传统的民族节日形成是一个民族的历史文化的长期积淀。节日的由来原因与人们的生活有密切的联系, 它体现了人民丰富的情感世界, 寄托了人民对生活的热爱。有这样一句名言: “每个民族的每个节日, 正是反映这个民族文化最真实的一面”。可见, 要了解一个民族的文化底蕴, 必须从他们的传统节日入手, 才能了解到他们的文化特色与民族特点。
中国长期以来处于封建自给自足的农业社会和自然经济中, 其传统节日具有浓厚的农业色彩,包含了农耕文明的社会特征, 主要是从岁时节令转换而来的。我国古代长期以农为本, 在生产力和农业技术不发达的情况下, 十分重视气候对农作物的影响。在春种、夏长、秋收、冬藏的过程中认识了自然时序的复杂规律, 总结出四时、二十四节气, 形成了以节日为主的传统节日。勤劳的中国人民为了更好地生存,
必须大力发展农业, 而农业的发展离不开天气的关照。古人云“春雨贵如油”、“清明忙种麦, 谷雨种大田”。在古代, 春节、清明节(
古代称三月节) 等都是重要的农事节日。
西方文化由于长久受基督教的影响, 其传统节日起源带有浓厚的宗教色彩, 如情人节( 纪念名叫瓦丁的基督教殉难者) 、复活节( 基督教纪念耶稣复活) 、万圣节( 纪念教会所有圣人) 、圣诞节( 基督教纪念耶稣诞生) , 这些节日的起源大多与宗教有关系。当然, 西方节日中也有和农业有关的节日, 但他们以农业为主的节日的历史不如
中国的传统节日, 基本是封建社会时期形成的, 不可避免地留下封建社会的痕迹: 等级制、家族式, 节日无不以家族内部活动为中心。西方的传统节日就不同了, 更多的是表现出人们的互动性、集体性和狂欢性, 以自我为中心, 崇尚个性张扬。这与中国节日的家族性恰好相反, 体现了西方文化的群体性, 反映了人们渴望互相交流、群体参与的愿望,体现了人人平等、自由表现自我的特点。这里试举两例说明。
( 1) 春节与新年。作为新一年的开始, 中西方有着极大差异的庆祝方式。春节作为中国最重要的传统节日, 源于秦朝, 定于每年农历的一月一日, 从农历12月23日开始, 人民开始开展各种庆祝方式, 一直持续到元宵节。春节的习俗繁多, 如大扫除、吃团圆饭拜年、放鞭炮, 舞狮子等。总之, 不论是大街小巷, 都笼罩着一股浓浓的喜庆气氛。而西方, 他们崇尚的是过公历新年, 即元旦。相比之下他们过年的方式就浪漫多了, 在12月31日晚, 各地区的人民涌上街道,进行盛大的狂欢, 到了深夜接近零时时, 数十万人会聚集于一起, 诚心地祈祷,
为新的一年的到来倒计时。当大钟敲响12下, 顿时, 优美的乐曲奏响, 揭开了华丽舞会的序幕, 人们通宵达旦地庆祝。
可见, 春节与新年各有千秋: 春节, 充满浓厚的传统气息和独有的魅力; 新年, 体现时代的气息和潮流的感觉, 更贴近现代生活。
( 2) 万圣节与中元节。万圣节作为西方的重要节日之一, 颇受人民的重视。那一天, 每户门前都要挂上一盏南瓜灯, 人人都穿上奇装异服,
据说有辟邪之用。其实, 作为先进的发达国家, 人们对于鬼怪已不再迷信, 他们多半是为了寻开心而已。同时, 人们还举行盛大的化装舞会。他们可以任意去左邻右舍讨吃的, 绝不会受到惩罚。在中国, 传说中元节是鬼门关打开的日子, 这一天, 地府里的小鬼会出来游荡,
迷信色彩浓厚的中国人, 对鬼神是极为敬惧的。那一天, 他们会当街烧香祭祖, 祈求鬼神不要降祸于他们。于是, 中元节这个与时代格格不入的产物逐渐被淘汰了。
中西传统节日中的饮食特点也有显著的差异。中国传统节日中的饮食是趋于感性的, 讲究色、香、味俱全。尤其是节日性美食, 每个节日都有不同的食品以区别其他的节日。春节是个祥和的节日, 也是亲人团聚的日子, 离家在外的人, 在过春节时都要回家欢聚。除夕晚上,
全家老小都一起熬夜、守岁, 欢聚酣饮, 共享天伦之乐。北方地区在除夕有吃饺子的习俗, 饺子的作法是先和面, “和”字就是“合”;
饺子的饺和交谐音, “合”和“交”有相聚之意,所以用饺子象征团聚合欢。此外, 饺子因为形似元宝, 过年时吃饺子, 也带有“招财进宝”的吉祥含义。南方有过年吃年糕的习惯, 甜甜的粘粘的年糕, 象征新一年生活甜蜜蜜, 步步高升。元宵节有吃元宵的习俗, 端午节有吃粽子的习俗, 中秋节有吃月饼的习俗。而西方的饮食则是趋于理性的,
他比中国更重视营养的合理搭配。因此, 有发达的食品工业,
如罐头、快餐等, KFC, McDonald虽口味千篇一律,但节省时间, 且营养良好。
中西方的饮食方式有很大不同, 这种差异对民族性格也有影响。在中国, 任何一个节日宴席, 不管是什么目的, 都只会有一种形式, 就是大家团团围坐, 共享一席。宴席要用圆桌, 这就从形式上造成了一种团结、共享的气氛。美味佳肴放在中心, 它既一桌人欣赏、品尝的对象, 又是一桌人感情交流的
