Rician信道参数 k 才是实质 重要的参数,tau 和pdb是根据信道的 profile delay 可得的
rice分布是一个两参数分布,s^2和sigma^2,s^2表示接收信号中的非衰落信号分量(又称为镜像分量), s^2/sigma^2就是函数里面的K,具体推导翻翻随机过程的书就能找到了
函数channel = ricianchan(t排长职责
将发送的数据x经过滤波函数 y= filter(channel,x)即可得到经过信道后的数据
chan = ricianchan(ts,fd,k) constructs a frequency-flat (single path) Rician fading-channel object. ts is the sample time of the input signal, in conds. fd is the maximum Doppler shif脚底板长痣
t, in hertz. k is the Rician K-factor in linear scale. You can model the effect of the channel chan on a signal x by using the syntax y = filter(chan,x). See filter (channel)
for more information. 单径莱斯,平坦
chan = ricianchan(ts,fd,k,tau,pdb) constructs a frequency-lective (multiple paths) fading-channel object. If k is a scalar, then the first discrete path is a Rician fading process (it contains a line-of-sight component) with a K-factor of k, while the remaining discrete paths are independent Rayleigh fading process (no line-of-sight component). If k is a vector of the same size as tau, then each discrete path is a Rician fading process with a K-factor given by the corresponding element of the vector k. tau is a vector of path delays, each specified in conds. pdb is a vector of average path gains, each specified in dB. 多径,频率选择,可以有多条莱斯径
chan = ricianchan(ts,fd,k,tau,pdb,fdLOS) specifies fdlos as the Doppler shift(s) of the line-of-sight component(s) of the discrete path(s), in hertz. fdlos must be the same size as k. If k and fdlos are scalars, the line-of-sight component of the first discrete path has a Doppler shift of fdlos, while the remaining discrete paths are independent Rayleigh fading process. If fdlos is a vector of the same size as k, the line-of-sight component of each discrete path has a Doppler shift given by the corresponding element of the vector fdlos. By default, fdlos is 0. The initial pha(s) of the line-of-sight component(s) can be t through the property DirectPathInitPha. 每条莱斯径都能有fd
chan = ricianchan ts the maximum Doppler shift to 0, the Rician K-factor to 1, and the Doppler shift and initial pha of the line-of-sight component to 0. This syntax models a static frequency-flat channel, and, in this trivial ca, the sample time of the signa葬尸湖
l is unimportant.
If Doppler shift =0 then it’s called Static channel, el dynamic channel
If Path number=1 then it’s called frequency-flat el ,frequency-lective : path number
The toolbox implements a baband channel model for multipath propagation scenarios that include:
N discrete fading paths, each with its own delay and average power gain. A channel for which N = 1 is called a frequency-flat fading channel. A channel for which N > 1 is experienced as a frequency-lective fading channel by a signal of sufficiently wide bandwidth.
A Rayleigh or Rician model for each path.
By default, each path of the channel is modeled with a Jakes Doppler spectrum, with a maximum Doppler shift that can be specified. Other types of Doppler spectra are allowed (identical or different for all paths): flat, restricted Jakes, asymmetrical Jakes, Gaussian, bi-Gaussian, and rounded.
If the maximum Doppler shift is t to 0 or omitted during the construction of a channel object, then the channel is modeled as static (i.e., the fading does not evolve with time), and the Doppler spectrum specified has no effect on the fading process.
主径 第一径 line-of-sight
,第一径为第一条到达的径,line-of-sight 视线可见路径
PI PO TU6等信新鲜海参的正确做法
道是指定了多少条径以及每条径的分布特性以及tau, pdb等各种参数的信道,其中某些径可能服从让rayleigh或rician分布
径的分辨率由采样频率决定,1M采样,则sample 周期1us,则多径分辨率1us,小于1us的无法看到
你的ch=ricianchan(288/8000000,[0.4 0.3 0.5],[4 0 0],[0,0.4/1000000,0.9/1000000],[0,-15,-20]);