Unit 2 Energy
Learning objectivesIn this unit you will:
1. learn about some enerty-related problems and pressures human beings face; 2. familiarize yourlf with the words/expressions related to the theme of the unit; 3. learn to u the words and expressions; 4. learn more about the ABCs of news reporting; 5. practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials; 6. learn to u the proper expressions and ntence structures to ask permission.
Part I Theme-Related Activities Part II Listening Strategies Part III Extensive Listening Part IV Communication Skills
Part V Asssment Log
Part I Theme-Related Activities Section I Section II Talk Feature
Section III Talk
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Lead-in questions
Lead-in questions:1. What measures should be taken to rai people’s awareness of energy conrvation? 2. What have you done to adopt or popularize a more energy-efficient lifestyle?
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Word Bank自制蛋糕
Word Bankunderpin / nd p n/ v. arc / k/ n. extraction / k strk n/ n. refinement /r fa nm nt/ n. entropic / entr p k/ adj. ecologist / k l d st/ n. liter / li t (r)/ n. metric / metr k/ adj. 支撑,支持 弧,弧形物 抽出,取出 精炼,提炼 熵的,熵态的 生态学家
升,公升(容量单位) 公制的,米制的,十进制的
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Word Bank
phytoplankton /fa t ’pl kt n/ n.photosynthetic /f t s n’θet k/ adj. come upon humanly /hju
me nli/ adv. mitigate / m t e t/ vt.
中秋节的寓意 浮游 生物 光 合的 偶遇, 突袭, 突然产生 富人情地,仁 爱地,人道地 镇静,缓和,减轻
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Notes
Notes1. And so then I went out to develop a whole ries on the landscape of oil. Then I started to make a ries on the situation of oil. 2. And that’s one chapter. And that’s only one part of the whole thing. 3. The whole world at 1.2 trillion estimated rerves, only gives us about 45 years. The estimated rerves of oil is 1.2 trillion for the whole world, which would only sustain our life for about 45 years. 4. peak oil a period which es an extremely large consumption of oil.
小故事睡前故事 Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 1
Task 1 Watch the video clip and then complete the following comprehension questions.1. What, most likely, is the speaker’s occupation? A. Writer. B. Photographer. C. Social activist. D. Ecological rearcher. 2. Why did the speaker decide to photograph
the landscape of oil? A. Oil reflects the scale of change and the speed we take resources. B. Oil is the most basic support of our daily activities. C. We have run into the most rious oil crisis in decades. D. Such a landscape demonstrates our exploitation of the Earth.
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 1
3. What does the speaker intend to document with his photos? A. How people celebrate their cars. B. Overexploitation of limited natural r
esources. C. The day when everything built on oil collaps. D. Consumption of oil in our motor cultures. 4. According to the speaker, how long will the prent oil rerves last? A. Approximately 30 years. B. Approximately 40 years. C. Approximately 45 years. D. Approximately 50 years.
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 1
5. What is the purpo of this talk on photographing the landscape of oil? A. To alert the audience of the dire conquences of the end of oil. B. To call on people to take action regarding the energy crisis. C. To impart the knowledge of oil conrvation. D. To advocate for a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 2
Task 2 Watch the video clip a cond time and then identify which of the following topics the speaker mentioned in the talk. Tick tho you heard in the talk.√ 1. How oil is extracted and refined. ____ ____ 2. Monitoring the consumption of oil.
新年日记 ____ √ 3. The possible end of oil. ____ 4. Interacting with more ecologists. ____ 5. Supporting organic material and organic lifestyles. ____ 6. The biggest oil suppliers in the world. ____ √ 7. The amount of oil consumed every year. ____ √ 8. Be responsible to future generations.
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 3
Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then have a group discussion bad on the following questions. After the discussion, each group will give a brief report to the class.1. It may not be a fal alarm that the oil rerves will be ud up in 50 years or so. What do you imagine the world would be like when there is no more oil? 2. Suppo you live in a community of about 200 houholds. Design a plan/proposal together with the other members in your group to help the residents be more energy efficient and eco-friendly. 3. Fast economic development is often achieved at
Unit 2 》Part I 》Section I 》Script
ScriptI started my journey 30 years ago. And I worked in mines. And I realized that this was a world unen. And I wanted, through color and large format cameras and very large prints, to make a body of work that somehow became symbols of our u of the landscape, how we u the land. And to me this was a key component that somehow, through this medium of photography, which allows us to contemplate the landscapes, that I thought photography was perfectly suited to doing this type of work. And after 17 years of photographing large industrial