1、 船方不负责上述短卸。 Ship not responsible for the above shortage.
2、 船方对两港数字不一致不负责任。
Ship not responsible for the difference in the figures between loading and discharging ports.
3、 船方不接受上述残损。 Ship not accept above damage.
4、 包装不良造成残损,船方不负责任。
Ship not responsible for damage caud by poor packing.
5、 旧汽车,船方不负责任。 Ship not responsible for cond hand car. 二、批注否认理货
1、 理货数字不准。 Tally figure incorrect (inaccurate).
2、 不同意上述短卸。 Ship not agree to the above shortage.
3、 卸货中码头上有掉包,无法点清件数。
Impossible figure correct owing to fallen bags on wharf.
1、 根据岸上理货。 According to shore tally.
2、 船上没见理货员。 No tallyman on board.
3、 无人理货。 Nobody tallying.
4、 理货员不在现场。 Tallyman no in the spot. 四、批注把货物事故责任推到港口造成的内容。
1、 上述残损是在上海港卸货造成的。
The above damage caud in Shanghai during discharging.
2、 卸货过程中造成残损。 Damage caud by stevedores during discharging.
3、 短捆溢支是工人卸散造成的。
健康证流程Short bundle and over pieces due to the off-bundling by the stevedores during discharging.
1、 全船货物原收原交。All cargo delivered as loaded.
2、 听候船公司核准。 Subject to ship owner’s approval.
3、 箱破,内货完好。 Ca broken ,Content’s intact.
4、 货物特性所致。 Caud by cargo nature.
5、 自然融化。 Naturally melted.
6、 被迫签字。 Sign under protest. 六、批注其他符合事实的内容。
1、 地脚货全部卸下。 All the sweeping of cargo discharged.
2、 短卸货可能在上海港货物内。
The shortlanded cargo maybe mixed up with the cargo for shanghai.
3、 仅为收单而签字。 Sign for mate’s receipt.
4、 定量关不准。 Fixed quantity inaccurate. 七、批注有争议的内容
1、 有争议。 In dispute.
2、 船员理货为1000件,理货员理货为990件。
1000 packages tallied by ship’s crew. 990 packages tallied by tallyman.
1、 据说。 Said to be .
2、 理货据说。 Tally said to be. 九、其它。
The above-mentioned cargo damaged at the previous discharging port 上述货物是在前一卸货港损坏的
The above damage caud by the nature of the cargo 上述残损是货物自然特性造成
The cargo damaged before(after) loading (discharging)port 货物的损坏是在装、卸港之前/之后造成的
Damage the cargo reported after discharging 残损货物是在卸后报告的
The ship is not responsible for the above damage 船方对残损货物不负责任
A a protest has been proclaimed on this voyage, the ship is not responsible for the damage本航次有海事,船方对残损不负责任
Subject to the a protest 根据海事报告
Subject to the cargo surveyor’s report 以商检报告为准
Deck cargo at shipper’s risk 甲板货由发货人承担责任
Cargo was loaded on the same condition, the ship is not responsible for this 货物装船前如此,船方对此不负责任
According to the record on the spot, only the appearance is damage 根据现场记录,仅仅外表损坏
The ship is not responsible for the shortage 船方对短缺不负责任
The ship does not agree to the above-mentioned shortlanded cargo 船方不同意上述货物短缺
Shortage is due to the off-bundling during discharging by the stevedores 短缺是由于工人卸散捆造成的
According to shore tally figure 根据岸上理货数据
According to the loading(discharging) port figure 根据装、卸港数据
According to the ship’s draft, no cargo shortlanded 根据水尺、没有货物短缺
Not tallied by the ship’s crew 船上未曾理货
All the cargo on board discharged 船上货物全部卸完
Figure in dispute 数字有争异
Short in dispute 短少有争异
Subject to-check 以重理为准
Overtime work 加班工作)
Refer to the remarks from the loading port 参照装货港批注
晚上睡觉盗汗是什么原因造成的Cargo discharged as loaded 原装原卸
Incorrect tallying figure 理货数字不准
Loading under raining 雨中装货
无一幸存Over in dispute 溢多有争异
Sign under disagreement 在异议下签字
Rejected 拒签
Overtime payment 加班费
水泥助磨剂Sign for sailing 为开航签字梦到别人
拥挤的城市Sign under protest 被迫签字