媒介物。人们相互敬酒、劝菜, 在美好的事物面前,体现了人们之间相互尊重、礼让的美德。它符合我们民族“大团圆”的普遍心态, 反映了中国古典哲学中“和”这个观念对后代思想的影响, 利于集体情感的交流。西式宴席, 食品和酒固然也重要, 实际上仅是作为一种陪衬。宴会的核心在于交谊, 通过与邻座客人之间的交谈, 达到交谊的目的。倘若将宴会与舞蹈相类比, 可以说, 中式宴席好比是集体舞, 而西式宴会好比是男女的交谊舞。可见, 中式宴会和西式宴会交谊的目的都很明显: 中式宴会更多地体现全席的交谊, 而西式宴会更多体现于个体宾客之间的交谊。
颜色的象征意义在中西文化之间也存在很大的差异, 在传统节日中表现得尤为突出。红色, 是我国文化中的崇尚色。红色源于太阳, 古人认为“日至而万物生”( 《淮南子·天文训》) , 阳光下万物繁茂,生机勃勃, 令人振奋。我们的祖先在祭、祈过程中,对阳光有一种本能的依恋和崇拜, 红色的喜庆和吉祥之意自然而然地产生了。喜庆日子要挂大红灯笼、贴红对联、红福字; 男娶女嫁时贴大红“喜”字。它
还象征美丽、漂亮, 如指女子盛妆为“红妆”。西方文化中的红色,
原是一个贬义的词, 是“火”与“血”的联想, 它象征残暴, 流血。白色, 在中国传统文化中, 是个禁忌词, 常用于丧葬礼中。而西方,
白色的象征意义着眼于其本身色彩, 如新下的雪、新鲜牛奶等。西方人认为白色高雅、纯洁, 所以它是西方文化中的崇尚色。它象征纯真、无邪。不同文化之间的颜色象征意义都是在社会的发展、历史的沉淀中约定俗成的, 是一种永久性的文化现象。
随着世界各国交流的日益频繁及科学技术的发展, 在国际交往中, 我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和思维方式、生活习惯及行为方式与我们迥然不同的人, 在与之交往的过程中不可避免的会出现文化冲突的现象。本文通过以上对中西传统节日映射出的文化差异的比较, 可以帮助语言学习者充分认识西方各民族的历史与文化, 克服文化差异, 避免文化“冲突”现象的产生, 在沟通过程中达到更有效的融合, 为更好地开展国际交流提供一个窗口。
A holiday of a nation reprents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.
传统的民族节日形成是一个民族的历史文化的长期积淀。节日的由来原因与人们的生活有密切的联系, 它体现了人民丰富的情感世界, 寄托了人民对生活的热爱。有这样一句名言: “每个民族的每个节日, 正是反映这个民族文化最真实的一面”。可见, 要了解一个民族的文化底蕴,必须从他们的传统节日入手, 才能了解到他们的文化特色与民族特点。
There is a great difference in culture between China and Western countries, the truth of which is
lf-evident, for example, language, education, festival, and so on. No one can deny it. Therefore,
I choo this topic to study. “A holiday of a nation reprents a glorious culture and
concentrated customs of a nation.”There are many festival in the world, but a lot of people don’t know any festivals of them, and in the same country, different festivals have different meanings
and even the same festival in different countries is celebrated in their own ways. Through
contrastive analysis of Chine and Western festivals, it is interesting to understand the unique
charm and the cultural implication of their holiday culture.
