
更新时间:2023-04-19 11:48:49 阅读: 评论:0

2023年4月19日发(作者:职业人格)座椅基准点:ating reference point (SgRP)

座椅高:at height

座椅调节器:at adjuster

座椅调节电动机:at adjustment motor

座椅调节操纵件:at adjustment cntrol

座椅底板负荷传感器:SPLC Seat-Pan Load Cell


座垫至顶盖高:height from at to roof

座垫静变形量:amount of static cushion deformation

坐标系:Coordinate System

作用在挂接装置上的最大允许静载荷:maximum authorized sta手风琴入门 tic load on coupling device

作用在挂接装置上的最大设计静载荷:maximum design static laod on coupling device

作用机构:actuation gear

作废:invalidated notes

作动拉杆:actuating link

左转向讯号:LSIG Left-Turn-Signal

左右移动受限型万向接头:GE Glaenzer External Joint

左--右:L-R Left-Right

左手,左侧:LH Left-hand

左前转向状态:LFST Left-Front-Steeringl-Status

左前马达方向:LFMD Left-Front-Motor-Direction

左前马达电流:LFMC Left-Front-Motor-Current

左前电流回馈:LFCF Left-Front-Current-Feedback

左前电磁阀状态:LFSS Left-Front-Solenoid-Status

左前保持回馈:LFHF Left-Front-Hold-Feedback

左前保持:LFHL Left-Front-Hold

左喷油嘴故障:LINF Left-Injector-Fault

左门:LDOR Left-Door

左脉波宽度调节器阀:LFPW Left-PWM-Valve

左积分器:INTL Left-Integrator

左后:LR Left Rear

左含氧传感器电压:O2-L Left-O2-Voltage

左侧喷射器脉波宽度:IPWL Left-Injector-Pul-Width

左侧驾驶:left-hand drive

左侧发动机:left-hand engine


最小转弯直径试验:minimum turning diameter test

最小设计轴荷:minimum authorized axle load

最佳喷油正时:BIT Best Injection Timing


最佳功率:BP Best Power


最高执行官:chief executive officer

最高连续发火转速:maximum continued sparking speed

最高空转转速:maximum no load governed speed

最高断火转速:maximum misfire revolution

最高档开关:TGS Top Gear Switch

最低稳定工作转速试验:lowest continuous speed test with load

最低稳定工作转速:minimum steady speed

最低湿沸点:minimum wet boiling point

最低控制速度:minimum control speed

最低工作转速:minimum operating speed

最大制动蹄中心升程:maximum shoe centre lift

最大制动减速度:maximum braking deceleration

最大允许总质量:maximum design total mass

最大允许装载质量:maximum autohorized pay mass

最大允许轴荷:maximum design axle load

最大允许拖挂质量:maximum authorized towed mass

最大油量限制器:maximum feed stop lever

最大设计总质量:complete vehicle kerb mass

最大设计装载质量:maximum design pay mass

最大设计轴荷:maximum design axle load

最大设计拖挂质量:maximum authorized tyre load

最大容量,最大载重量:MAX CAP Maximum


最大扭矩转速:The maximum torque speed

最大车辆空间:MAS Maximum Axle Spacing

最大(高):MAX Maximum

钻铣床:boring milling machine

钻孔立柱车:pole drill erection truck

组装轮辋式车轮:demountable rim wheel

组件总成:module asmbly

组合制动系统:combination braking sytem

组合尾灯:combination tail lamp

组合式悬架:combination suspension

组合式桥壳:unitized carrier-type axle housing

组合式客车车身:modular bus body

组合式活塞环:compositive piston ring

组合式变速器:Knockdown Transmission

组合前灯:comination headlamp

组合气室:analytical train

组合空气控制阀:CACV Combined Air Control Valve

组合多轴控制:combined multi-axle control

组成部件:component part

组.套:PKG. Package

阻塞面积比:blockage area ratio

阻燃尿烷泡沫:lf-extinguishing urethane foam

阻燃剂:flame retardant

阻尼器,缓冲器:Damp Damper

阻尼电阻:damping resistor



阻风门助开器:CO Choke Opener

阻风门真空强制通风阀:CPVVV Choke Pulldown Vacuum Vent Valve

阻风门限制器:CB Choke Breaker

阻风门热控真空开关:CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch

阻风门强制开启阀:C/O Choke Openner

阻风门拉线:choke cable

阻风门拉钮:choke button

阻风门开启器:choke opener

阻风门加热器:choke heaters

阻风门回位系统:CRS Choke Return System

阻风管:choke tube

纵置板簧式:parallel leaf spring type

纵向作用弧:overlap arc

纵向推力杆:longitudinal rod

纵向通过角:ground clearance

纵向强迫震动:TFV Tractive Force Variation

纵向花纹:circumferential pattern

纵倾,横倾,横摆:P-Y-R Pitch-Yaw-Roll

纵梁垫木:wood filler block

纵臂:trailing arm

总装板式输送机南:asmbling conveyer (south)

