PMDG MD-11 FSX Update Notes
Version number: v1.10.0051
External Model
1.Left inboard elevator was not animating properly on the external visual model.
Virtual Cockpit
2.Revid panel text bitmaps. Lettering is now thicker and easier to read.
3.Revid panel.cfg for higher resolution flood light mapping. This will remove the heavily
dithered look (although will not remove it completely)
4.Zone temperature lectors in overhead AIR panel were initially always at the OFF position in
the VC when loading the aircraft.
Load Manager:
5.Implemented TOGWCG and ZFWCG operational limits from detailed weight & balance manifest
For both TOGWCG and ZFWCG different limits apply for “H” (7.5:1 ratio for AUX/TAIL tank fuel) or “L” fuel distribution and Pasnger or Cargo aircraft. In addition, TOGWCG varies with TOGW weight and ZFWCG varies with both ZFW and TOGW weight, and for L fuel
distribution it also depends on the amount of fuel in the tail tank.
The improvements ensure that if the lected payloads result in a ZFWCG within operational limits, then CG will stay within limits during the whole of the flight as long as fuel is loaded according to the standard schedule (H or L).
6.Pret payload distributions (1/3, 2/3, random) are now calculated in such a way so that they
result in a ZFWCG that remains within the operational limits in all cas.
7.Added an option for "H Fuel Distribution" below the fuel slider. All fuel distribution and CG
calculations made by the Load Manager take into account this option. Initially, when the Load Manager is launched, this option is read from the aircraft options (as t from the PMDG menu in FSX). When nding fuel and payload data to file or to FS, the aircraft "H Fuel Distribution"
option is updated, so that fuel is loaded in the simulator with the same distribution the Load Manager ud to calculate the CG values.
8.The Load Manager can now load the aircraft up to the maximum ZFW limit (unit weights for
pallets and containers vary between configurations, so that full loading results in maximum ZFW).
9.The fuel slider can be t to exactly the maximum allowed fuel weight so that with full payload
(maximum ZFW) the maximum TOGW can be achieved. The slider moves in intervals of 500 units (LBs or KGs) on each click, but the last click will t the maximum fuel.
10.Changed the background color of the "1,500 Lbs Taxi Fuel assumed" label to match the Load
Manager background
水环境保护11.Default value for the total number of modeled pilot faces (if no entry found in the
MD11Gauges.ini) was wrong, keeping one face from showing.
12.KEY_SPOILERS_ARM_ON event was not working.
13.Default airport runway limit to be considered included in the databa (if no entry found in the
MD11Gauges.ini file) is now t to 6,000 (was no limit).
14.Disabled default FSX radio ident sounds (NAV1/2, ADF1/2, DME1/2 and markers) in ca they
are externally enabled (e.g. from FSX keyboard commands).
15.Fixed: If, with the scratchpad empty, you presd the left LSK next to any flight plan marker
16.Fixed: FMS commanded speed was not limited by Vmax (slats/flaps/gear) when a speed limit
(e.g. 10,000/250) or waypoint speed restriction was in effect. This could result in a magenta
FMS speed bug displayed within the amber Vmax area of the PFD speed tape.
17.Fixed: VOR frequency entries >= 117.90 were not accepted in the NAV RAD page (acceptable
range is 108.00-117.95).
18.Fixed: ILS frequency entries > 111.95 were accepted in the NAV RAD page (acceptable range
肿组词is 108.00-111.95).
19.Flight timer on ND now rets (reverts to 00:00) after landing when a V2 speed is computed
& confirmed, or when electrical power is not available (was retting when the INIT MCDU key was presd or when all engines were turned off).
20.Fixed: FSX commands ud to assign keys/joystick buttons to the ATS dingage and Go-
Around buttons were not working.
21.Corrected electrical dependencies for CAWS warnings (fixes Cargo Fire Test playing with no
22.Added missing electrical dependency for APU fire handle illumination.
23.Allowed range for ZFWCG entry in WEIGHT INIT page (LSK R6) is now t to 12.0-32.0 (was
24.The FCP panel window (full FCP display) now remains open when the overhead panel window
is invoked from the compass click spot (was automatically clod with the "Do not clo
window automatically" option unchecked).
25.Fixed: Possible CTD when airport runway limit for nav databa was changed from the PMDG
options menu.
26.Reduced localizer capture zone.
27.Adjusted yaw damper gains.
28.Fixed: Any pilot entered VApp (on MCDU APPROACH page) was ignored in descent path and
active FMS speed control calculations.
29.Fixed issues with Autopilot control at accelerated sim rates.
30.Fixed calculation error in wind drift angle model (was affecting track display on ND).
31.Fixed: Partial speedbrakes deployment (1/3, 2/3) had no effect. Although speedbrakes were
correctly displayed deployed at the external model, no drag was produced.
32.Fixed: When Dial-A-Flap wheel was turned using a keyboard command the turn cursor was
displayed on the screen.