中国长期以来处于封建自给自足的农业社会和自然经济中, 其传统节日具有浓厚的农业色彩,包含了农耕文明的社会特征,主要是从岁时节令转换而来的。我国古代长期以农为本, 在生产力和农业技术不发达的情况下,十分重视气候对农作物的影响。在春种、夏长、秋收、冬藏的过程中认识了自然时序的复杂规律, 总结出四时、二十四节气, 形成了以节日为主的传统节日。勤劳的中国人民为了更好地生存, 必须大力发展农业,
而农业的发展离不开天气的关照。古人云“春雨贵如油”、“清明忙种麦,谷雨种大田”。在古代, 春节、清明节等都是重要的农事节日。
西方文化由于长久受基督教的影响, 其传统节日起源带有浓厚的宗教色彩, 如情人节( 纪念名叫瓦丁的基督教殉难者)、复活节( 基督教纪念耶稣复活)、万圣节( 纪念教会所有圣人)、圣诞节( 基督教纪念耶稣诞生) ,这些节日的起源大多与宗教有关系。当然, 西方节日中也有和农业有关的节日, 但他们以农业为主的节日的历史不如中国漫长。
中国的传统节日, 基本是封建社会时期形成的, 不可避免地留下封建社会的痕迹: 等级制、家族式,节日无不以家族内部活动为中心。西方的传统节日就不同了, 更多的是表现出人们的互动性、集体性和狂欢性, 以自我为中心,崇尚个性张扬。这与中国节日的家族性恰好相反, 体现了西方文化的群体性,反映了人们渴望互相交流、群体参与的愿望,体现了人人平等、自由表现自我的特点。这里试举两例说明。
( 1) First of all, let’s have an analysis of spring festival in China and Christmas day in Western
In China, people regard spring festival as a very important holiday, becau in the spring, there
has been glorious weather with hundreds of flowers struggling colorfully. Everything is renewed
and its beauty is beyond description. For veral Millennia Chine people like celebrating the
most significant holiday — Spring Festival. Its original meaning is from agriculture. In ancient
time, people instituted the paddy growth cycle as the “years”. In the booked titled“shou wen
he bu”, there is a saying: “The year, the Valley is ripe.”After the victory of 1911 Revolution in
Chine modern times, the year name has been fixedly gotten down. The Nanjing provisional
government stipulated to u lunar calendar stin the folk. And in the factory and school, the Jan 1
of New Year’s Day in lunar calendar is called Spring Festival.
There is a fable about Spring Festival. In ancient time, there was a man named Wan Nian, who
saw the Jieling at that time was very messy, so he decided to fix Jieling. But he didn’t find the
method to compute time. One day, he was tired of chopping wood on the mountain, and then
was ated under the shade. The moving shadow of trees inspired him, and he designed a sundial
device, which could test the time of day by shade 2
of the sun. And later, the spring drop inspired him. He made a five-story vesl to measure the
time. After a long time, he found every 360 days on the cycle time and the length of day repeats.
At that time, the Monarch named ZuYi who was often distresd at the weather changes in the
mishap so soon, knew that and ordered Wan Nian to take the vesl to tell him the truth of the
sun and moon’s running. Hearing that, ZuYi was very happy, and hoped it could test sun–moon
law and the eve of the morning acutely. Thereafter the people had been benefited from this
creator calendar a lot.
After the winter, the spring comes. After years’ of long-term and careful obrvation, accurate
sun calendar was made. When Wan Nian prented a solar calendar to the monarch, he had
totally been changed into an old man. The monarch was moved deeply by Wan Nian’s deed. The
monarch appointed Wan Nian as the sun-moon God of longevity, in order to commemorate his
achievements. Since then when people hung Shouxing map on Spring Festival, it was reported to
be honor of the distinguished Wan Nian.
In the west, the Christmas, the Western countries’ most solemn festival, is similar to the Spring
Festival in China. The period from December 24 to the January 6 of baptism ction in the
following year can be referred to Christmas festival.
Why is Christmas the most important festival in Western countries? That is becau of the
commemoration of the birth of Jesus. In Bible the Virgin Mary, pregnant by the Holy Spirit, gave
birth to Jesus in the manger becau she didn’t find room in the hotel when returning home on
the road. Therefore later generation commemorated the birth of Jesus in December for Christmas.
With the spread of Christianity, Christmas has become an important festival among Christians
and even it is necessarily the ca of the non–Christians.