总装板式输送机北:asmbling conveyer (north)

总制动时间:total braking tiem

总制动力:total braking force

总制动距离:total braking distance

总碳氢化合物分析仪:flame ionization ditector

总马力:gross horpower

总机程控交换机:process control telephone switchboard

总成和部件:asmblies and parts

总销售年度工作计划 布置设计:overall outlay design

总,全:O.A. Overall


综合总重,连结车辆总重量:GCW Gr夏天食谱 oss Combination Weight (US)

综合因子:comprehensive factor

综合式液力变矩器:torque converter-coupling

综合排放质量:composite mass of exhaust emission

综合排放浓度:composite concentration of exhaust emission

综合控制直接点火:IDI Integrated Direct Ignition

综合控制供油:IFC Integrated Fuel Control

综合监控台:integrated monitor panel

综合环境控制:IEC Integrated Environmental Contro

综合的,集成的:Intgrtd Integrated

综合,组合:Comb. Combination

自装卸垃圾车:refu c

ollecting truck

自诊状态:DIAG Diagnostic-State

自诊输入触发电路:TD Diagnosing 网速慢怎么解决 Data Line

自诊闪码电路:RxD Diagnosing Sensing Line

自诊接苹果电脑序列号 头VF2:VF2 Data Link Connector 2

自诊接头VF1:VF1 Data Link Connector 1

自诊接头:DLC Data Link Connector

自诊备用电源模块:DERM Diagnostic Energy Rerve Module

自愿认证制:laboratory certification

自由加速法:free acceleration method

自由环:free ring


自卸式挂车:dumper trailer

自校准扭力:SAT Self Aligning Torque

自我诊断线:ALDL Asmbly Line Data Link

自我诊断接线总成:ALDL Asmbly Line Diagnostic Link


自我测试自动资料分析:STAR Self Test Automated Readout

自我测试输入装置:STI Self Test Input

自推进的,自行的:SFPD Self-Propelled

自锁插座:positive locking female connector

自然循环液冷却系统:natural circulation type cooling s浙江卫视综艺节目 ystem


自然吸气,非增压发动机:N/A Natural Aspirate

自然进气引擎:NA Naturally Aspirated Engine

自然进气式引擎:N/A Natural Aspirate

自然进气式发动机:naturally aspirated engine

自然进气:NA Naturally Aspirated

自检输入线路:STI Self Test Input Circuit

自检输出:STO Self-Test Output


自己动手维修车辆:DIY Do-It-Yourlf

自动制动系统:automatic braking sytem

自动正时器:ATC Automatic Timing Corrector

自动增力式同步器:lf-rvo sysnchronizer

自动愈合的防腐材料:lf-healing corrosion preventative material

自动液力变速器:automatic transmission

自动性能控制系统:APC Automatic Performance Control

自动稳定调节控制器开关:ASRS ASR-Switch

自动稳定调节控制器:ASRC Automatic-Stability-Regulation-Controller

自动稳定调节:ASR Automatic-Stability-Regulation


自动同步器:AS Automatic Synchronizer

自动天线操纵件:automatic antenna control

自动锁紧式伸缩装置:ALR Automatic Locking Retractor

自动速度调节装置:ASCD Auto Speed Control Device

自动水平控制装置:Automatic Level Control

自动频率调节:AFC Automatic Frequency Control

自动门锁:ADL automatic door clock

自动列车停止装置:ATS Automatic Train Stopper

自动列车驾驶装置:ATO Automatic Train Operation

自动离合式自锁差速器:automotive positive locking differential

自动控制变速:ACG Automatic Control Gear

自动控制:automatic control

自动空调系统:automatic air-conditioning system

自动检测装置:automatic testing device

自动换档机械式变速器:automatic mechanical tranmission

自动恒流充电机:auto stabilizing charger

自动功率调整:APC Automatic Power Control

自动断油装置:AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff


ntering relea bearing

自动调温装置:automatic temperature control

自动调节悬挂:AAS Auto Adjust Suspension

自动底盘润滑系统:ACL Automatic Chassis Lubrication

自动导向车辆:automatically guided vehicle

自动怠速:automatic idling

自动冲头:automatic punch

自动超载控制:automatic overload control

自动超速:AOD Automatic Overdrive

自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置:Locking Retractor

自动变速箱油:ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid

自动变速箱超速器:AXOD Automatic Overdrive Transaxle

自动变速箱(AT):AG Automatic Transmission

自动变速箱:automatic transmission

自动变速器指示器:automatic gearbox indicator

自动变速器:Auto transmission

自动/省油开关:ECON Econ-Switch

自调式水封:lf-adjusting al unit

自承式万向节:lf-supporting universal joint

字体输入载体:c理性思考 haracter input carrier

字铅合金:type metal

字模版式计算机排版:computerized matrix grid photo type tting

字模版:matrix grid

字面率:type face proportion

字符数字化仪:character digistizer

字(词)省略:omission of chine word

紫外线干燥:UV curing

紫外光分光度计:ultraviolet spectral photometer


资讯,讯息:Mess. Message


着火控制添加剂:ICA Ignition Control Additive

准双曲面齿轮副:hypoid drive,hypoid gear pair

准等速万向节:near constant velocity universal joint


准备就绪指示器:readiness indicator

准备阶段:preparation stage

锥型座(螺帽定位用):cone at (for retaining nut)

