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Revision Date: 2008/06/18 DOW CORNING(R) 3145 RTV MIL-A-46146 ADHESIVE/SEALANT-CLEAR
Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone:
Customer Service:
Product Disposal Information:
(989) 496-5900
(989) 496-6000
(989) 496-6315
(800) 424-9300
MSDS No.: 01190300 Revision Date: 2008/06/18 Generic Description: Silicone elastomer
Physical Form: Paste
Color: Translucent white
Odor: Slight odor
NFPA Profile: Health1Flammability1Instability/Reactivity0
Note: NFPA = National Fire Protection Association
Acute Effects
Eye: Direct contact may cau mild irritation.
Skin: No significant irritation expected from a single short-term exposure.
Inhalation: Vapor may irritate no and throat. Vapor overexposure may cau drowsiness.
Oral: Overexposure by ingestion may cau effects similar to tho listed under repeated
Prolonged/Repeated Exposure Effects
Skin: Repeated or prolonged exposure may cau irritation.
Inhalation: Product generates methyl alcohol which may cau blindness and damage to nervous
Oral: Product generates methyl alcohol which may cau blindness and possibly death if
Signs and Symptoms of Overexposure
No known applicable information.
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure
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Revision Date: 2008/06/18 DOW CORNING(R) 3145 RTV MIL-A-46146 ADHESIVE/SEALANT-CLEAR No known applicable information.
The above listed potential effects of overexposure are bad on actual data, results of studies performed upon similar compositions, component data and/or expert review of the product. Plea refer to Section 11 for the detailed toxicology information.
% Component
CAS Number Wt
1185-55-3 7.0 - 13.0 Methyltrimethoxysilane
The above components are hazardous as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1200.
Eye: Immediately flush with water for 15 minutes.
Skin: Remove from skin and wash thoroughly with soap and water or waterless cleanr. Get
medical attention if irritation or other ill effects develop or persist.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if ill effects persist.
Oral: Get medical attention.
Notes to Physician: Treat according to person's condition and specifics of exposure.
Flash Point: Not applicable.
Autoignition Temperature: Not determined.
Flammability Limits in Air: Not determined.
Extinguishing Media: On large fires u dry chemical, foam or water spray. On small fires u carbon dioxide
(CO2), dry chemical or water spray. Water can be ud to cool fire expod containers.
Fire Fighting Measures: Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn in fighting large fires involving chemicals. Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according to
your local emergency plan. U water spray to keep fire expod containers cool. Unusual Fire Hazards: None.
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Revision Date: 2008/06/18 DOW CORNING(R) 3145 RTV MIL-A-46146 ADHESIVE/SEALANT-CLEAR Containment/Clean up: Obrve all personal protection equipment recommendations described in Sections 5 and 8.
Wipe up or scrape up and contain for salvage or disposal. Clean area as appropriate since
spilled materials, even in small quantities, may prent a slip hazard. Final cleaning may
require u of steam, solvents or detergents. Dispo of saturated absorbant or cleaning
materials appropriately, since spontaneous heating may occur. Local, state and federal laws
and regulations may apply to releas and disposal of this material, as well as tho materials
and items employed in the cleanup of releas. You will need to determine which federal,
state and local laws and regulations are applicable. Sections 13 and 15 of this MSDS provide
information regarding certain federal and state requirements.
男生节祝福语Note: See ction 8 for Personal Protective Equipment for Spills. Call (989) 496-5900, if additional information is required.
U with adequate ventilation. Product evolves flammable methyl alcohol when expod to water or humid air. Provide ventilation during u to control exposure within Section 8 guidelines or u air-supplied or lf-contained breathing apparatus. Avoid eye contact. Avoid skin contact. Do not breathe vapor. Keep container clod. Do not take internally. U reasonable care and store away from oxidizing materials. Keep container clod and store away from water or moisture.
Component Exposure Limits
Name Exposure Limits
CAS Number Component
文件保密1185-55-3 Methyltrimethoxysilane Dow Corning guide: TWA 50 ppm.
See methyl alcohol comments.
Methyl alcohol forms on contact with water or humid air. Provide adequate ventilation to control exposures within guidelines of OSHA PEL: TWA 200 ppm and ACGIH TLV-skin: TWA 200 ppm, STEL 250 ppm.
Engineering Controls
Local Ventilation: Recommended.
General Ventilation: Recommended.
Personal Protective Equipment for Routine Handling
Eyes: U proper protection - safety glass as a minimum.
