在本次校级公开课活动中, 我有幸承担了英语教学汇报任务。下面就针对实际授课情况,简要分析一下我这节课的整体设计及教学反思。
本课时是高三第一轮教材知识复习巩固课。所授课题目是选修教材第七册的第六模块The World's Cultural Heritage。教学目的是让学生熟练掌握并灵活运用新课标中一些重点词汇、短语、句型的用法。在教学过程中, 我以课本为蓝本,结合学生实际,在以话题为主线索的新课标理念指导下,结合高考真题,创设多种情境, 巩固重点词汇及短语的应用,注重语言的实际综合运用。这是一次词汇、短语、句型的组合教学活动, 这种教学活动是提高学生英语综合知识能力的一个有效途径。在教学过程中我比较合理地使用了多媒体课件,增大了教学容量,提升了课堂效率,有效地完成了本课时的教学目标。
首先,以学生的自我展示活动中的小组讨论的形式引入话题,学生的小组活动极大增强了学生的参与热情和合作意识, 同时优秀学生的展示在一定程度上起到榜样示范作用。
在“头脑风暴”环节中, 以句子接龙的游戏形式,采用“任务驱动”的方法,鼓励学生对于教材内容进行充分地预习,自主地复习搜集、整理模块知识点,旨在培养学生的自主学习能力,让学生在学习中体验成功和快乐。主体精神得到了培养和锻炼,学生由“被动”地学转变为“主动”地学,形成积极的学习态度。
在进行词汇、短语、句型操练的环节时,设置了词性转换、句型转换、多项选择、猜词义、改错等练习题目,通过个别提问与集体问答相结合,英译汉与汉译英相结合,知识拓展与捕捉考点相结合的多种形式,紧扣教学内容和教学目标,多角度、全方位地组织训练,容量大,覆盖面广; 训练中注重强调重点,突破难点,结合考点; 注重培养学生的解题能力,注重学法指导。师生互动的教学模式体现了以学生为主体的教学理念。
在写作任务中,对学生进行相关话题的写作训练, 因为课前已要求学生写出作文提纲, 本节课实际上是对于预习作业和模块话题的交流和拓展, 此环节有助于学生对于教材进行整体把握并提升解决实际问题的能力。
本节公开课尚有一些遗憾的地方有待改进,比如在“头脑风暴”的环节, 我只采用了口头提示学生回答的方式,这一做法在反馈学生的实际操作情况方面还不够全面,在一定程度上流于形式,如果能够让个别学生直接在黑板上板书,再针对学生写出的句子进行讲解,适当地引导,效果会更好;或是增加任务难度, 在句子接龙的活动中,让学生重复上一个学生所呈现的句子,会更具实效性。
其次, 在时间调控方面有待于改进,后面的写作环节完成得比较匆忙。我认为如果在前面的复习环节中把时间安排得更紧凑一点,课堂的整体计划性更严谨些, 就会留出足够的时间让学生去自主完成写
作任务, 并进行组内课堂交流, 教师指导写作方法, 从而使学生更有效地运用教材, 达到学以致用的教学目的。
1. 四定本类作文及小贴士。
2. 讨论分析上次学生作文的失误,警示学生。
3. 提示本次作文。就地过年
4. 学生写作,一位学生在黑板上写。
5. 发放核查列表,用黑板上的作文结合核查列表让学生自查自改,展示出彩句—高分策略。
十.教学时间:约45 分钟
玉米的拼音Lecturer: Mei Hong
School: Renshou Huaxing Middle School
Place: Meeting Hall
Time: March 27th, 2008
1.Analyzing the studying conditions: This is a top arts class of Senior 3. The majority of students have a good knowledge of English and can finish the composition well. But there still exist some problems resulting in low marks, such as being far away from the topic of the composition while making decisions; Chine thoughts, translating the material one by one; confusing ntences; or grammar mistakes and so on. In order to solve the problems, during the sprinting stage of nior 3,
we are strengthening the training of all types of compositions: application, argumentative essays (pros and cons), pictures, data and charts, acceptance of appointment, contrast of past and prent ect.
2. Teaching content: Composition--- an argumentative essay (pros and cons) <The material will be given>
3. Teaching Aims: Make sure the students are familiar with and grasp the model of argumentative essays (pros and cons).标准工资指什么
4. Teaching important points: Let the students master the basic ways to write argumentative essays (pros and cons): 4 paragraphs, person, ten, points and transitions.
5. Teaching difficult points: Guide the top students to write wonderful and
different compositions to gain high marks.
6.Teaching methods: Teacher---advi, require, guide and judge. Students---speak, write and correct.
7. Teaching aids: A student’s composition of this style, writing material and checking lists
8. Teaching procedures: Review—obrve—practice—correct and improve
1>. 4 decisions about this type of composition and 3 tips for compositions.
2>. Discuss and analyze the mistakes of the student’s composition, and
remind the students to avoid the similar mistakes.
3> Guide the new composition.
4>. Write the composition. One is asked to write on the blackboard.
5>. Give out the checking lists and then combine the composition on the blackboard with the checking lists, guiding the students to correct their own compositions. Emphasize the wonderful points---strategies for high marks.
9. Teaching time: about 45 minutes
10. Teaching lf-examination:(finish it after class) After checking the students’ compositions, if there still exist rious problems, teaching methods will be improved to train students to write this style of c
ompos ition again. If just a few students haven’t pasd it, I will just do parate tutorial and conduct the students to go on with another style.
Four decisions:
1. Style:An argumentative essay
1.Person: 3, 1 (my own opinion)
2.Ten: The Simple prent
3.Points: Para 1---Leading in
Para 2---The point of pros + the supporting arguments
Para 3---The points of cons+ the supporting arguments
Para 4---My own point + the supporting arguments (if necessary)
Three Tips:
1. Full information and full points
2. Correct subject and predicate
3. Necessary transitions
The Ministry of Education has put forward a plan of popularizing waltz in schools from the start of the new school year of 2007, which leads to a heated discussion.
The majority of people think that dance waltz is a good form of after-school activity and Λ
it can help students keep fit. Besides, it will rich their school’s life and make them to relax.
There are 10% people have the attitude of doubt and worry. They disagreed it. In less
南京的简称developing areas there have not enough Λ teachers. Some teachers and parents are worried about
that students are like to fall in love at the young age becau Λ the activity.
In my opinion, it is more benifical than bad. But we mustΛ under the proper leading of our
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Strategies for high marks: Examples:
美团图片1. Be careful when using ntence “there be… ” or verb “agree”. “disagree”. “approve” in this type of composition.
2. 70% students are in favor of this idea, saying that (70% students who are for the idea think that ) it’s convenient for their daily life. It is by buying daily goods in such dormitory supermarkets
that they can save some money, which can help reduce their financial burdens.歌颂党的歌
3.It’s a boring thing, in their opinion, for them to bear the noi from the dormitory sup ermarkets
五年级植树问题5. We should take a critical attitude towards it. In a word, only by trying new things can we be ready for the challenges we will be faced with in the future.(will be well-prepared for the
6. U right complex ntences at the right places and at the right time.
One possible version:
Recently we’ve had a heated discussion on whether it’s acceptable to start a supermarket in the dormitory.
70% students are in favor of the idea, saying that it’s convenient for their daily life. Meanwhile, it can help reduce financial burdens. Most important of all, the students can develop a n of survival.
30% students, on the other hand, are against doing so. In their opinion, it disturbs the students in and around the dormitory. What’s wor, it has a bad effect on their own study.
As far as I’m concerned, they can stick to their choice as long as they obey the school rules and concentrate their attention on study.