锥形渐开线齿轮:conical involute gear

锥齿轮研齿机:bevel gear lapper

锥齿轮式差速器:bevel gear differential

锥齿轮齿数:number of teeth in bevel gears and hypoid gears

锥齿轮齿宽:face width of tooth in bevel gears and hypoid gears


撞车模拟装置:crash simulation test t-up

撞车地点:crash site

装载,拖运,倾卸作业:LHD Load,Haul,Dump

装卸机械:handling machinery

装配清洁度:asmbly cleanliness

装甲指挥车:ACV Armored Command Vehicle

装甲人员输送车:APC Armored Personnel Carrier

装甲抢救车:ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle

装甲汽车:AC Armored Car

转子轴颈:rotor diameter

转子式机油泵:rotor oil pump

转向阻力矩:steering resisting torque

转向柱式变速:column shift

转向指示器操纵件:direction indicator control

转向直拉杆:drag link

转向油罐:oil rervoir

转向油泵理论排量:theoretical displacement of pump

转向摇臂最大摆角:max. Swing angle of steering pitman arm

转向系角传动比:steering system angle ratio

转向系刚度:steering system stiffness

转向蜗杆:Turning Worm

转向万向节:Steering shaft universal joint

转向驱动桥:steering drive axle


输出扭矩:steering gear max. Output torque

转向器总圈数:total turns of steering gaer

转向器转动力矩:rotating torque of steering gear

转向器扭转刚度:torsional stiffness of steering gear

转向器角传动比特性:steering gear angle ratio characteristic

转向器角传动比:steering gear angle ratio

转向器反驱动力矩:rever rotating torque of steering gear

转向器传动效率特性:steering gear efficeieny characteristic

转向器传动效率:steerign gear efficiency

转向器传动间隙特性:steering gear clearance characterstic

转向器传动间隙:steering gar cleanrance

转向盘总圈数:total number of steering wheel turns

转向盘自由行程:free play of steering wheel

转向盘转角脉冲试验:steering wheel impul input test

转向盘转角阶跃输入试验:steering wheel step input or transient state yaw respon test

转向盘转角:HW Hand-Wheel Angle

转向盘轴:steering column

转向盘轮缘盲区:steering wheel rim obstruction

转向盘力矩qq怎么创建群聊 :steering effort

转向盘回正性试验:test of steering wheel returnability

转向盘毂及辐条盲区:steering hub and spoke obstruction

转向盘调节装置操纵件:steering wheels adjustment control

转向力特性:steering force characteristic

转向力矩:steering torque

转向力角测量仪:steering force gauge

转向控制阀预开隙:pre-opened play of steering contol valve

转向控制阀压力降特性:steeirn gcontrol valve presrue loss characteristtic

转向控制阀压力降:pressure loss in steering control valve

转向控制阀全开隙:totally -opened play of steering control valve

转向控制阀内泄漏量:internal leakage in steering control valve

转向节止推轴承:steering knuckle thrust bearing

转向横轴:cross shaft

转向横拉杆:steering track rod,track rod

转向管柱:steering tube

转向动力缸:power cylinder

转向灯开关:turn signal switch

转向传动轴:steering drive axle

转向传动机构角传动比:steering linkage angle ratio

转向传动杆系:steering linkage

转向传动比:steer ratio


转弯半径:turning radius


转台式斜断锯:turn-table cutting saw

转塔式六角车床:Turret lathe

转速信号(CKP):TR Speed Signal per Revolution

转速适应性系数:speed adaptive coefficient

转速累计表:total revolution counter

转速控制点火系统:SCS Speed-Controlled Spark System

