Welcome to Radio English on Sunday.
This is Bruce.
/ and this is Peter Lai.
/Welcome to our show. Today we're going to look at unit one, on page one, but before we start, let's give you some idea of what you can expect to learn with us on Radio English on Sunday. We have lots and lots of interesting, uful and informative topics for you. We will be taking a look at some of the most interesting and important places in the world, (as) some interesting animals, and customs, culture, a little bit history, too. All the for you on Radio English on Sunday.
/ By the way, this is an article featured in the biggest city of the world, New York, is that all right?
/ Well, that's the thing biggest English speaking city of the world and it's the biggest city in the US.
/ And Bruce is quite familiar with the city becau he was brought up there and fortunately he's still a very good guy, right?
Well, I love New York, and we have a lot of interesting things for you to find out about this great city on our program today.
Well, what will we be doing for you for every article is reading them paragraph by paragraph, and then going back to give you first the main idea of each paragraph, and then Peter will choo some important or uful phras for us spend a little more attention to.
Let's Visit New York.
New York, New York, the city is so nice, they named it twice. The words were ud to describe New York when it was by far the largest, richest and most developed city in the US. Yew York still remains the largest and most famous city in the US today, but some of its nice reputation has fallen over the past thirty years with stories of (wrappon---->rampant) crime making headlines around the world. How true are the stories? Is New York still a nice place to visit? If so, what can a tourist do in New York? Let's take a clor
look at the America's premier city.
This paragraph tells us what you can expect to learn in today's article. We have all heard of New York, of cour, and most people know that it is the largest city in the US, but some people have also heard that it has a kind of bad name--maybe a dangerous city to visit. Well, is it? We'll find out when we take a clor look at New York in today's article.
/to make headlines,
大天狗哪里多/If you do something which makes headlines, you do something which makes the news. People start writing about it or put it on TV or here on the radio. So if something is very exciting or important, we say that it makes headlines.
/ Wow, that's really gross! That's disgusting!
Peter's strange behavior made headlines.
"Premier" has a couple of meanings. Here it refers as an adjective, something which is the best or the most important. But a Premier is a political position at or near the head of a government.
Sometimes it means "Prime Minister".
/ Yeah, it depends on the country. The "Premier" is a position which in some countries as President and in other countries is Prime Minister.
/But obviously here in the article, the word is ud as an adjective, meaning "the best", the "number one" city.
First, as personal and social curity are always upmost in the minds of travelers, just how dangerous a city is New York. Despite the glaring headlines, New York located in the North Eastern US, is one of the safest cities in the US. In fact, New York State, which includs New York city, thus, "New York New York, the city is so nice, they named it twice",
ranks below other big population states like California in both violent crime of much concern to the tourists and property crime. Other major cities have higher crime rates, too. Thus, the foreign travelers to New York city can feel more cure here than in most other large metropolitan area of the US.
Now in this paragraph, we answered the question which we looked at in the first paragraph, how true are the stories. The stories about New York's (Wapponed---rampant) crime, are they true? Or maybe each headline is true, but when we take look at the crime rate, how many crimes per population per year? We found that New York city is not a dangerous city compared to most other American cities. California, Texis, (应该是德克萨斯心简笔画 Texas)Florida, Chicago, ..big cites and big states have much higher crime rates than New York or New York state. In fact the North Eastern US, 东北,this is the safest region of the US.
Here, "as personal and social curity are always upmost in the minds of travelers," if something is always upmost in one's mind,
/ What does it mean then?
/ Although I am living alone here in Taiwan, my family back in New York is always upmost in my mind.
/They play the most important role in my life.
/That's right.
/To be upmost in one's mind 的用法。
Then what is property crime?
/ Good question. We have the "violent crime" and "property crime". "Violent crime" of cour would be somebody attacking you on the street or in your hotel room, hurting you physically. "Property crime" would be things like theft, somebody steeling from you or mugging, using a knife or a gun to rob you on the street, or maybe steel your car. Tho t
hree, theft, mugging and car theft, are property crimes.
公务员考核表个人总结mug: 被人用刀,棒子,枪等抢劫。另一意思是杯子。大杯。
mugging, An assault upon a person especially with the intent to rob.
I was mugged.
Ok, let's get ready for the third paragraph, as we finish page one and go to page two.
本 Pan 听写的赖世雄高级美语网上首发
Besides safety, why do more foreigners visit New York than any other American cities? The answer lies in the character of New York itlf. No other city in the worlk is more cosmopolitan. A walk through its hundreds of residential neighborhoods is like walking ar
ound the world itlf. Place names like China Town and Little Italy can be found on any map of New York. But smaller ethnic neighborhoods also abound. Also, all the groups sponsor annual or asonal festivals so that nearly every week, one or more of the peoples will share their cultural experiences and food with other New Yorkers.
