
更新时间:2024-03-06 23:16:50 阅读: 评论:0





1、请以主人的身份向外国朋友介绍一下北京和北京几个著名的景点。根据以下提示写一篇短文。1.北京是一个历史悠久的城市; 2.北京有许多名胜古迹(places of interest); 3.紫禁城是最受欢迎的景点之一;(one of ……)4.故宫非常漂亮和著名; 5.长城也是非常美丽可去一看的地方6.天安门广场是一个好去处,可去漫步。注:⑴ 字数80左右。⑵ 请不要逐字翻译,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯、意思完整、符合逻辑。⑶ 参考词汇:紫禁城 the forbidden city 故宫

the summer palace 天安门广场 tian’anmen square2.假如你是han mei, 下面是一封你的笔友alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。提示词语:listen to, mothers love, care about, communicate with,

get along with, smile写作要求:


dear han mei,

im afraid ive got a big problem recently. my mother talks too

much to me. she always tells me, be careful while crossing the

street. put on more clothes. did you do a good job at school?

and so on. im annoyed(烦恼)。what shall i do?

alice as a teenager, i met the same problem as you. but now i

can get along your mother talks much, becau she cares

about you. maybe its not a good 3.根据图示,简要介绍一下如何才能保持健康,并展开想象,适当发挥。要求:词数80左右。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。



4.你的加拿大朋友danny, 也是一位中学生。他希望了解你的暑假打算。为此,你把你的想法写成短文,发e-mail给他。暑假生活包括以下内容:



5.请以“my pleasant trip” 为题,根据提示和要求写一次你记忆中愉快的旅行。提示:请叙述本次旅行的时间、地点、人物以及有哪些活动等;体现出是一次愉快的旅行。 my pleasant trip

6.每个人都有自己的爱好,有些人喜欢集邮,有些人喜欢跳舞,这些爱好为我们的生活增添了不少色彩。请以“my hobbies”为题,写一篇60-80字的短文。

my hobbies

7随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们的业余生活赿来赿丰富,想必你的业余生活也同样五颜六色吧?请你以my free time 为题写一篇短文,写出你自己丰富多彩的业余生活,词数限制在80左右。

my free time







li hua

8.以后十年内我的生活(my life in ten years)






:chinas great wall is in the human history of civilization the

greatest architectural

engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago spring and

autumn period warring states times, after the qin dynasty

unifies china, connects the great wall. the chine, the bright

two generations once massively constructed. vast its project,

grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world

miracle. roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when

mounted in former days great walls ruins, not only could

witness that meandered in the hills high mountains great wall

grand appearance, but could also

understand the chine nation creation history great wisdom

and courage. the 1987 year in december great wall is included

world heritage name list 北京这座城市有我喜欢的气息,深深的,新鲜的,让人难以抗拒的氧气,给我最美味的给养,

beijing city has my favorite flavor, deep, fresh, and makes it

difficult to resist oxygen, give me the most delicious supplies,

北京曾经令我无限神往的城市, 一座巽寮的城市,如今展现在我眼前, 如痴如梦, 如诗如画, 缠绵令人心醉。

beijin once made the city which i infinite was charmed, a xun

trigram laoss city, unfolds now in me at prent, like crazy like

dream, like poem like picture, tangled up elated.

my families plan to visit the interesting place p of

are led to the oriental pearl tv tower ,a famous tourist

attraction,which is on every shanghaines is a

magnificent building located in pudong new area,it is the

tallest building,so its very easy to e this building,even if you

are veral miles away we get to the high floor of the

oriental pearl tv tower,we e the attractive viwswhich includes

the huangpu river through the the moment,l

suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to

this building and let it be a landmark of this city. this is the trip

l never forget.

my hometown beijing is famous for its places of

an men ,the great wall and the imperial palace are the most

famous places in year many visitors visit

my hometown,roast duck is very famous people like

to eat it and even foreign peole have known about it.

as we know,beijing is our capital so there must be many

interesting things hometown beijing is famous for its

places of an men ,the great wall and the imperial

palace are the most famous places in year many

visitors visit

my hometown,roast duck is very famous

people like to eat it and even foreign peole have known about it.

our capital beijing is a beautiful has very old and

famous as,the longest wall in the world the

great wall,tiananmens squar,place muumthe summer place

and temple of heaven and so has many parks

here, as,xiangshan park and beihai are

beautiful,e to yourlf.