转速控制的推迟喷油时刻:retarded injection timing control system

转速继电器:speed relay

转速表电阻器:TACHR Tachometer Resistor


转矩修正装置:TMD Toque Modification Device

转矩限制系统:TLS Toque Limiting System

转矩限制阀:TLV Toque Limiting Valve

转换器锁定离合器:CLC Converter Locking Clutch

转换器,变压器:Invrtr Inverter


:CHIT Converter-Hi-Temp

转换触点:change-over contact,transfer contact

转化效率:transformation efficiency

转鼓试验台:drum dynamometers

转阀式转向控制阀:rotary valve type


转/秒:revolution per cond (rps)

专用自卸汽车:mining dump truck

专用警告灯:special warning lamp

专用车:Special vehicle

专业标准:professional standard

专家楼:expert rooms

铸字排版:hot-metal typetting, hot type composition

铸造工艺:casting process

铸排机:composing machine, hot-metal composing machine

铸工浴室:bath room of casting shop

铸工扩建2:casting shop expanding 2

铸工扩建1:casting shop expanding 1

铸工金相室:metallography room of casting shop

铸工变电所冲压:transformer of casting shop-stamping shop

筑路工程用车:recording bus

柱形滚道星形套:inner race withcylinder ball grooves

柱式悬臂吊:colume suspension crane

柱式回转悬臂吊:colume suspension crane

柱塞套:Piston Bush

驻车制动系统:parking braking system

驻车制动系警报灯:parking braking sytem warning tell-tale

驻车制动推杆:parking brake push-rod

驻车制动器操纵件:parking brake control

驻车制动杠杆:parking brake lever

驻车制动操纵装置:parking brake control device

驻车/空档:P/N Park/Neutral

贮油箱阀门,储气室阀门:VIR Valves In Receiver


注油控制装置:fill control system

注释编号:numbering of footnote

注入探头:injection probe

助推发动机:booster engine

助燃剂/增强剂:booster /enhancer

助力转向:power steering

助力制动系统:energy assisted brake system

助力制动:Power assisted braking

助力膜片:rvo diaphragm;boosting diap大灰兔 hragm

助力活塞:rvopiston;boosting piston

助力撑杆:power-assisted brace gas spring

主制动时间:main braking time

主要力方向:direction of principal force (PDOF)

主要力:principal force

主要电源:KEYPWR Key Power

主压力:main pressure

主视区:primary vision area

主腔:main cavity

主皮碗:primary cup

主量孔:main jet

主控混合阀门2:COM2 Mix-Door-Commanded-2

主控混合阀门1:COM1 Mix-Door-Commanded-1

主进水口:water main inlet port

主降速齿轮减速比:final reduction gear ratio

主降速齿轮:final reduction gear

主减速器壳五孔精镗:finish boring machine for five holes on final drive hou

主减速器壳五孔粗镗:rough boring machine for five hole on final drive hou

主减速器壳铰孔机:reaming machine for final drive hou

主减速器壳攻丝机:threading machine for final drive hou

主缸活塞回位弹簧:master cylinder piston return spring

主缸缸体:master cylinder body

主缸储液室:master cylinder rervoir

主传感器:master nsor

主变速器:basic trnasmission

烛式:sliding pillar type

间换气损失:Emission test

肘靠:at armres迈进新时代 t

轴针式喷嘴:Pintle nozzle

轴控制:axis control

轴颈重叠度:shaft journal overlap

轴颈安装:journal mounting

轴间差速器:inter-axle differentials

轴荷:vertical axle

轴管叉(焊接叉):tube(weld yoke)

轴安装:axle mounting

周围时间:turnaround time


本文发布于:2023-04-19 11:48:49,感谢您对本站的认可!



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