be benefit to高级句子
It will be benefit to the improvement of the liquor quality.
The experiment results will be benefit to application of 5% allicin EW as fungicide to cotton dias.
Be benefit to (for) people's physical and mental health. help people maintain a healthy body and psychology.
The thorough study of the vocabulary of 金枪鱼dazhuangyanlunjing willy be benefit to the study of the history of Chine lexicon.
Thispaper analyzes cluster risk prevention from the leaning organization, and hopes it will be benefit to cluster risk guard.
This paper rearches on Shenyang old people 's fashion attitude and choice standards, and it will be benefit to fashion enterpris.
笔筒的做法Conclusion PMP is characterized bythe lesion site and shape in the images, Accurate imaging evaluation can be benefit to scheme of treatment.
This article mainly discusd the basic concepts, basic contents and requirements, which may be benefit to expressway landscape design, analysis and evaluation.品牌床垫
I believe the studies will be benefit to remote monitoring andcontrol technologies,in particular playa positive role in building the centralized control center.
Recycling and reu is a reasonable method for construction debris,there will be benefit to protect natural resources and maximum reduce the negative effect on natural environment.眼镜的简笔画
The campus gardening ofthe university can improve the ecological environment of the campus, can be benefit to teachers and studentsand can provide thelive teaching place for the cour of botany.