So in this paragraph, we learned something about the character or nature of New York as a city. The key word here of cour is, cosmopolitan, this means that the city is made up of many many different groups of people all living together. China Town, everybody's heard of that, Little Italy is also very famous. But did you know that there are people from Egypt, and Morocco and (Branzeo 国名) and Korea living in New York, too? You can find just about any group of people living there, and this gives New York a very rich cultural experience.
/ Yeah, we can also say, this city is something like a window on the world.
/Great expression, Peter. A window on the world. If you want to e what the world is really like, you don't have to go around the world, you can just walk through New York.
New York, or New York city in this ca, is a window on the world. 注意介词用on.
abound in,
This river abounds in fish. 这河里有丰富的鱼,有大量的鱼。盛产鱼。
abound in
盛产, 富于; 充满, 多
abound with
预备党员的预备期为几年盛产, 富于; 充满, 多
Becau of this unsurpasd (acnick-->ethnic) diversity, the restaurant goer will feel that he has died and gone to heaven while in New York. There's hardly a cuisine on the planet that is not reprented here. Even better, many of the exotic restaurants are reasonably priced. One is never far from a restaurant in New York, there're thousands of Chine restaurants alone.
This paragraph gives us another example of how cosmopolitan New York is, and really what this word means. Becau now we can talk about ethnic diversity, many different groups of people living together in one big city, and we especially talked about the cuisine, which are available in New York, this word means the cooking styles of a particular country or region in a country. China, for example, is very famous for its cuisines, becau there are many different kinds of cooking that we can find in China. In China Town and throughout New York, there are thousands of Chine restaurants alone. Of cour there're thousands of other kinds of restaurants there, too.
/ What is your favorite restaurant and where is it?
/ Let's e, well, in China Town itlf, you can get a lot of good Cantone cooking. But I'll tell you. I think it's true of any country if you really want the the very best food of the country, you really have to go back to the home country itlf. I hate to this, but the Chine food in New York or any other American city, I guess we can't really expect it to be as good as back in the home country, and that's unfortunately true of New York, too.
unsurpasd, --> unrivaled,
When it comes to singing, Bruce is unsurpasd. " When it comes to singing, " 这个to 是介词,后面跟名词或动名词的。
/ Bruce who?
/Besides the internationally famous sighteing attractions, mostly in the borough or district of Manhattan, such as the Statue of Liberty, the Wrold trade Center with its two one hundred ten-story towers, Wall Street, the United Nations, and Broadway, many other interesting places await the curious traveler.The Bronx Zoo in the Northern borough of the Bronx is one of the world's best. The borough of Queens offers a great variety of ethnic residential neighborhoods. Brooklyn contains the Botanical Gardens, Coney Island, a beach with an amument park, and JFK international Airport. Finally, Stalen Island, the smallest borougu, still affords a look at what New York ud to be like, including a farm!
A farm in New York? Doesn't sound possible? After we hear about all of the world-famous attractions in the city, most people think of Manhattan, that is the downtown district when they think of New York, but there're other boroughs or districts. Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn and State Island.
/ Mmm, the last word, "farm",
I was raid on that farm,
If somebody jokingly says,
"I was raid on that funny farm, " that exactly means 精神病院. _______ 这个在中级讲座中也提到过。
/ That's right. Who let you out?
For culture lovers, New York has more muums than any other city, but some of the are not internationally known. A visit to any of the historical, technical, ethnic or academic muums is well worth the time. _________________(在中级美语讲座第23课
中有这样的用法,it may be worth your while to do something)
New York's art, music, dance and fashion scenes are a mecca for the young and professional alike. The Internet website for specific information on New York city and state tourism is triple w dot Iloveandwhy dot state dot andwhy dot us. A toll-free number for tourists already in the US or Canada is also available at one eight hundred (call) and (why as)电话名.
This paragraph tells us that there is much more to New York than lots of good food, many different excellent cuisines. The muums in New York are world famous like (Moma地名), Natural, History, muum and (Goodenhyn地名) Muum and so on. But there really are hundreds of smaller muums you could learn anything you wanted. The arts also play a big place in the life of New York city. Lots of people go to New York to enjoy the art's scene. And if you need more information, we provide this here for you at the end of the paragraph.