In many countries of Europe, people attach great importance to this festival, and its celebration is
much grander, and gradually Christmas becomes a national festival.
On the evening of Dec.31th, the people in the west flock into the streets to have a grand carnival.
There are brilliant fireworks in the sky, drifting with melodious singing on the land. Particularly
clo to the late zero 0’clock, tens of thousands of people gather in to pray sincerely and silently
for the coming year’s countdown. When the bell sounds 12, suddenly, the beautiful music sound,
people are singing happily and talking cheerfully, playing all long night. Like the Spring Festival
dinner in China, westerners also lay emphasis on Christmas family party and they will sit around
Christmas tree, eat the feast meal and sing in Christmas carol and pray for happiness. Turkey will
be put on the Christmas dinner table. After everyone enjoys himlf, they will jump to the
“Disco” or “Kangaroo Dance.”
In the end, both Spring Festival and Christmas day have their own characters. On the eve of New
Year in China, people will hold the family reunion without inviting the bystander, which has
almost become a common custom. “Spring Festival has den national culture and traditional
atmosphere; it has the glorious history and the unique beauty.”In the West, Christmas Day has its
own unique culture. On the Christmas Eve, when the bell sounds 12, Santa Claus who brings the
gift and the best wish for each person will arrive. At this night, people are jumping with joy,
running unrestrainedly to the avenue, hugging one another, whether they know each other. “The
Christmas Day has the air of the time and the tidal n of touch, so it is more clo to the
modern life.”
春节与新年。作为新一年的开始, 中西方有着极大差异的庆祝方式。春节作为中国最重要的传统节日, 源于秦朝, 定于每年农历的一月一日,从农历12月23日开始, 人民开始开展各种庆祝方式, 一直持续到元宵节。春节的习俗繁多, 如大扫除、吃团圆饭拜年、放鞭炮, 舞狮子等。总之,不论是大街小巷, 都笼罩着一股浓浓的喜庆气氛。而西方, 他们崇尚的是 3
过公历新年, 即元旦。相比之下他们过年的方式就浪漫多了, 在12月31日晚,各地区的人民涌上街道,进行盛大的狂欢, 到了深夜接近零时时, 数十万人会聚集于一起, 诚心地祈祷,为新的一年的到来倒计时。当大钟敲响12下, 顿时, 优美的乐曲奏响, 揭开了华丽舞会的序幕, 人们通宵达旦地庆祝。可见, 春节与新年各有千秋: 春节, 充满浓厚的传统气息和独有的魅力; 新年, 体现时代的气息和潮流的感觉, 更贴近现代生活。
( 2) condly, let’s have an analysis of ZhongYuan festival in China and Halloween day in Western
countries. July in the lunar year is the month for ghosts. In this month, the souls will be relead
from the Hades, but people will be organized to hold activities to entertain them with their
hospitality for this rare "holidays." Particularly on Jul.15th, ZhongYuan festival, every family will
prepare for rich offerings to sacrifice the good brothers who come from the nether world.
ZhongYuan festival is also the Yulan pot festival in Buddhism, which originates from the familiar
story “MuLian saving her mother”. MuLian is one of the Buddha’s disciples. Becau his mother
was greedy in nature, after the death she was threw into the samara hungry ghost road, and was
unable to come back forever. In order to rescue his mother, he made“the thYulan pot festival” on
the Lunar Jul.15, worshiping Buddha and monks with five fruits, in the hope of releasing the
ancestor from suffering in the Hades.
In the west, this festival is called Halloween day. It begins from Oct.31th to Nov. 7th, and is the
third important festivals next to Christmas day and Thanksgiving Day. Such is the origin of
Halloween day. The De Ruyt who lived in Great Britain and Ireland believed that there were many
gods dominating their lives. And on the De Ruyt’s New Year's Eve, the De Ruyt people let youths
gather in a team, wearing strange masks, holding carved turnip carrot lights, wandering across
the villages. It was thought to be a harvest celebration in the fall. According to the legend, the
dead people will visit on the eve of Halloween. It is said that people should let the ghost e their
satisfactory harvest and prent abundant
sacrifice to them. Both the bonfires and lights are not only to scare away the ghosts, but also to
illuminate them back to the place where they come from.
On this day, people can disgui themlves freely and make trouble to their heart’s content. On
many public occasions and home compound, people lay out different kinds of decoration in the
windows and doors, such as pumpkin lights, a scarecrow and even the skeleton. Every family will
hold a dressing ball, and put on fruit and other crops on the table.