33.Changes in APU inflight start up logic:
ÖIn previous versions APU could not be started above 25,000 ft. Now start-up may be attempted above 25,000 ft. with chances for a successful start decreasing with higher
altitudes and lower temperatures.
ÖDuring unsuccessful start-up attempts APU parameters indications will start changing, the ON light on the APU panel will start flashing and, after some time, the start-up will be
aborted and the ON light will extinguish (in previous version there were no indications of an aborted start-up).
ÖStart-up time up to 25,000 ft. ranges form ~1 min to ~2 min, and above 25,000 ft. from ~2 min to ~ 5 min at 43,000 ft. (in previous versions it was ~3 minutes at 25,000 ft. and ~4.5 min at 43,000 ft.). The extended start-up time now applies to both ground and
inflight conditions (in previous version it only applied to inflight conditions).
ÖAPU, once started can be operated up to 43,000 ft. (in previous versions APU was automatically shut down at 30,000 ft.)
34.Added option for “H” (heavy) fuel distribution (7.5:1 AUX to TAIL tank fuel ratio) that can be
t from the PMDG menu (Equipment & Performance tab). In previous versions H distribution was assumed and applied automatically only when TOGW was above 625,000 LBS. In reality this options either exists (in which ca the 7.5:1 ratio is always applied regardless of TOGW) or not.
35.Fixed bug that prevented ground fuel rescheduling (to keep AUX to TAIL tank fuel ratio at
7.5:1 when parked/taxiing) from working when H fuel distribution was active.
36.Changes in weight limits (max) as follows (in LBs):
ÖTOGW: 630,500 (for H fuel distribution), 625,500 (for L fuel distribution)
ÖZFW: 430,000 (for Pax), 461,300 (for Cargo)
圣诞老奸ÖLW: 458,000 (for PW), 491,500 (for Cargo)
This affects MCDU entries and error messages.
城区规划37.Added electrical dependency for extracting/retracting landing lights.
38.Added missing green/red band indications on the PFD when TCAS TEST is active. Also
changed width and offt of TCAS green/red band indications on the PFD.
39.For the Cargo version, during a Cargo Fire test the SMOKE indication on the CABIN AIR switch
of the AIR panel is illuminated.
40.Fixed: Cockpit Voice Recorder needle was moving when TEST button was presd with no
41.CG limits calculation (on which the CG OUT OF RANGE alert depends) has been modified to
match the more preci Load Manager calculations (now CG limits differ for cargo or
pasnger and also for H or L fuel distribution).
Note: This may result to CG OUT OF RANGE alerts for some flights that were saved in
previous versions (especially with pasnger aircraft on the ground).
42.Fixed: Sometimes the take-off configuration STAB TRIM message appeared on the EAD, and
the CAWS aural warning was triggered, although stab trim was in the green band.
43.Fixed: with the option "Do not clo windows automatically" checked, the overhead lights
panel was automatically closing when and SDCP cue switch was presd.
44.The refueling mode lection on the MCDU FS ACTION SHORTCUTS “REFUELING” page is now
saved to the MD-11 configuration file, so each time you load the MD-11 the last lected mode will be retained.
45.Fixed bug related to altitude prediction of unconstrained waypoints within final approach
46.Fixed: If there were more than 50 items on the APPROACHES side of the STAR page,
(including ILS, VOR, RNAV etc. approaches and the automatically added runways and VFR approaches), lecting an APPROACH/STAR caud a CTD. Could happen to airports with too many runways (e.g. KDFW that has 14).
47.Tuned up high idle thrust (approach idle) when gear/slats/flaps are extended.
48.Fixed: Take-off configuration aural CAWS alerts "Spoilers" was played 3 times instead of once.
49.Fixed the various problems that were reported for Autobrakes (not working, disarming etc.)
that were related to the u of rudder pedals hardware.
Note for registered FSUIPC urs:
Do not u the FSUIPC “Joystick Calibration” or “Axis Assignment” options for the Left & Right brakes.
50.In the previous version when spoilers or flaps were operated using joystick levers the control
input was converted so that a rever operation was forced (moving the lever towards you increas flaps or speedbrakes tting). Now there is no input manipulation; instead, the way
the lever is operated is left to be determined by the way the axis was assigned in either the FS or FSUIPC controls menu ("rever" checkbox ticked or not).
51.Cargo Fire Test at IRS activation was skipped when loading a flight/panel state that was saved
with APU or EXT PWR on.
52.If electrical power was lost, when it came back the Cabin Pressure system was sometimes t
to MANUAL. This was also happening when loading a cold and dark panel state or saved flight.
53.Adjusted APU fuel flow rate. In the previous version APU fuel rate remained constant at a rate
of 250 Lbs/hr all the time. Now fuel rate depends on electric and air load (range is ~400-630 Lbs/hr).
