(1)就我所知:as fir as I know, to my knowledge
(2)在我看来:fiom my point of view,in my vicw/opinion/personal judgment,h
sccms to mc that
(3)关]二,就……而言:inreference to,with regard to. in respect to/of. as to. as/so
(ar…iS concej'ned
(4)一J波来访1:geixrally speaking
(51概括地说:血general terms
(6)严格地说:strictly speaking
(7)更准确地说:precily speaking, more speciflcally speaking
(8)司’以肯定地说:It i safc to say that_
(9)我认为:l think/believe that.…
(lo)人们认为;Ttisbelieved that...
(儿)通常认为:It is generally accepted tlrat_
(12)常言道:It ud to be said that_
腊味芋头糕03)众所周知:As函kuo wn to all,.;It is well known to a ll that.
(14)据说:It is said that..
(15)据报道:It is rcportcd that..
(16)有人指出:Jtispointed out that_
香港东荟城(17)有人估计:IL is esnmaLed tlut.
(18)必须指出:It must be pointed out that_
包子怎么捏(19)必须承认:It must be admitted that.…;we must ad mit that
(20)我们必须对…引起注意:xve mu st pay/attaclr/draw geat atte ntion to
(21)我们应该重视…:we sho ujd p lace/lay/put geat emp hasis on..
(22)最近/近来,……的问题已经引起人们的广泛关注:Recently/nowadays the
issue of…has been bro ught to public attent KJn.
(23)有证据表叫:there】s so me proof7 evide uce that…
(24)毫无疑问:There js no do ubt that.…;it is beyoird do ubt that...;it is undo ub tedly
that..: it goes witho ut any do ubt that_
(25)显然 : it is clear/obvious/apparent that_
(26)不 n rfD喻: it goes without saying that.. .; it is lf- cvidcut that_
(1)例丑几 : for example. lor instance, such as
(2)以……为例:take…for example
(4)刚羊地: siruilarly, likewi, in the same way
(s)事实上: in fact, in cffcct, as a mattcr of fact
(6)特别是:particularly,in particular, especially
(7)再者,更重要的是:what's nx)re, more than that; the most ijrrpoitant
女人生日祝福语(8)此外:moreo ver. Iurthermore, in addiLion, in addition 10 Lhat, besides
9即,也就是说:’that运,flrat is to say.oinarnely
(10)换言之:in other words.ol'that is
(11)正如前面所时沦的那样as is p re viously dis c us d
(12)正如前而所提到的那样as we have me ntioned ahove
(1)……的原因有许多:ll)ere are many reaso nsWhy_
(2)……怕原凶且n下:The reasous why ..are as follows
社会性发展(3)我的/'法是......: My opinion is that._; From my point of view, ...; In my
opinion. . .
(4)这个问题的最侍解决方案是……:Tlre best solutx)n totk problem js…
①首先:firsl, firstly, jn the Iirst place. IirsL ol'all,Io begin wiLh, ror one thing
②我的第一点理由是:M first reason is that_
③主要因素是:The main fictor is that_
①其次:cond. condly in the cond place. next. LheA for another
②一种方法是:Another means of…is to…
③篇二种解决方法是:The co ud so Lution is tha t_
第三点 : ihird. Lhirdly, besides. in addition. in addition to that7 turLhermore, what ismore nnpmtint
(1)最后一点:last, lastly, last but not lcast, finally, in the last placc, last ofall, shoitly
(2)简言之:佃briee ill slx)rt7in summary,10 sum up
(3)总之:ina word. inco nclusion in al alto gether
(钔因此:so. thus. lrence. there如re, co nq uently, fjr tlre reasons
(5)结果:hl conquence,船aresult
(6)就我而言,我认为肼目信:as fir asI'm co nccrucd,I bc licvc/ think that_
(7)由此可见:itwill be en fromit that.…
(8)如上所述,我们可以得出……的结论:舔hs been s iid_dbove, we can co nclucle
that/arrive at/ come to/ make/ reach a conclu sion that_
(9)这就是…的理由:it is the rea son that_
(10)只有当我们立即采取有效措施去解决现有的问题,我们才能够…:only when
we take im media te arxl effective rwasures to solve the pre nt p rob leIn can we_
暖阳依旧(1)然而:while. whereas.b Ill,lX, we veL l.Ievertheless
(2)尽管如此:in spite of tlris. despite all this
(3)不管,不顾:regardless of