To be a (megga) for ...是什么什么中的胜地。
/ Well, this would mean as (megga) is the most important city in the Muslim World and everybody is suppod to go there at least once in his lifetime. A (Megga) for someplace means that this place is the place which interests most peole in a particular field or in particular area of interest. Let's Miami is a (Meka) for the sun lover.
/ There's a lot of sunshine overthere.
-----这个什么Megga, Mekka, 查了老半天,才发现正确的拼法Mecca.
A place that is regarded as the center of an activity or interest.
A goal to which adherents of a religious faith or practice fervently aspire.
A place visited by many people:
a mecca for tourists.
A city of western Saudi Arabia near the coast of the Red Sea. The birthplace of Mohammed, it is the holiest city of Islam and a pilgrimage site for all devout believers of the faith. Population, 550,000.
No matter what your interest is, if it can be found in the urban environment, if can be found in New York. Its eight million citizens hail from every corner of the globe. But they are united in a lover of their challenging but rewarding city. As the locals there say, sure, you'll have to be a little crazy to live in New York, but you'll be nuts to live anywhere el.
This paragraph points out that the city population is eight million, the metropolitan populat
ion is sixteen million, and New York offers everything to everybody that could be found in a city.
夏门小吃/ to hail from simply means "come from".
/ Exactly! This is a more colloquial usage, to "hail from", most poeple say "I come from or I am from such a place", but you still hear someone hails from that part of the country.
____________Pan. 2003. 2.
____________Pan. 2003. 11. 3 重听校正。
A lf-governing incorporated town in some U.S. states, such as New Jery.
One of the five administrative units of New York City.
A civil division of the state of Alaska that is the equivalent of a county in most other U.S. states.
The following is the original article, which was offered by a friend of mine.
med it twice" ) ranks below other big-population. States Iike California in both violent crime (of much concern to the tourist) and property crime. Other major cities have higher crime rates, too. Thus, the foreign traveler to New York city can feeI more cure here than in most other large metropolitan areas of the U. S..
Besides safety, why do more foreigners visitNew York than any other American city? The answer lies in the character of New York itIf. No other city in the world is more cosmopolitan. A walk through its hundreds of residential neighborhoods is like waIking around the worId itlf. Place names like Chinatown and Little Italy can be found on any map of New York, but smaller ethnic neighborhoods also abound. Also, all the groups sponsor annual or asonaI festivals, so that nearIy every week one or more of the Peoples wilI share their Cultural experiences (and food ! )With other New Yorkers.
Becau of this unsurpasd ethnic diversity, the restaurant goer wilI feel that he has died and, gone to heaven while in New York. There is hardly a cuisine on the planet that is not reprented here.Even better, many of the exotic restaurants are reasonably pric
ed. One is never far from a restaurant in New York. There are thousands of Chine restaurants alone.
Besides the intemotionally famous sight-eing attractions--mostly in the borough (district) of Manhatta--such as the statue of Liberty, the World Trade Center with its two ll0-story towers, Wall Street, the United Nations, and Broadway, many other interesting places await the curious traveler.The Bronx Zoo in the northem borough of the Bronxis one of the worId's best. the borough of Queens offers a great variety of ethnic residential neighbor hoods. Brooklyn contains the Botonical Gardens, Coney Island (a beach with an amument park), and J. F. K. Intemstional AirPort. Finally, Staten Island, the smallest borough, Still affords a look at what New York ud to be like, includihg a farm!
For culture lovers, New York has more muums than any other city, but some of the are not internationally known. A visit to any of the historical, technical, ethnic, or academic muums is well worth the time. New York's art, music, dance, and fashion scenes are a mecca for the young and professional alike. The internet website for specific information on New York city and state tourism iswww.us. A toll-fr
ee number for tourists already in the U. S. or Canada is also available at 1-800-CALL-NYS.
No matter what your interest is, if it can be found in an urban environment, it can be found in New York. Its eight million citizens hail from every corner of the globe,but they are united in the love of their challenging but rewarding city. As the locals there say, "Sure, you have to be a little crazy to live in New York, but you'd be nuts to live anywhere el!"
对爱好文化的人来说,纽约的博物馆比其他任何城市都多,但有些并非国际知名的。不管是参观历史、科技、种族或是学术博物馆所花的时间都是很值得。纽约的艺术、音乐、舞蹈和流行服饰圈对年轻人和专业人士同样都是心所向往之处。有关纽约市的详细资讯和纽约州的观光旅游可在下列网址找到:WWW.ILOVENY.STATE.NY.SU。 而人已经在美国或加拿大的游客则可打免费电话,号码是1-800-CALL-NYS。
这世界因为你的存在而更精彩! Your existence makes the world more wonderful!团装