P48 1. Listen and point.
SIMON: Let's play an animal game, Suzy!
SUZY: OK, Simon.
SIMON: What's this animal? It's a big cat. It's orange and black.
callSUZY: That's easy. It's a tiger.
SIMON: Yes. Very good. What now? This animal is big and grey.
SUZY: It's a hippo.
SIMON: No, it's big and grey with a long no.
SUZY: It's an elephant.
SIMON: OK. OK. What's brown and yellow with a small head?
SUZY: Is it a monkey?
SIMON: No, it isn't.qq红包怎么发
SUZY: I know! It's a giraffe.
SIMON: Yes, very good. OK. What's this? It's long and green and …
SUZY: Er, is it a snake?
SIMON: Hah! No, it isn't. This animal is big, long, green and …
SUZY: I know! I know! It's a crocodile.
SUZY: Now it's my turn. What this? It's small and white with red hair and a big mouth.
SIMON: Er, I don't know. What animal's that, Suzy?
SUZY: It's a Simon! Ha! Ha! Ha!
SIMON: Very funny, Suzy. Thank you.
P48 2.Listen and repeat
Giraffe elephant snake hippo crocodile monkey tiger
P49 3. Say the chant. Do the actions.
Tiger, elephant, hippo, snake,
Giraffe and crocodile.
Tiger, elephant, hippo, snake,
Giraffe and crocodile.
P49 4.Listen and point. Answer.
What are the animals?
Listen and look.
Point to the animals
In this book.
They're small and brown,
They're long and green.
They're grey and dirty,
辣椒面怎么做They're big and clean.
They're orange and black,
They're red and blue.
They're yellow and brown,
With small heads too.
They're small and brown with big ears. What are they?
They're long and green with big mouths and a lot of teeth. What are they?鸭的做法
They're big and grey with very big mouths and small ears. What are they?
They're big and grey with long nos and big ears. What are they?
They're orange and black with small ears and big teeth. What are they?
They're red and blue with small heads and no ears. What are they?
They're yellow and brown with small heads. What are they?
P50 5.Listen and point.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
On the count of five.
One, two, three, four, five.
MASKMAN: What have you got there, Trevor?
TREVOR: I've got a book on animals. Look at the monkeys. They're funny.
MASKMAN: Yes, they've got long arms and big hands. Ooohh. What are they?
TREVOR: They're crocodiles. They're long and green and they've got big mouths and long tails.
MONTY: How many teeth have they got?
TREVOR: They've got a lot of teeth.
MASKMAN: Have they got long legs?
TREVOR: No, they haven't. They've got short legs and feet. Look at the snakes. They've got no legs and no feet.
MASKMAN: Look at the elephants. They're big and grey. They've got very big ears, long nos and short tails.
MONTY: Hmmm. Elephants. They're my favourite animals.
P50 6.Listen and repeat.
They've got long arms and big hands.
陶铸中学They've got short legs.
They've got long legs.
They haven't got feet.
P51 7.Sing the song.
Animals, animals, big and small,
Animals, animals, short and tall.
Animals, animals, dirty and clean,
Animals, animals, brown and green.
Come on, children, sing along,
Sing and move to the animal song.
Let's all do the hippo show,
Let's all do the hippo show,
Let's all do the hippo show,
Move your hands and feet.
Let's all do the elephant dance,
Let's all do the elephant dance,
Let's all do the elephant dance,
Move your arms and legs.
关于国防的演讲稿Let's all do the snake shake,
Move your head and tail.
Let's all do the crocodile smile,
Let's all do the crocodile smile,
Let's all do the crocodile smile,
Show your big white teeth.
Let's all do the giraffe laugh,
Let's all do the giraffe laugh,
Let's all do the giraffe laugh,
And open your big clean mouth.
P52 9.Monty’s phonics.
MONTY: Hi, I'm Monty! Repeat after me!
/I/ /I/ fish
/I/ /I/ big
Six big fish.
Six big fish.
Six big fish!
P53 11.Listen to the story.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
On the count of five.
One, two, three, four, five.
MONTY: Animals animals, big and small. Animals animals, short and tall.
MARIE: Help! Help, Maskman! Look at the snakes. They're long and ugly and they've got two long teeth.
MASKMAN: I'm here, Marie. I've got the snakes. Snakes have got two long teeth, but I've got two big arms.
MARIE: Ooohhh, Maskman, thank you. You're a superhero!
狮子和天秤TREVOR: Help! Help! Maskman! Look at the crocodiles. They've got big mouths … and they've got a lot of teeth.