54.Updated the provided pret panel state files to fix various errors (doors in cold & dark, NAV
lights, EXT GLY PWR in long ground turn, etc.).国王的故事
55.Made GPWS Mode 2 warnings (terrain closure rate) less nsitive by reducing the terrain-
closure sampling rate. This will eliminate most fal "terrain" alarms triggered during landing.
56.When FMS SPD mode was engaged (FCP window dashed) and the aircraft was below the
IAS/MACH transition altitude but the FMS speed was computed as MACH (e.g. crui pha with CRZ LVL below IAS/MACH transition altitude), or the opposite (above MACH/IAS
transition altitude with FMS speed computed in IAS – e.g. during policy descend above
MACH/IAS transition altitude) then pressing the IAS/MACH toggle switch resulted in a
situation where the speed displayed on the FCP window could not be changed any more
(turning the dial wheel had no effect).
57.Fixed low rumbling noi heard with ground spoilers extended on ground parked at the gate.
58.Fixed problems sometimes occurring to Parking Brake operation when panel state files were
59.When the Emergency Light switch was moved from OFF to ARM then the letters on the OVHD
PNL/FLOOD switch were becoming blurred.
60.When an IRS knob was moved from OFF to NAV the "ON" text was loosing the backlight.
61.TRACK SEL mode was reverting to HEADING SEL mode when the target track was captured.
62.Adjusted transition from turning Autopilot to LSAS pitch control to eliminate excessive pitch-
up or -down after AP disconnect.
63.Pau is forced while AIRAC databa is loading. This is important to avoid problems when
loading saved flights.
Note: flights saved in previous versions with FS paud will launch with FS un-paud.
64.In some cas wrong F/O callouts were played while loading a saved flight.
65.Sometimes when loading a saved flight FMS predictions were lost and PROF mode was
dingaged after the initialization period.
66.During ANNUN Test the MASTER CAUTION light was illuminating steady instead of flashing in
the VC and the BELOW GS light was illuminating steady instead of flashing in the 2D panel and the VC.
67.Sometimes when PNL lighting was turned on the EMER light switch lettering became blurred.
68.Ailerons could not be controlled using the Keyboard Arrows Key.
Note: It is not possible to have roll controlled by the arrow keys at the same time RCWS is operative. As a compromi, when in flight with RCWS active, RCWS is disabled while the arrow keys are kept presd down (same applies for LSAS and controlling pitch through the keyboard). When the arrow keys are relead RCWS is enabled again and this will force the ailerons to center position. It is recommended for urs that have no joystick/yoke and want to hand-fly the aircraft with the keyboard to disable the RCWS option from the PMDG menu.
Known Issue: In the VC the yoke animation is not correct when the arrow keys are ud for roll or pitch control
69.Short ground turn panel state was not loading correctly. Sometimes when loading a panel
state with engines off and APU running (e.g. the pret "Short Ground Turn") from a situation with engines on, APU was not commanded on and emergency power was applied (if armed).
70.If QFE was lected then AP would still acquire and hold target altitude in QNH.
71.In the previous version when the "B" key was presd with QFE lected, the QFE was t to
the current QNH and the captain's and F/Os side baro ttings got de-synchronized even if the "sync
hronize baro" option was on. Now when the "B" key is presd with QFE lected, no changes are made to either the QNH or the QFE ttings.
72.Fixed overlapping of "BELOW G/S" and "G/S INHIBIT" annunciations in 2D panel.
73.When a new MD-11 flight is created from the FS menu and after the MD-11 was loaded the
flight was ret (Ctrl+;), some non-default ECP ttings were applied (ND mode was t to APPR, DH was t to 0 etc.)
74.Cabin pressure outflow valve was commanded to clo when any door was open on ground.
75.During engine start, after the first engine was started the hydraulic system RMPs were turned
on, although they shouldn’t.
76."HYD x PRES LO" alert is now a LVL2 (amber boxed) alert when the hydraulic system is in
manual mode and a LVL1 (amber not boxed) alert in auto mode (in the previous version it was always a LVL2 alert).
77."HYD 3 PRES HI" alert was displayed as "HYD 2 PRES HI"
78.Sometimes when loading a flight or panel state with engines running some fal hydraulic
system alerts were momentarily triggered.
79.Sometimes after engine start a fal “HYD_PUMP x L FAULT” was momentarily triggered.
80.Engines EGT temperature was not ret when loading a panel state with engines off from a
running engines situation.
81.When starting the engines on APU power, a “START AIR PRES LO” alert appeared for a few
conds when lecting ignition.
82.For flights done without tting the FMS (no CRZ LVL t on F-PLN INIT page) spoilers were
not deploying at landing (this also caud autobrakes not engaging).
83.Bleed air temperatures were too low during idle descend causing a “BLEED AIR x FAULT” alert
to be triggered if anti-ice was turned on.
January 9, 2008