现在故宫的一些宫殿中设有综合性展览,收藏有大量古代艺术珍品,是中国文物收藏最丰富的博物馆。 1. the imperial palace

the imperial palace, also known as the forbidden city, is

located in the center of beijing city, 1 km north from the

tiananmen square, right opposite the south gate of jingshan

mountain. outside the imperial palace lies a moat, on the inner

side of which there?s the city wall who perimeter is 3 km

with a height of nearly 10 meters. the wall has one gate on

each side: the meridian gate to the south, the shenwu gate to

the north, the donghua gate to the east and the xihua gate to

the west; besides, there?re four exquisitely carved unique

turrets standing at each corner of the wall. the forbidden city

can be roughly divided into two parts: the southern part, the

working area, is called “the outer court” and the northern part,

the living area, is regarded as “the imperial palace”. all the

constructions of the imperial palace are arranged orderly on

the central axis with east-

west symmetry. to the north of the living area is the small but

unique imperial garden where the royal family amu


nowadays, some palaces in the forbidden city have been

equipped with comprehensive exhibitions where abundant

ancient art treasures are collected. the national palace

muum is the muum that collects the most cultural relics in

china. 2.天坛公园 天坛位于北京城南端,是明清两代皇帝祭祀天地


外坛墙东、南、北三面均没有门,只有西边修两座大门——圜丘坛门和祈谷坛门(也称天坛门)。而内坛墙四周则有东、南、西、北四座天门。内坛建有祭坛和斋宫,并有一道东西横墙,南为圜丘坛,北为祈谷坛。 2. the temple of heaven

located in southern beijing city, the temple of heaven is the

place where the emperors of ming and qing dynasties

worshiped heaven and prayed for bumper crops. the temple of

heaven is comprid of the circular mound altar and the hall of

prayer for good harvests, and there?re two walls, the inner one

and the outer one, surrounding the temple of heaven. with

north wall being circular and the south one square as it

intercts with the east and west walls at right angles, they?re

given the name “the heaven and earth walls”, reprenting

heaven and earth, for in ancient china, people believed that

heaven was round and earth was square. there is no gate at

the east, south and north side of the outer wall and the only

two gates are at the1.故宫 故宫又名紫禁城,位于北京市中心、天安门广场北1km,景山南门对面。故宫外围是一条护城河,河内是周长3km、高近10米的城墙,城墙四面都有门,南有午门,北有神武门,东有东华门,西有西华门;城墙四角还耸立着4座角楼,造型别致,玲珑剔透。


现在故宫的一些宫殿中设有综合性展览,收藏有大量古代艺术珍品,是中国文物收藏最丰富的博物馆。 1. the imperial palace

the imperial palace, also known as the forbidden city, is

located in the center of beijing city, 1 km north from the

tiananmen square, right opposite the south gate of jingshan

mountain. outside the imperial palace lies a moat, on the inner

side of which there?s the city wall who perimeter is 3 km

with a height of nearly 10 meters. the wall has one gate on

each side: the meridian gate to the south, the shenwu gate to

the north, the donghua gate to the east and the xihua gate to

the west; besides, there?re four exquisitely carved unique

turrets standing at each corner of the wall. the forbidden city

can be roughly divided into two parts: the southern part, the

working area, is called “the outer court” and the northern part,

the living area, is regarded as “the imperial palace”. all the

constructions of the imperial palace are arranged orderly on

the central axis with east-west symmetry. to the north of the

living area is the small but unique imperial garden where the

royal family amu themlves.

nowadays, some palaces in the forbidden city have been

equipped with comprehensive exhibitions where abundant

ancient art treasures are collected. the national palace

muum is the muum that collects the most cultural relics in

china. 2.天坛公园 天坛位于北京城南端,是明清两代皇帝祭祀天地之神和祈祷五谷丰收的地方。天坛包括圜丘和祈谷二坛,围墙分内外两层,呈回字形。北围墙为弧圆形,南围墙与东西墙

外坛墙东、南、北三面均没有门,只有西边修两座大门——圜丘坛门和祈谷坛门(也称天坛门)。而内坛墙四周则有东、南、西、北四座天门。内坛建有祭坛和斋宫,并有一道东西横墙,南为圜丘坛,北为祈谷坛。 2. the temple of heaven

located in southern beijing city, the temple of heaven is the

place where the emperors of ming and qing dynasties

worshiped heaven and prayed for bumper crops. the temple of

heaven is comprid of the circular mound altar and the hall of

prayer for good harvests, and there?re two walls, the inner one

and the outer one, surrounding the temple of heaven. with

north wall being circular and the south one square as it

intercts with the east and west walls at right angles, they?re

given the name “the heaven and earth walls”, reprenting

heaven and earth, for in ancient china, people believed that

heaven was round and earth was square. there is no gate at

the east, south and north side of the outer wall and the only

two gates are at the子群。

5. the bell tower and the drum tower


观看一场升降旗仪式是必不可少的一件事。 6. the tiananmen


at the south side of chang an avenue and on the traditional

central axis of beijing city locates the tiananmen square, the

world?s largest square. in the center of the square stands the

monument of the people?s heroes, to the south of which is the

chairman mao memorial hall, and cross the hall you?ll arrive at

the zhengyang gate which is more frequently referred to by

people as qianmen. the great hall of the people lies on the west

side of the square and on the east side is the national muum.

