4 电梯机房、井道和底坑
Machine room,Well and pit of lift
Machine room
Normally located on top of well (upper-placed machine room), machine room includes traction machine, diverter pulley, control cabinet, overspeed governor and main power control box.
4-1-1 控制柜
Control cabinet
Located near traction machine, control cabinet rves as a trailing device and signal control center, as shown in figure 4-1. Originally, control cabinet included contactor, relay, capacitor, resistor, transformer, and rectifier. With rapid development of computer and electronics as well as wide application of VVVF control technology, optical fiber communication technology, rial communication and network technology in lift, application of big scale integrated circuit makes control cabinet smaller in size, stronger in function and more reliable in operation. Currently, control原来可以这样爱
cabinet is compod of computer control panel and frequency inverter, to control AC motor in terms of frequency, voltage and speed (VVVF).
Power supply of control cabinet is introduced from the main power supply in machine room(figure 4-2 ). Cable leads from the contactor of control cabinet to the motor terminal of traction machine via conduit. Derived by conduit or channel, lift control signal line enters well then is transmitted by flat or round traveling cable. Signal exchange control lines are connected to terminal boxes of each landing in well, forming lift control loop. It is required
that power line and weak signal be parated to prevent weak signal from being interfered with when wiring is made in control cabinet and machine room.
4-1-2 曳引机
Traction machine
The details has been described in chapter 2 (Traction machine张掖美食).
4-1-3 限速器
Overspeed governor
限速器一般装在机房的地面上,曳引机旁边(图4-3千变万化的反义词), 其工作原理见5-2章。
Governor is installed on the ground of machine room, at the side of machine (figure 4-3). The working principle will be de scribed in chapter 5-2.
Compod of well wall, well top and well bottom, well is always located inside the building as moving space for car and counterweight. It is made of concrete, brick or steel so as to bear mechanical strength.
4-2-1 导轨
Guide rail
Guide rail(figure 4-4): it is ud to guide
car and counterweight in vertical direction
and restrict their horizontal displacement.
Car and counterweight should have at least
two rigid steel rails. Guide rails are always
made of cold-rolled T-steel, who anti-pull
strength should range from 370 N/m2 to
520N/m2. Following conditions should be
taken into consideration when guild rails are
When unevenly-distributed load is impod
on rail;
When safety gear is activating;
When loading or unloading is under way;
Guide rail strength, especially anti-pull strength
should be considered when safety gear is
activating, while rail deformation should be considered when uneven load is moving on
4-2-1-1 导轨与导轨的连接
Connections between rails