The May Fourth Movement was an anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement growing out of student demonstrations in Beijing on May 4, 1919 protesting the Chine government's weak respon to the Treaty of Versailles, especially the Shandong Problem. The demonstrations sparked national protests and marked the upsurge of Chine nationalism, a shift towards political mobilization and away from cultural activities, and a move towards populist ba rather than intellectual elites.
The broader u of the term "May Fourth Movement" often refers to the period during 1915-1921 more usually called the New Culture Movement.
Following the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, the Qing Dynasty was overthrown. This marked the end of thousands of years of powerful imperial rule, and theoretically ushered a new era in which political power rested with the people. However, the reality was that China was a fragmented nation dominated by warlords, who were more concerned with their own political powers and private armies than national interests. The Chine Beiyang government was occupied with suppressing internal affairs, and did little to counter the influence exerted by imperialist foreign powers. The Beiyang government made various concessions to foreigners in order to gain monetary and military support against their rivals.
新年的诗句肉末蒸水蛋Leaders of the New Culture Movement responded by questioning Chine values which they now defined as "traditional." Defeats by foreign powers and the prence of spheres of influence only further inflamed the n of nationalism among the emerging middle class and cultural leaders.
滑板怎么学Cau and outbreak
China had entered World War I on the side of the Allied Triple Entente in 1917 with the condition that all German spheres of influence, such as Shandong, would be returned to China. That year, 140,000 Chine labourers (as a part of
the British army, the Chine Labour Corps) were nt to France. Instead o f rewarding China for its contribution to the Allies’ victory, the Versailles Treaty of April 1919 awarded German rights in Shandong Province to Japan. The reprentatives of the Chine government put forth the following requests:
the abolition of all privileges of foreign powers in China, such as extraterritoriality;苹果手机闹钟铃声怎么改
the cancelling of the "Twenty-One Demands" with the Japane; and
the return to China of the territory and rights of Shandong, which Japan had taken from Germany during World War I.
The Western Allies dominated the meeting and paid little heed to the Chine reprentatives' demands. Britain and France were primarily interested in punishing Germany. Although the United States promoted Woodrow Wilson's utopian Fourteen Points and the ideals of lf-determination at the conference, Wilson abandoned most of the ideals in the face of stubborn resistance by David Lloyd George and Georges Clemenceau. American advocacy of
lf-determination at the League of Nations was attractive to Chine intellectuals, but the failure of t
he United States to follow through was en as a betrayal. Chine diplomatic failure at the Paris Peace Conference became the incident that touched off the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, and became known as the "Shandong Problem".
On the morning of May 4, 1919, student reprentatives from thirteen different local universities met in Peking and drafted five resolution s.
Oppod the granting of Shandong to the Japane under former German concessions.
Draw awareness of China's precarious position to the mass in China. Recommend a large-scale gathering in Peking.
Promote the creation of a Peking student union.
梦到掉牙齿Hold a demonstration that afternoon in protest to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
On the afternoon of May 4th over 3000 students of Peking University and other schools gathered together in front of Tiananmen and held a demonstration. The general opinion is that the Chine go重庆必去景点
vernment was "spineless". They voiced their anger at the Allied betrayal of China and the government's inability to cure Chine interests in the conference. A boycott of Japane products
during this period was advocated, which boosted the domestic Chine industry slightly. Throughout the streets of China, students packed the streets to protest China’s concession to Japane demands. During the demonstrations, students also insisted on the resignation of three Chine officials involved in the proceedings. After burning the residence of one of the three despid officials, student protesters were arrested and verely assaulted.
They shouted out such slogans as "Struggle for the sovereignty externally, get rid of the national traitors at home", "Do away with the 'Twenty-One Demands'", "Don't sign the Versailles Treaty".
The next day, students in Beijing as a whole went on strike, and students in other parts of the country responded one after another. From early June, in order to support the students' struggle, workers and businessmen in Shanghai also went on strike. The center of the movement moved from Beijing to Shanghai. In addition to students, a wide array of different groups also publicly displayed disagreement with the Chine government. The lower clas s was also very angry at the current state of affairs, such as mistreatment of workers and perpetual poverty of small peasants. Chancello
rs from thirteen of China's tertiary institutions initiated the rescue of student prisoners. Congregations such as media outlets, citizen societies, and chambers of commerce offered their support for the students. Merchants further illustrated support for the students by resisting tax payments if China's government remained obstinate. In Shanghai, the May Fourth events culminated into general strikes by merchants and workers that nearly devastated the entire Chine economy.Under inten public outcry, the Beiyang government had to relea the arrested students and dismiss Cao Rulin, Zhang Zongxiang and Lu Zongyu from their posts. Also, the Chine reprentatives in Paris refud to sign on the peace treaty: the May Fourth Movement won the initial victory. However, this move was more symbolic than anything el. Japan still retained control of the Shandong Peninsula and the islands in the Pacific it had obtained during World War I. Even though the protests and marches did not manage to achieve all their objectives, the partial success of the movement exhibited the ability of China's various social class to successfully collaborate, an ideal that would be admired by both Nationalists and Communists.
Historical Significance
Scholars rank the New Culture and May Fourth Movements as significant turning points, along with the abolition of the civil rvice system in 1905 and the overthrow of the monarchy in 1911. Participa
nts at the time, such as Hu Shi,
referred to this era as the Chine Renaissance becau there was an inten focus on science and experimentation.
The challenge to traditional Chine values, however, was also met with strong opposition, especially from Chiang Kai Shek's Nationalist Party. From their perspective, the movement destroyed the positive elements of Chine tradition and placed a heavy emphasis on direct political actions and radical attitudes, character istics of the emerging Chine Communist Party. On the other hand, the Communist Party viewed the movement more favorably, although remaining suspicious of the early pha which emphas ized the role of enlightened intellectuals, not revolution. In its broader n, the May Fourth Movement led to the establishment of radical intellectuals who went on to mobilize peasants and workers into the Communist party and gain the organizational strength that would solidify the success of the Communist Revolution.