
更新时间:2023-07-31 15:52:00 阅读: 评论:0

words that differ in only one sound
They differ in meaning, they differ only in one sound gment, the different sounds occur in the same environment
长征电影观后感Example: beat, bit They form a minimal pair
So /ea/ and /i/ are different sounds in English
They are different phonemes
1. the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
linguistic determinism (语言决定论) -Language determines thought.
and linguistic relativity (语言相对论)-There is no limit to the structural diversity of languages.
2. Behaviorism
Behaviorism in linguistics holds the view that Children learn language through a chain of sti
mulus-respon-reinforcement (刺激—反应—强化), and adults’ u of language is also a process of stimulus-respon.
3. discovery procedures
A grammar is discovered through the performing of certain operations on a corpus of data
4. Universal Grammar
UG consists of a t of innate grammatical principles.
Each principle is associated with a number of parameters.
5. Systemic Grammar
It aims to explain the internal relations in language as a system network, or meaning potential.
杜甫的四句诗6. Ideational Metafunction
The Ideational Function (Experiential and Logical) is to convey new information, to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer. It is a meaning potential.
It mainly consists of “transitivity” and “voice”. This function not only specifies the available options in meaning but also determines the nature of their structural realisations. For example, “John built a new hou” can be analyd  as a configuration of the functions (功能配置):
214度恶龙王子            Actor:    John
        Process:    Material: Creation: built
              Goal:    Affected: a new hou
7. Interpersonal Metafunction
The INTERPERSONAL FUNCTION embodies all us of language to express social and personal relations. This includes the various ways the speaker enters a speech situation and performs a speech act.
8. basic speech roles
盐碱化The most fundamental types of speech role are just two: (i) giving, and (ii) demanding.
Cutting across this basic distinction between giving and demanding is another distinction that relates to the nature of the commodity being exchanged. This may be either (a) goods-&-rvices or (b) information.
9. finite verbal operators
Finiteness is thus expresd by means of a verbal operator which is either temporal or modal.
10. Textual Metafunction
The textual metafunction enables the realization of the relation between language and context, making the language ur produce a text which matches the situation.
It refers to the fact that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or writt
en discour into coherent and unified texts and make a living passage different from a random list of ntences.
It is realized by thematic structure, information structure and cohesion.
11. theme and rheme
The Theme is the element which rves as the point of departure of the message.
The remainder of the message, the part in which the Theme is developed, is called the Rheme.
As a message structure, a clau consists of a Theme accompanied by a Rheme.
The Theme is the first constituent of the clau. All the rest of the clau is simply labelled the Rheme
歌词表白12. experientialism
Experientialism assumes that the external reality is constrained by our uniquely human experience.
The parts of this external reality to which we have access are largely constrained by the ecological niche we have adapted to and the nature of our embodiment. In other words, language does not directly reflect the world. Rather, it reflects our unique human construal of the world: our ‘world view’ as it appears to us through the lens of our embodiment.
This view of reality has been termed experientialism or experiential realism by cognitive linguists George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Experiential realism acknowledges that there is an external reality that is reflected by concepts and by language. However, this reality is mediated by our uniquely human experience which constrains the nature of this reality ‘for us’.
13. image schemata
An image schema is a recurring structure within our cognitive process which establishes patterns of understanding and reasoning. Image schemas are formed from our bodily interactions, from linguistic experience, and from historical context.
14. prototype theory
Prototype theory is a mode of graded categorization in cognitive science, where some members of a category are more central than others. For example, when asked to give an example of the concept furniture, chair is more frequently cited than, say, stool. Prototype theory has also been applied in linguistics, as part of the mapping from phonological structure to mantics.

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