right opposite the square, namely, the north side of chang an

avenue is the tiananmen gate tower beneath which flows the

glistening golden stream. every morning and dusk witness a

grand and solemn flag raising and lowering ceremony and

tho who come to beijing for the first time definitely don?t

want to miss the flag raising ceremony.7.明十三陵

明十三陵是明朝迁都北京后13位皇帝的墓葬群,位于昌平区天寿山南麓,距市区约50km。明十三陵由13个独立的陵墓组成为一个统一的整体。每座陵墓分别建于一座山前,陵墓规格大同小异,陵与陵之间少至0.5km,多至8km。已开放的景点有长陵、定陵、昭陵和神道(神路)。 7. the ming tombs

situated at the south foot of the tianshou mountain in

changping district which is about 50 km away from the city

center, the ming tombs are the graves of the 13 emperors of

ming dynasty after the capital of ming dynasty was moved

from nanjing to beijing. it?s a unified entirety compod by 13

independent tombs. every tomb was built in the front of a

mountain, but their sizes are quite different from each other.

there?s at least a distance of 0.5 km and 8 km at most between

each two tombs. 8.万里长城

中国万里长城是世界上修建时间最长,工程量最大的冷兵器战争时代的国家军事性防御工程,凝聚着我们祖先的血汗和智慧,是中华民族的象征和骄傲。长城全长大约6700公里,通称“万里长城”。长城的修建持续了两千多年,根据历史记载,从公元前七世纪楚国筑“方城”开始,至明代,共有20多个诸侯国和封建王朝修筑过长城。其中秦、汉、明三个朝代长城的长度都超过了5000公里。 长城的主体工程是绵延万里的高大城墙,大都建在山岭最高处,沿着山脊把蜿蜒无尽的山势勾画出清晰的轮廓,塑造出奔腾飞跃、气势蓬勃







这类长城大多深藏在荒山野岭,虽惨败破落,却别有一番沧桑、肃杀的味道,而且这些长城所倚山势多险峻壮观,不少路段山体近垂直陡峭,景观震撼。但攀爬野长城需注意自身安全,并注意环保和保护野长城。 8. the great wall

as the national military defensive project in cold weapon era

that took the longest period of time to build and with the

largest project amount in the world, the great wall of china,

imbued with the blood, sweat and ingenuity of our ancestors,

is the symbol

【篇三:英语作文 介绍地点旅游】

二、介绍地点 (旅游等)

名词:canada, france, japan, the united states. australia,

singapore, the united kingdom, country, sydney, new york,

paris, toronto, tokyo, language, japane, world, french, office,

post office, library, restaurant, bank, street, pay phone, avenue,

center, bridge, neighborhood, garden, district, tour, place, way,

taxi, airport, map, shop, hospital, station, direction, new york

city, guide, center, corner, the great wall, the palace muum,

tian’an men square, hutong, culture, bicycle, subway, car, train,

bus stop, train station, minute, kilometer, mile, river, town,

theater, cinema, radio station, screen, jeans, rvice, clothing

store, train, subway, on vacation, the capital of, history,

colorful history, space muum, amument park, zoo, water

park, tour guide, tourist, island,

动词:visit, arrive, take, visit, think of, take a taxi, turn left, take

photos, worry, get to, be clo to, think about, do a survey,

travel, take the train, live in, fall in love with, be in style, be

welcomed by, take a ride, consider, translate, provide, sail,

continue, take it easy, provide sb. with sth, offer sb. sth, be

willing to…, dream of…, hold on to… 形容词:international,

west, fantastic, awful, delicious, expensive, crowded, cheap,

quick, early, trendy, comfortable, easy, wor, worst, loud,

lovely, cheap, dull, huge, famous, wonderful, foreign, natural,

strange, beautiful, relaxing, fun, dangerous, interesting, boring,

exciting, tiring, peaceful, lively, crowded, expensive, hot

there is a supermarket.

it’s on center street.

it’s across from the bank.

it’s next to the post office.

it’s between the restaurant and the supermarket.

have a good trip. have a good time.

showtime cinema is the cheapest.

gold theatre has the most comfortable ats.

the most popular clothes store is jason’s .

it has the best quality clothing.

as for radio stations, most people think that jazz 107.9 fm is

really great. we did a survey of our readers and this what we


i love places where the people are friendly.

i hope to e/visit…one day/some day.

i’d like to go somewhere relaxing/interesting….

for your next vacation, why not consider visiting…?

it has…/ doesn’t have…

we can do lots of outdoor is convenient to …



2、那有许多可看可做的 。














beijing is the capital of china. it has a long history. there are

many things to e and do here. __________, it has some

fantastic sights, __________ the summer palace, the forbidden

city, and the temple of heaven.

