教师活动 | 学生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step 1 Greeti ngs | ||
1. Greeti ngs Greet to stude nts. | Greet to the teacher. | |
Step 2 Pre-read ing | ||
1. Free talk Teacher asks stude nts guess, “ W do?” Then the teacher asks “ Ca you …?” If they can do it, the teacher says, “ Don' t worry. ” If they can( teacher asks, “ Will you •… with m Guide stude nts an swer “ Yes, of cou “ Sorry, I can ' t. ” | 万新恒 Play the game, and hsaycan'IYes, of n cour. ” / “ Sorry > X ” can t. Io it, the e? ” ir. | 游戏激趣,复习以 前学过的动词、月 ,份、序数词,激发 学生的知识储备 和相关经验,为后 面的内容做铺垫, 调动学生参与学 习的热情。 |
2. Game time | Read the words. | 提出问题,引发学 |
Look and read quickly. | Ss an swer the | 生思考。 |
Ask stude nts look and an swer | questio ns. | |
T: Look at the calendar, when is it? | It 'April 30th. I can | |
What can you e? | e Zoom, Zip, | |
rabbit and cat. | ||
3. Liste n and choo Why can Zoom sing well on May 4th? A. I ask my frie nds for help. B. I practice the song. 4. Read part 2-4 carefully (1) Fill in the table. When Zoom practices the song, who will come to Zoom home? Ask Ss fill in the table. ⑵ What will they in vite Zoom to do? Ask stude nts match. Guide stude nts read the nten ces. ⑶ Will Zoom play with his frie nds? Ask Ss liste n and check the an swer. An alyze the words: practice / practice They have the same meaning. But one is verb. The other one is noun. T: If you are Zoom. Will you play with Rabbit /Zip /Cat? What will you say? | Liste n and think about the questi on. Choo the right an swer. Ss: B. He says I practice the song. Ss read part 2-4 and fill in the table. Ss match and the n read the nten ces. An swer the questi on. Then listen Part 2-4, check the an swer. Ss guess: Yes./No. Ss liste n to the tape and try to repeat the nten ces what Zoom said. | 自然的引practice 一词,学习并跟读 词汇。实现语言知 识的有效输入。 阅读故事2-4部 分,回归文本,让 学生学会阅读,教 授阅读技巧。 通过选择、连线等 交互式活动让学 生在活动中进一 步理解故事内容。 以听音表演的形 式解决课文重点 句型:I want to practice my song. I n eed more practice同 时,分 析 practice 和 practice的差别。 |
Step 4. Post-readi ng | ||
1. Role play If you are Zoom ' s friendsatWill you in vite him to do? T: For example, if I ' m a cat, I Zoom, will you play the pipa with me? What about you? | Ss do a role play. 'll say: | 深入剖析:If you are Zoom ' s 幼儿园主题课程frie nds, what will you in vite him to do?让学生模仿 Zoom的朋友们, |
2. Talk about the end Fin ally, Zoom can sing very well. At first, Zoom can ' t sing very well. L liste n to his song. (music 1) But he doesn' t give up. He tries to pracei the song on May 1st. (music 2) It ' j better tha n before. And he does n give up. He says: . (Ss)(music 3) It ' s much better than before. But it ' s still not the best. So, he says: (S 1)(music 4) It ' s the best! He c sing very well. He can sing perfect son gs. So, practice makes perfect. Zoom is so hard-work ing. 3. Now. Let ' s enjoy the filmeason 1 and read along with the film. Then retell the story. Ask Ss retell the story. | S1: I practi the song on May 1st. eS2: I practice the song on May 2nd. S3: I practice the song » on May 3rd. Liste n and talktabout Zoom ' s s an Enjoy the film and read along with the film. Ss retell the story. | 进行角色表演。 让学生学会主动 学习,充分尊重学 生的主体地位,学 会思考和拓展思 维。 从Zoom是如何 o努力练习唱歌这 一角度进行详细 阐述,对文本进行 了细节处理。 让学生自主总结, 得出结论, Practice makes perfect. 再次观看动画并 同声朗读,整体回 顾。 通过复述,使学生 进一步理解故事 内容,锻炼学生综 合语言运用能力。 |
Step 5 Exte nsion | ||
1. Enjoy the c ond as on of the film (1) Does the film en d? No. The | Enjoy the c ond as on of the film | 观看“熟能生巧 2”,引发学生思家长教育孩子的故事 考,在这个结尾 |
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