Standard | 经典山西
Ensure all glass is clean and provide a clean, tidy and enjoyable environment for guest to u. 保持玻璃清洁,给予客人一个干净整洁的环境。 |
Procedure |
两次飞跃1.Place condemned linen at the bottom of the glass, in order to prevent the wage drip on the window sill and wall. 在最紧贴玻璃底部铺上报废床单这样可以防止玻璃的污水弄脏窗台及墙身等,同时也便于玻璃清洗完后对污水的清除及处理。 2.Obrve the glass surface, if there is plastic track or oil sludge, u blade to eradicate it in 45 degree angle. Do not remove it with a blade. 观察玻璃表面的污渍性质,如有胶渍、油渍之类可用铲刀与玻璃成45度角铲除,切忌用刀片剔除污渍。 3.Do not remove the film coating with a blade on the glass surface, otherwi it will be damaged. Spray the chemical cleaner on the dirty surface, and stay it at least 2 minutes, wipe it with cotton cloth. 注意玻璃表面是否有镀膜,如有镀膜玻璃就不能用铲刀以免将镀膜刮伤,可用少量除渍剂喷在污渍表面, 约两分钟后用棉布将其擦掉。 4.After the stains has been removed, touch the glass surface, if there is sand grand or the other things, remove it immediately and do not damage the film coating. Avoid making damage when glass wipers. 漳州有什么好玩的地方或景点在明显污渍除掉后,用手摸摸玻璃表面,看是否有看不到的细小沙粒,硬物,并将其除掉,以免刮水时对玻璃刮胶条造成损坏。 5.时态思维导图U diluted glass cleaner (ba on the rate to dilute) , put the lamb wool soak into a water pail, then pick up the lamb wool and stay temporarily, starting at the bottom up of glass and u a lamb wool to clean it layer by layer repeatedly. (You can u an extendable handle) 用桶稀释好玻璃水(按比例稀释),将毛球放在桶内浸透,然后拿起上水毛球稍微停留,让多余滴回桶内,用上水毛球从玻璃顶部逐层涂抹擦洗(可配合伸缩杆使用)对有污渍的表面可多擦几次。 6.笑话爆笑 U glass wipers to scrape away the glass wage from top to low. 预备党员考察鉴定表用玻璃刮从上到下将已擦洗的玻璃污水刮干。 7.Wipe the glass horizontally or straight, the distance of wiping should be overlapped 1-2 cm, wipe the glass thoroughly with cleaning cloth repeatedly, and avoid having a stain on the glass. 刮玻璃可用横刮式或竖刮式进行,刮玻璃的行距互叠1-2公分,每刮一次将玻璃的胶条用清洁巾抹干净,再刮第二次,以免胶条藏有细小杂物造成遗留水痕。 8.U a special cleaning cloth to dry the edge of the glass. 用指定的清洁布将玻璃周边交接处的水抹干。挈领的意思 9.Collect the condemned linen, u a cleaning cloth to wipe the window sill, wall and floor. 将玻璃底部报废床单收起,同时用清洁布将窗台, 墙身或地面抹干净。 康熙十四子10.Check and keep all cleaning tools before leave. 清理工具离开现场并检查物品和工具是否齐全。 |
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