Comparing with the two holidays, I find that the two festivals are all to sacrifice ghosts.
However, there is a difference between them. That is, ZhongYuan festival lasts a shorter time,
when families gathering to commemorate the ancestors; while Halloween lasts longer, people
can take part in procession outdoors, and enjoy beautiful and particular day, in harmony with the
nature in a maximum way.
万圣节与中元节。万圣节作为西方的重要节日之一, 颇受人民的重视。那一天, 每户门前都要挂上一盏南瓜灯, 人人都穿上奇装异服,据说有辟邪之用。其实, 作为先进的发达国家, 人们对于鬼怪已不再迷信, 他们多半是为了寻开心而已。同时,人们还举行盛大的化装舞会。他们可以任意去左邻右舍讨吃的, 绝不会受到惩罚。在中国, 传说中元节是鬼门关打开的日子, 这一天,地府里的小鬼会出来游荡, 迷信色彩浓厚的中国人,
对鬼神是极为敬惧的。那一天, 他们会当街烧香祭祖, 祈求鬼神不要降祸于他们。于是,中元节这个与时代格格不入的产物逐渐被淘汰了。
中西传统节日中的饮食特点也有显著的差异。中国传统节日中的饮食是趋于感性的, 讲究色、香、味俱全。尤其是节日性美食,每个节日都有不同的食品以区别其他的节日。春节是个祥和的节日, 也是亲人团聚的日子, 离家在外的人, 在过春节时都要回家欢聚。除夕晚上, 全家老小都一起熬夜、守岁, 欢聚酣饮,共享天伦之乐。北方地区在除夕有吃饺子的习 4
俗, 饺子的作法是先和面, “和”字就是“合”; 饺子的饺和交谐音,“合”和“交”有相聚之意,所以用饺子象征团聚合欢。此外, 饺子因为形似元宝, 过年时吃饺子, 也带有“招财进宝”的吉祥含义。南方有过年吃年糕的习惯,甜甜的粘粘的年糕, 象征新一年生活甜蜜蜜, 步步高升。元宵节有吃元宵的习俗, 端午节有吃粽子的习俗,中秋节有吃月饼的习俗。而西方的饮食则是趋于理性的, 他比中国更重视营养的合理搭配。因此, 有发达的食品工业,如罐头、快餐等, KFC, McDonald虽口味千篇一律,但节省时间, 且营养良好。
四、Different connotations reflected in Chine and Western festivals 1 The generally traditional
holiday connotation
The traditional holiday is created by the whole national and it’s a special symbol of a national
culture deriving from a national cohesive force; its energetic influence is huge. All the festivals are
established by usage, through which people’s lives are becoming more interesting and colorful.
Each holiday has a moving story; each holiday has its
commemoration ceremony and activity; each holiday has its deep history and the cultural
implication. Different countries have different ways of celebrating the festivals. Traditional ethnic
festival is a complex social and cultural phenomenon, bearing with a formation of the history and
the accumulation of characteristics like the psychology, belief, thinking, aesthetic and many other
profound cultural connotation of the structure of the value directions. It is the most prominent
exhibition of national survival characteristics .It cloly relates with people's productive activities
and different historical times, and it also acts upon the development of people's material and
cultural life through different levels.
2 The religious belief
The religious belief is different. Western religions are extremely obvious. God in the Christianity is
all things of the world. He doesn’t allow the people to worship other Gods and idols. What
people have is God’s granting rather than acquisition through hard working. So, on the
Christmas Day people implore God to bestow the happiness to people. The Chine traditional is
its non –religion. “In the early time, the social structure in China was established on the basis of
nature worship and human spirit which was in favor of the mutual coordination and balance
between ④God and human.”
3 The ethics culture
The ethical culture is different. Since social development between the West and East is different
the ethical cultures are naturally quite different. “China has a long history of land civilization,
while the western has marine civilization”. China is a country with a long history of five millennia
and a multi-nationality's country. Traditional culture origin is primarily rooted in the
Confucianism culture which is a combination of the various schools of thought culture. Chine
traditional festivals contain abundant spirit humane and ethical culture. From ancient to the
modern, there are different kinds of festivals and colorful contents, which come down in one
continuous line with Chine long history. It not only constitutes profound cultural details, but
also bears the origin of the culture of the Chine nation. It is a valuable spiritual heritage.