Skin: Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate.
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Revision Date: 2008/06/18 DOW CORNING(R) 3145 RTV MIL-A-46146 ADHESIVE/SEALANT-CLEAR Suitable Gloves: Avoid skin contact by implementing good industrial hygiene practices and procedures. Select and u gloves and/or protective clothing to further minimize the potential for skin contact.
Consult with your glove and/or personnel protective equipment manufacturer for lection of
appropriate compatible materials.
Inhalation: U respiratory protection unless adequate local exhaust ventilation is provided or exposure asssment demonstrates that exposures are within recommended exposure guidelines. IH
personnel can assist in judging the adequacy of existing engineering controls.
Suitable Respirator: General and local exhaust ventilation is recommended to maintain vapor exposures below
recommended limits. Where concentrations are above recommended limits or are unknown,
appropriate respiratory protection should be worn. Follow OSHA respirator regulations (29
CFR 1910.134) and u NIOSH/MSHA approved respirators.
Personal Protective Equipment for Spills
Eyes: U full face respirator.
Skin: Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate.
Inhalation/Suitable Respirator: Respiratory protection recommended. Follow OSHA Respirator Regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) and u NIOSH/MHSA approved respirators. Protection provided by air purifying respirators against exposure to any hazardous chemical is limited. U a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is any potential for uncontrolled relea, exposure levels are unknown, or any other circumstance where air purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection.
Precautionary Measures: Avoid eye contact. Avoid skin contact. Do not breathe vapor. Keep container clod. Do not take internally. U reasonable care.
Comments: Product evolves flammable methyl alcohol when expod to water or humid air. Provide
ventilation during u to control exposure within Section 8 guidelines or u air-supplied or
lf-contained breathing apparatus.
When heated to temperatures above 180 degrees C in the prence of air, product can form
formaldehyde vapors. Formaldehyde is a potential cancer hazard, a known skin and
respiratory nsitizer, and an irritant to the eyes, no, throat, skin, and digestive system.
Safe handling conditions may be maintained by keeping vapor concentrations within the
OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit for formaldehyde.
Note: The precautions are for room temperature handling. U at elevated temperature or aerosol/spray applications may require added precautions.
Physical Form: Paste
印鉴卡是什么Color: Translucent white
Odor: Slight odor
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Revision Date: 2008/06/18 DOW CORNING(R) 3145 RTV MIL-A-46146 ADHESIVE/SEALANT-CLEAR Specific Gravity @ 25°C: 1.12
Viscosity: Not determined.
Freezing/Melting Point: Not determined.
Boiling Point: Not determined.
Vapor Pressure @ 25°C: Not determined.
Vapor Density: Not determined.
Solubility in Water: Not determined.
pH: Not determined.
Volatile Content: Not determined.
Flash Point: Not applicable.
Autoignition Temperature: Not determined.
Flammability Limits in Air: Not determined.
Note: The above information is not intended for u in preparing product specifications. Contact Dow Corning before writing specifications.
Chemical Stability: Stable.
Hazardous polymerization will not occur.
Conditions to Avoid: None.
Materials to Avoid: Oxidizing material can cau a reaction. Water, moisture, or humid air can cau hazardous vapors to form as described in Section 8.
圆明园好玩吗Hazardous Decomposition Products
Thermal breakdown of this product during fire or very high heat conditions may evolve the following decomposition products: Carbon oxides and traces of incompletely burned carbon compounds. Silicon dioxide. Formaldehyde. Metal oxides. Nitrogen oxides.
Component Toxicology Information
This material contains methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS). MTMS was evaluated in a combined repeated-do toxicity study with the reproduction/developmental toxicity screening test (OECD 422). Sprague-Dawley rats were gavaged daily at do levels of 0, 50, 250, and 1000 mg MTMS (in corn oil)/kg body weight. Test article-related effects were en in one or both xes at the two top do levels (unless otherwi noted) and included (but not limited to): incread liver weights; incread incidence of hyperplasia and/or hypertrophy in the liver, thyroid and adrenals (high do o
nly); acanthocytosis (high do only); incread prothrombin time; elevations in blood platelet count (high do only), rum total protein and cholesterol. The no obrved adver effect level (NOAEL) was determined to be 50 mg/kg/day for parental toxicity and 1000 mg/kg/day for effects on reproductive performance and on developmental toxicity.
In a 90-day study, five (5) groups of 10 male and 10 female Sprague-Dawley rats were expod to target