1.The issue of a draft
A draft for USD 100,000.00 is drawn by The American Exporter Co.,Ltd, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A on the French Issuing Bank, Paris, France payable at 60 days after sight to the order of ourlves dated 15 May., 2006 marked “Drawn under The French Issuing Bank,Paris, France L/C No.12345 dated 25 Feb., 2006.”
2.A draft indicates that “at 10 days from 11 may, 2006 pay to the order of A company…”, the maturity of the draft falls on ______
3.A draft is partly shown as follows:
exchange for GBP12,500.00 New York, 23 May 2006
at 60 days after B/L date 23/ May/2006 pay to the order of ourlves the sum of US dollars one thousand only.国产两厢车
Suppo the accepted draft was discounted on 23 may, 2006 by the collecting bank, Bank of Asia, London at the rate of 9% per annum. Plea calculate discount amount and net proceeds.
案例分析 汇票金额大小不一致
案情:A银行向襄樊战役B银行开出不可撤销信用证,受益人交单后B银行通过快递将单据寄交A游戏背景音乐银行,A银行审单后发现下述不符点,遂对外拒付。汇票上小写金额为USD905000.00,大写金额为HONG KONG DOLLARS NINE HUNDRED AND FIVE THOUSAND ONLY,金额不一致。收到A银行的拒付电后,B银行认为所述不符点仅是打字手误,非实质性不符点。请结合相关票据法规定进行分析,及有哪些启示?
案例分析 关于支票过期的处理