like doing造句
1.My friend really like doing sports.
2.I like doing yoga in the morning.
3.My most favorite hobby is doing DIY projects.
雷达蝎4.My first choice activity is doing puzzles.
5.I like doing origami in my spare time.
6.She like doing outdoor activities with her friends.
十字路口新海诚7.My brother likes doing art projects.
8.I have a passion for doing photography.
9.He can't resist doing charity work.
10.My aunt likes doing creative writing.
11.I prefer doing crafts over playing with technology.
12.The best thing she can imagine doing is playing the violin.
13.My best friend likes doing calligraphy.
14.My grandpa likes doing crossword puzzles.
15.I really enjoy doing martial arts. 金刚力功
豆瓣高分悬疑电影16.My daughter likes doing dance moves.
大臣拼音17.They get a thrill from doing extreme sports.
18.I find joy in doing gardening activities.
19.My son likes doing basketball drills.
20.She finds solace in doing yoga pos. 三下乡心得
21.My mom like doing cooking projects.
22.My dad is fascinated by doing woodworking.
23.I get a lot of pleasure from doing birdwatching.
24.He has a passion for doing bike tricks.
25.I'm like doing animal care activities.