Compared with this, some western festivals, such as Christmas Day, Valentine’s Day and
Halloween Day, etc, the ethical color is a bit weak, while the color of entertainment is much more,
offering more chance for modern people to show their personalities and enjoy the joy. Thus it can
attract more and more investment. In the west the Christianity culture has a great influence on
4 emotional expression_r
Festivals between China and Western countries are different in the form of emotional
expression_r. Thus, Chine veil their real thoughts while Westerners always reveal their minds
freely and directly. The way of accepting gifts and the attitudes are different. During festivals, the
Chine and the Western country have shown very different attitudes about a gift for someone.
The Chine people often defer about the prent, as if they have to accept it, but they will not
open it in front of thr prentee. In western country, people ask for a gift, and they will usually
open it in front of people’s face and express their thanks.
中西方的饮食方式有很大不同, 这种差异对民族性格也有影响。在中国, 任何一个节日宴席, 不管是什么目的, 都只会有一种形式, 就是大家团团围坐,共享一席。宴席要用圆桌, 这就从形式上造成了一种团结、共享的气氛。美味佳肴放在中心, 它既一桌人欣赏、品尝的对象, 又是一桌人感情交流的媒介物。人们相互敬酒、劝菜, 在美好的事物面前,体现了人们之间相互尊重、礼让的美德。它符合我们民族“大团圆”的普遍心态,反映了中国古典哲学中“和”这个观念对后代思想的影响, 利于集体情感的交流。西式宴席, 食品和酒固然也重要,实际上仅是作为一种陪衬。宴会的核心在于交谊, 通过与邻座客人之间的交谈, 达到交谊的目的。倘若将宴会与舞蹈相类比, 可以说, 中式宴席好比是集体舞, 而西式宴会好比是男女的交谊舞。可见, 中式宴会和西式宴会交谊的目的都很明显: 中式宴会更多地体现全席的交谊, 而西式宴会更多体现于个体宾客之间的交谊。
颜色的象征意义在中西文化之间也存在很大的差异, 在传统节日中表现得尤为突出。红色, 是我国文化中的崇尚色。红色源于太阳, 古人认为“日至而万物生”, 阳光下万物繁茂,生机勃勃, 令人振奋。我们的祖先在祭、祈过程中,对阳光有一种本能的依恋和崇拜,红色的喜庆和吉祥之意自然而然地产生了。喜庆日子要挂大红灯笼、贴红对联、红福字; 男娶女嫁时贴大红“喜”字。它还象征美丽、漂亮, 如指女子盛妆为“红妆”。西方文化中的红色, 原是一个贬义的词, 是“火”与“血”的联想, 它象征残暴, 流血。白色,在中国传统文化中, 是个禁忌词, 常用于丧葬礼中。而西方, 白色的象征意义着眼于其本身色彩, 如新下的雪、新鲜牛奶等。西方人认为白色高雅、纯洁,所以它是西方文化中的崇尚色。它象征纯真、无邪。不同文化之间的颜色象征意义都是在社会的发展、历史的沉淀中约定俗成的, 是一种永久性的文化现象。
随着世界各国交流的日益频繁及科学技术的发展, 在国际交往中, 我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和思维方式、生活习惯及行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在与之交往的过程中不可避免的会出现文化冲突的现象。本文通过以上对中西传统节日映射出的文化差异的比较, 可以帮助语言学习者充分认识西方各民族的历史与文化, 克服文化差异, 避免文化“冲突”现象的产生, 在沟通过程中达到更有效的融合, 为更好地开展国际交流提供一个窗口。 七、Conclusion
The human society has already entered the information era. Between countries, the area and the
nationality, the economy and culture
frequently and mutually infiltrates. Having joined W T O, the relationship between China and the
world is becoming clor. The communication between China and West countries has steadily
progresd and rapidly developed. In my opinion, between China and Western countries, each
holiday has its strong points. Christmas Eve has provided the youth and friends a happy reunion
time, not only limits to the family. Western custom is replenished the lack of the Chine custom.
On the day of Double Seventh Festival, if you look up in the sky, you will find that on both sides of
the Milky Way, there are two big stars which are facing each other across a great distance,
revealing tenderness and love, which are Altair and Vega, a symbol of eternal love. As a younger
generation, our community is becoming more and more frequently; we have the broader social
space except the family. But we can not pursuit the romanticism and optimism of Western
countries on one side, but also to some extent it rerves some strong traditional information. In
fact, throughout the traditional of China and the romanticism of Western, this is the perfect
combination of art. During the globalization and economic integration, I hope to learn of every
different national’s festivals, in order to show the permeation and integration of each national
cultural. In the end, the future of the world will become a big national village.
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