__________, you can climb the great wall to enjoy the natural

scenery. _____can you take photos, ___________ it’s possible

for you to fly kites in tian’anmen square. don’t forget to buy

some souvenirs _________ visiting the bird nest. _________,

travelling around beijing by subway is very convenient.

____________, beijing duck (snacks) is delicious. you should

never miss it.

___________, i hope you can have a good trip.


1. 词组

计划及希望:will do, be going to do, want to do, plan to do,

decide to do, make up one’s mind to do…, would like to do, be

about to do, hope to do, hope +从句

喜好及兴趣:like / enjoy doing, be fond of doing, be keen on

doing, prefer to do, be

interested in sth /doing sth., be impresd by,

其他活动:spend time doing, can’t help doing, suit sb. just fine,

look forward to

sth/doing sth. relax onelf, experience the life,

介绍方位:south, north, west, east, in front of, between,

opposite, next to, across from,


2. 句型从句 too…to, so that, not only…but also…, why not,

make sb. adj., that/which/who

3. 非谓语结构:it’s +adj. for sb. to do, doing sth is…

e.g. for your next vacation, why not consider visiting beijing?

bird nest, which was built for the 2008 olympic games, is the

largest stadium in


beijing, the capital of china, is famous for its long history and

splendid culture.

beijing duck (snacks) is one of the most delicious foods,

which you should never miss.

beijing is a lovely place where the people are friendly and


only when you come yourlf, can you experience its charm.

2010 北京中考


假设你叫刘京,是美国中学生托尼的笔友,你收到了他的来信,请给托尼写一封回信,回答他的问题,介绍北京良好的公交服务,并谈谈你的感受。 hi! liu jing,

my grandpa is going to beijing next month becau he has

heard a lot about the city and he would like to e it himlf. he

says the bus rvice in beijing is very good now, and people

can go anywhere by bus. is he right? can you tell me

something more about it?

i’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

yours, tony hi! tony,

i’m glad to know your grandpa is coming to



if you have more questions, plea ask me.

yours, liu jing 范文:

dear tony,

i’m glad to know your grandpa is coming to beijing.

your grandpa is right.. the bus rvice in beijing is really good

now. there are bus lines all over beijing and bus can even

take you to a small village. besides, special ats are offered

on bus. people do not have to spend a long time waiting for

a bus and the tickets are cheap.

i like taking a bus becau i think its comfortable and also

good for the

environment. so its a good choice for your grandpa to travel

by bus in beijing. if you have more questions, plea ask me.

yours, liu jing 优秀范文:

dear tony,

l’m glad to know your grandpa is coming to beijing.

your grandpa knows exactly the same thing as it happens in

beijing. the bus rvice has improved so much that it meets

the needs of different people. first of all, the bus can take

you to every corner of the city, especially an unknown scenic

spot. in addition, special ats are offered on bus for the

nior, the children, the sick, the pregnant and the disabled.

people no longer need to take great troubles waiting in line for

a bus. the tickets are known as cheap as any ones in any city

of china. in my opinion, my grandpa would rather take a bus to

travel in beijing becau it is not only cheap and but also

convenient for us.

if you have more questions, plea ask me.


liu jing

2008 四川自贡中考作文


1. 北京是一个历史悠久的城市;

2. 北京有许多名胜古迹;

3. 紫禁城是最受来宾欢迎的景点之一;

4. 故宫非常漂亮和著名;

5. 长城也是非常美丽可去一看的地方;

6. 天安门广场是一个好去处,可去漫步;

注意:1. 词数80左右。

2. 请不要逐字翻译,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯、意思完整、符合逻


3. 参考词汇:紫禁城 the forbidden city, 故宫 the imperial palace,


广场 tian’anmen square


as the 29th olympic games is just around the corner, more and

more foreigners are coming to beijing. in order to help them

know more about it, i am glad to say something about our

great capital.

beijing is a large city with a long history. there are many

places of interest in beijing, such as the forbidden city, the

imperial palace, tian’anmen square, the great wall and so on.

the forbidden city is one of the most favorite places where our

foreign friends like to go. the imperial palace, which is

beautiful and famous, is also a place worth visiting. you can

e a lot of culture relics there. if you want to know more about

the great wall, you will have to go there. as you know, there is

a chine saying, “he who has never been to the great wall is

not a true

man. ”walking on the tian’anmen square, you will feel it is one

of the greatest squares in the world. if you go there early in the

morning, maybe you can e your national flag rising


i am sure you will have a great time in beijing.

本文发布于:2024-03-06 23:16:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



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