Injection molding parameters for:
Rynite® FR530
1) 建议最大的树脂含水量 Recommended maximum resin moisture:< 0.02 %2) 干燥的温度 Drying temperature:120 °C
3) 干燥的时间 Drying time:温度设定 TEMPERATURES
4) 建议熔融温度 Recommended melt temperature:女性安全套
280 °C 范围 Range: 270 - 290 °C
由于可能在较低融温下出现未融的胶粒,产生较脆的零件,使用比建议的融温较高的温度较佳。It is mu
ch better to increa the melt temperature rather than reduce it. Using melt temperatures lower than recommended will probably create unmelt, leading to weak parts.经期能不能喝茶
5) 温度分布: 视机筒的大小和每啤所用的料量来决定机筒各加热区的温度设定,建议如下:
菊花几月份开花Temperature profile: Depending on how much of the capacity of the cylinder is ud for every shot. The temperatures of the cylinder zones is recommended as follows:: 所用射胶量 Shot size (% of injection capacity) 5 - 40 % (增加分布 Increasing profile)
C 40 - 60 % (平均分布 Even profile)
C 60 - 100 % (减小分布 Decreasing profile)
6) 树脂在机筒里最长滞留时间 Recommended maximum hold up time:8 - 10 min 7) 建议模具温度 Recommended mold temperature:110 °C
范围 Range: > 95 °C
8) 建议最大的螺杆转速 (防止树脂因剪切和磨擦过量而降解) 基于最大的圆周速度: Recommended maximum screw
中止执行申请书0.2 m/c
rotation (to aviod degradation of the resin due to shear and friction) is bad on the maximum peripheral speed:
建议最大螺杆转速 Recommended maximum screw rotation:0.2 x 60000/(screw dia. x 3.14) RPM
9) 建议的背压 Recommended back pressure:尽量低 As low as possible
10) 建议的保压压力 Recommended hold pressure:80 MPa 11) 建议的保压时间 Recommended hold pressure time:
*4 c/mm
* 此时间是根据3mm 的拉伸棒所得出的数据,但需要计算以找到在不同的保压时间下最大的塑件重量。
古典园林* This time is bad on 3 mm tensile bars but can be calculated by finding maximum weight of the parts at different hold presuure times.
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4 小时 hours
DuPont makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any us
e of this information.
a. x 3.14) RPM
e are outside DuPont control,