1.Definition of Second language acquisition:
It refers to a systematic study of how one person acquires a cond language subquent to his native language.
Acquisition习得: 无意识地学会现代词
2. Interlanguage 中介语
蒜怎么腌制好吃 Selinker (1972) coined the term “interlanguage” to refer to the systematic knowledge of an L2 which is independent of both the learners’ L1 and the target language. The term has come to be ud with different but related meanings: (1) to refer to the ries of interlocking systems which characterize acquisition. (2) to refer to the system that is obrved at a single stage of development. (“interlanguage”), and (3) to refer to particular L1/L2 combination (for example,L1 French/ L2 English v. L1 Japane/L2 English). Other terms that refer to the same basic idea are “approximative system” and “transitional competence”.
E.g. I lost my road.
I lost my way.
Fossilization(石化现象):It refers to the phenomenon that incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language.
石化现象是中介语的重要特征 女性胸
E.g. All students are not here.不是所有的学生都在这里
None of the student is here.所有的学生都不在这里
Selinker (1972) noted that most L2 learners fail to reach target-language competence. That is, they stop learning while their internalized rule system contains rules different from tho of target system. This is referred to as “fossilization”. It reflects the operation of various internal process.
一、Concepts of Second language acquisition:
1 Competence vs performance
2 L1 vs. L2 vs. FL
3 Acquisition vs. learning
4 Input vs. output
5 Interlanguage 中介语
6 Variability
7 Fossilization (石化现象)
8 Language transfer 迁移
2. Competence vs. Performance
Chomsky (1957)made his famous distinguish between Competence and Performance
Competence: an ideal speaker’s knowledge of his languages manifested in his ability to u the language.
Sound, form, meaning:
Performance: the specific utterances, including grammatical mistakes and non-linguistic features such as hesitations, etc.
✧Competence and performance in language learning
What is acquired or learned of the two?
✧In language learning, what does the distinction tell us? (result, process, evaluation)
3. First language vs. Second language vs. F L
1.What is First language (L1)?
L1, with other names: native language (NL), mother tongue, primary language. First language or cond language indicates the order or quence of language learning.
2. What is cond language (L2)?
The language one learns after his native language or L1.“Second” can mean any language one learn that is subquent to his L1.
3.Two ns of L2
A: the language one learns after his native language, one learns the language in the target language (TL) language environment. (narrow n)
Example: A Chine learns English in US or UK. An American learns Chine in China.
B: Any language that one learns other than his native tongue.( broad n)
Example: We are learning English in China.
4.Foreign Language (FL)
The language that one learns other than his first language, but not in the target language environment.
1 Learning English not in the English-spoken countries.
2 Differences between FL and L2
4.A Comparison between L1 and L2 acquisition
扪心自问 Speed
六个月宝宝辅食食谱 Error correction
Depth of knowledge
Level of attainment
那些夜晚5.Acquisition vs. Learning
1. What is acquisition?
The distinction between acquisition and learning was made by S. Krashen, the famous American applied linguist in his “Monitor Theory”.
He defined two types of modes of learning in adult L2 learning.
2.Acquisition: the subconscious learning process in the natural language environment that is not influenced by explicit instruction in a cond language’s rules and system or about errors.
Learning: is a conscious process of language development that is the result of intended and explicit instruction in a cond language’s roles and system or about errors in a artificial environment such as a formal language classroom.