第2章 音位学
1. Speech organs
2. Distinction, classification and the criteria of description between constants and vowels
3. Phonemes and allophones
4. Phonological rule and distinctive features
5. Syllable structure, stress and intonation
1. The phonic medium of language
2. Phonetics语音学
(1)The definition of phonetics
(2)Three rearch fields
(3)Organs of speech
(4)Voiceless sounds
(5)Voiced sounds
(6)Orthographic reprentations of speech sounds ——broad and narrow transcriptions
(7)Classification of English speech sounds
A: Definition
漫画老师作文五年级B: Classification of English consonants
C: Classification of English vowels
3. Phonology
孔子评价 (1) Relationship between phonology and phonetics
(2) Phone, phonme
(3) Allophone
(4) Some rules in phonology
A: Sequential rules
B: Assimilation rule
C: Deletion rule
(5) Supra-gmental features: stress, tone, intonation
A: stress
B: tone
C: intonation
1. The phonic medium of language
2. Phonetics语音学
(1)The definition of phonetics
Phonetics: is defined as the study of the phonic medium of English language. It concerns with the sounds that occur in the world’ languages.
(2)Three rearch fields 三大研究领域 考点名词解释
小米手环功能 A: Articulatory phonetics 发音语音学: the study of the production of speech sounds.
B: Acoustic phonetics 声学语音学: the study of physical properties (特征)of speech sounds.
C: Perceptual phonetics 感知语音学: refers to the perception of speech sounds.
(3)Organs of speech
Vocal organs: lungs, trachea(气管), throat, no, and mouth.
(4) Voiceless sounds 清音
The sound produced without causing the vibration of the vocal cords(声带).
(5) Voiced sounds 浊音
The sound produced with causing the vibration of the vocal cords(声带).
(6) Orthographic reprentations of speech sounds ——broad and narrow transcriptions
心博 A: Broad transcriptions: transcription with the letter symbols only(一般用于词典和教学)
B: Narrow transcriptions: transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics(变音符号). (语言学家在语言研究中使用)
IPA: International Phonetic Alphabet (国际音标) 产生于19世纪末。
(7)Classification of English speech sounds 语音的分类
A: Definition
a: Consonants: sounds are produced by constricting the vocal tract at some places to divert, impede or completely shut off the flow of air in the 仙剑奇侠传人物oral cavity.
b: Vowels: sounds produced without obstruction, so no turbulence or a total stopping of the air in the oral cavity.
B: Classification of English consonants
a: in terms of the manners of articulation(发音方式):
绿茵梦 Stops(爆破音): pb td kg 6
Fricatives(摩擦音): /f/ /v/ /θ/ /ð/ /s/ /z/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/ h/ /r/ 8
Affricatives(塞擦音): /tʃ/ /dʒ/
Liquids(清音): /l/ /r/
Nasals(鼻音): /m,n,η/
Glides(滑音): /w j/
b: in terms of place of articulation(发音部位)
bilabials(双唇音): /p b m w/
labiodentals(唇齿音): /f v/
dentals(齿音): /ð//θ/
alveolars(齿龈音): /t d n l r s/ 6
palatals(腭音): /j ʃ ʒ tʃ d / 5
velars(软腭音): /k gη/
glottal(喉音): /h/
C: Classification of English vowels
a: the position of the tone in mouth: front, central, back,
b: the openness of the mouth: clod mi-clod mi-open and open.
c: the shape of the lips: rounded and unrounded
d: the length of the vowels: ten and lax or long and short
3. Phonology
(1) Relationship between phonology and phonetics
Similarity: Both concerned with the speech sounds.
Differences: Approach and Focus.
Phonetics: general nature, it is interested in all human languages.
Phonology: how speech sounds form patterns and how sounds convey meanings.
(2) Phone, Phoneme 考点
Phone: It is a basic unit of phonetic study, a minimal sound gment that human speech can produce. But does not necessarily distinguish meaning.
Phoneme: It is a basic unit of phonological study. It is an abstract collection of phonetic features which can distinguish meaning.
(3)Allophone: The different realizations of the same phoneme in different phonetic environment are called allophones.(同一个音位在不同的语音环境中的实现方式被称为音位的音位变体)