedly, repel , repetition, replace, replacement,
reprent, reprentative, repression , reproduce, respect,
respond, respon, responsibility, responsible, restore, resume,
return, reunion , revi, revive
17) co-, col-, com-, con-, cor- (with together)
co-existence, cooperative , co-author, coalition , coherent ,
coincide , coincidence , collaboration , colleague, collide ,
collision, collocation, compassion, compassionate, concentric,
confederation, conjoin, coordinate, correlate, correlation,
18) inter- (between, among) interchange, interchangeable,
interdependent, interpersonal, interview, interact , interaction,
intercour , interface , interfere, interference, Internet, interrupt,
interval, intervene
19) macro- (large)
macroeconomics , macrocosm , macrostructure
20) micro- (extremely small)
microcomputer, microeconomics , microscope, microphone,
microsurgery, microelectronics, microbiologist
21) super- (greater or more than)
super, supermarket, supersonic , superman, superpower,
supernatural, supervi , superb, superficial, superintendent ,
superior, superiority , supreme, supersystem
22) sur- (more than, beyond)
surplus, surtax, surface, surpass , surround, survival, survive,
23) ultra- (beyond, very, too)
ultramodern, ultrasound, ultra-violet
24) auto- (of or by onelf)
auto, autocriticism, autoland, automobile, automation ,
automatic, autobiography , autonomous , autonomy
25) mal- (bad, badly)
malfunction, maltreat , malnutrition , malpractice
26) tele- (at or over a long distance, by or for television)
telegram, television, telegraph, telephone,
telecommunications , telescope, telescreen, teleswitch, televi
28) mi-, hemi- (half) s
emicircle, miconductor, mi-colony , mifinal,
29) uni-, mono- (one)
uniform, unify , union, unique, unit, unite, unity, univer,
universal, university, monologue , monoplane, monopoly ,
monotone, monotonous , carbon monoxide
30) bi-, di- (two)
biweekly, bicycle, bilateral , billion, bilingual, dialogue,
carbon dioxide
最常用的60个英语前缀(下)(2008-11-13 09:55:23)
31) tri- (three)
tricycle , triangle, triangular, trilogy , triple, trigonometry
32) quadri-, quadru- (four)
quadruple, quadrangle
33) penta- (five)
pentagon, Pentagon, Pentium
34) hexa- (six)
hexagon, hexangular mill- (thousand) millennium, millimeter
35) pt- (ven)
September, Sept-Wolves nona- (nine) nonagon, November
36) octa- (eight)
octagon, octave, octopus, October 38) deci-, deca- (ten)
decade, decimal
39) centi- (hundre个人述职ppt dth part)
centigrade, centimeter, centipede, century
40) kilo- (thousand)
kilo, kilometer, kilogram (me), kilowatt
42) multi- (many)
multipurpo, multinational, multiple, multiply, multitude
43)counter-,anti-,contra- (opposite, against counteract,
counterattack, counterclockwi, counterrevolutionary, antibiotic,
antigravity, antimatter, antiwar, antinuclear, contradict ,
contradiction, contramissile, contranatural, contrary, contrast,
44) mini- (smallest, short)
minibus, miniskirt, minimum, minister, ministry, minor,
minority, minute
45) max- (greatest)
maximum, maximal, maximize
46) out- (outside, beyond)
outdo, outwit, outlive, outnumber,等待的唯美句子 outdoor, outstanding,
outskirts , outward, outcome, outer, outing , outline, outlook,
output, outrage , outside
47) over- (too much, above, additional)
overwork, overu, overtake, overpass , overthrow , overturn ,
overall, overdue , overhead, overhear , overlook, overas,
48) tran关于责任的故事 s- (across, on or to the other side of)
transaction , transatlantic, transcend , transfer, transform,
transistor , transit , transition , translate, translation, transmission,
transmit, transmitter, transparent, transplant, transport,
49) under- (too little, below)
underdevelop, underdevelopment, underestimate,
undergraduate, underground, underlie , underline, undera,
underlying , undermine , underneath, underwear
50) neo- (new)
neo-Nazism, neolithic
51) be- (cau to be or have)
befriend, belittle
52) bio- (life)
biology, biography , autobiography, antibiotic, biochemistry,
biosphere, biomedical
53) en- em- (cau to become, put into the stated condition)
embody, empower, endanger, enlarge, enrich, encompass,
enthrone, entrench
54) extra- (outside, beyond)
extracurricular, extraordinary
55) mid- (middle)
midday, midnight
56) poly- (many)
polycentric, polydirectional, polysyllabic
57) pudo- (not real, fal)
pudomemory, pudonym, pudoscience
58) thermo- (heat)
thermochemistry, thermometer
59) vice- (next in rank below)
vice-chairman, vice-president
60) aero- (air)
aerial , aeroplane, aeronautics, aerospace
61) cross- (across, going between the stated things and
joining them) cross-country, crossbreed
62) intra- (inside, within; into)
intracity, intra-department, intranet
63) pro- (in favor of, supporting)
pro-America, pro-abortion
64) lf-
lf-employed, lf-taught
65) step- (not by birth but through a parent who has
remarried) tepmother, stepchildren
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