Halo LDD P-Si TFT工艺参数优化
作者:刘小红 顾晓峰
摘要:该文提出了多晶硅薄膜晶体管的一种Halo LDD新结构,Halo LDD结构能够有效地抑制短沟道效应,合理的驴胶怎么吃Halo区掺杂分布会极大地改善小尺寸器件性能。文中采用工艺模拟软件surrenderTsuprem4书法结构和器件模拟软件芹菜胡萝卜花生米Medici研究模拟了Halo结构的工艺参数对器件性能的影响,并进行优化。分析表明,Halo注入角度、能量和剂量的增大会提高器件的阈值电压和开关比,降低泄漏电流和阈值漂移,有效的抑制热载流子效应;但也会部分地降低驱动能力,因此,要综合考虑,根据具体的条件,得到Halo结构最佳的工艺参数。
Analysis and Optimization of P-Si TFT with Halo LDD
LIU Xiao-hong,GU Xiao-feng
(School of Information Technology,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122, China)
Abstract: A new device structure of polysilicon thin film transistor, Halo LDD P-Si TFT, has been propod.The Halo structure device can restrain the SCE effectively, and improve the device performance greatly with good doping distribution in the Halo region.In this paper,influence of Halo process parameter on device performance is rearched and optimized with Tsuprem4 and Medici.It is found that higher tilt angle,energy and dosage gives incread threshold voltage and ration of Ion to Ioff,and also reduced leakage current and threshold voltage shift,but reduce drive current. Thus, before the best process parameter for Halo structure is abtained, every factors should be taken into account according to the specific condition.