英语作文:感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)
Thanksgiving Day is coming soon, it is on the fourth
Thursday in December. Thanksgiving Day is very popular in
western country, on that day, people will make a big turkey to eat.
The day is to in honor of Indian people’s great kindness. A long
time ago, some puritans took the boat May Flower to Americafor
freedom, but they suffered from starvation and illness, the Indian
people helped them, gave them food and treat them. The puritan
planted something, they were eager to have good harvest, at last,
they got it and felt very grateful to God and the Indian people,
so they decided to make a day to remember this and show
英语作文:感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)
Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North
America, generally obrved as an expression of gratitude,
usually to God. The most common view of its origin is that it was
to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn harvest. In
the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth
Thursday in November. In Canada, where the harvest generally
ends earlier in the year, the holiday is celebrated on the cond
Monday in October, which is obrved as Columbus Day or
protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United
giving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared
among friends and family. In the United States, it is an important
family holiday, and people often travel across the country to be
with family members for the holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is
generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in which
Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off.
Thanksgiving is almost entirely celebrated at home, unlike the
Fourth of July or Christmas, which are associated with a variety of
shared public experiences (fireworks, caroling, etc.)
英语作文:学会感恩(Learn To Thanksgiving)
We are suppod to express our gratitude to others on
Thanksgiving Day. However, we should feel gratitude every day.
God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek
and thankful heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show your
love. In our daily life, we often receive help from our parents,
friends, colleagues and strangers. Perhaps it is a little thing, pick
up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a at
in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they have
done. The more love you give, the more love you receive.
A n of gratitude can acknowledging our interdependent
existence. You will be ready to help others if you have a thankful
heart. Therefore, a thankful heart is like a magnet. Not only will
we attract more things to be grateful for, but also we will attract
gratitude from others. "give thanks a little and you will find a lot."
Gratitude is heaven itlf. A n of gratitude and
indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous
and virtuous life. We now fall into a busy life, neglecting to be
grateful for details, the beauty of nature, the comforts of modern
living ,the love of parents and so on. People can notice the
details and realize the friendship, love and happiness in our life
with a grateful heart.
Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.
Be thankful for whatever you have, give and receive. Happy
Thanksgiving today and every day!
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