1.01 C ategories of Tournaments
In offi cial men’s professional tennis, there are fi ve (5) categories of events. ATP World Tour tournaments and the ATP Challenger Tour tournaments are governed by the ATP. Unless otherwi specified, all regulations are applicable to both ATP World Tour and ATP Challenger Tour tournaments.
ATP World Tour tournaments
Barclays ATP World Tour Finals (singles & doubles)
ATP World Tour Masters 1000减肥最快的运动
ATP World Tour 500
ATP World Tour 250
ATP Challenger Tour tournaments
1.02 T ournament Week
A. M ain Draw. Each ATP World Tour and ATP Challenger Tour tournament is assigned a
specifi c tournament week on the calendar for scheduling of the main draws in singles and doubles commencing on a Monday and concluding on a Sunday, except as ap-proved by the ATP. ATP Challenger Tour tournaments scheduled the cond week of
a Grand Slam will be permitted to begin on Tuesday with prior ATP approval.
Ca: A tournament, scheduled and announced for a Saturday fi nal,
during the week requests to move the fi nal to Sunday (no weather
issues), is this allowed?
Decision: Unless weather or other unavoidable circumstances
cau the tournament to be extended to Sunday then no change to
the original approved schedule may be made.
B. Matches – Number of Sets.
1) Singles. All matches, including fi nals, shall be the best of three (3) tie-break ts.
2) Doubles. All matches, including fi nals, shall be two (2) tie-break ts with a decid-
ing Match Tie-break (10 point) at one (1) t all. Games shall be decided using the No-Ad scoring method.
C. M onday Finals. No ATP World Tour or ATP Challenger Tour tournament shall extend
its tournament week for a Monday fi nal without prior approval from the ATP.
D. Q ualifying.
A tournament may petition, forty-two (42) days prior to the event, for expansion of
draw size as long as there is no change in the number of direct acceptances.
1) S ingles. The singles qualifying competition shall be held on the Saturday and
Sunday preceding the fi rst Monday of the main draw, except in events scheduled
for more than one week or if special permission is obtained from the ATP for a three (3) day event.
变形金刚5最后的骑士a) G eneral. All tournaments must have a singles qualifying competition (unless
there are suffi cient places available in the main draw). The singles qualifying
competition shall be a single elimination tournament.
i)All ATP World Tour 250 events shall have a 32 draw qualifying.
ii)ATP World Tour Masters 1000 and ATP World Tour 500 qualifying will be one half (1/2) the size of the main draw; i.e. a 56 main draw would have a
28 qualifying draw for the 7 qualifying positions.
b) L ocation. If the qualifying competition is not held at the same site as the main
draw, the alternate site must have similar facilities, courts, staff, rvice and
equipment. The qualifying competition may not be held at a site outside the
metropolitan area of the main draw without prior written approval of the ATP.
c) S urface. The qualifying competition shall be played on the same surface as
the main draw. In situations beyond the control of the tournament, the super-
visor may approve the u of courts with a different surface.
2) D oubles. ATP Challenger Tour tournaments are encouraged to have a qualifying
competition, however it is their option.
1.03 M atch Schedule Plan
Each tournament shall provide the ATP, at least one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the start of the tournament, a typed schedule that includes propod daily starting times and number of courts to be ud.
ATP Challenger Tour tournaments should submit their match schedule plan at least ninety (90) days prior to the start of the tournament.
1.04 F inals Options
A. General
1)When the singles and doubles fi nals are to be played on the same day, the dou-
bles fi nal shall be scheduled prior to the singles fi nal, unless otherwi approved by the ATP or due to player confl ict.
2) When possible, there should be one Awards Ceremony that follows the comple-
tion of the singles final. It is mandatory that both singles and doubles fi nalist players participate in the awards ceremony, whether ceremonies are parate or combined.
B. Singles
1)If any ATP World Tour tournament singles fi nal is not played, the tournament may
elect to replace it as follows:
a)Schedule a singles exhibition; or
b)Re-schedule the doubles fi nal in its place; or
c)In the ca where the doubles final has been completed or is in progress
when it is discovered that there will not be a singles fi nal, the tournament may
elect to have the doubles fi nalists play a one (1) hour exhibition.
2)The awards ceremony shall take place immediately following the singles or dou-
bles exhibition or following the doubles fi nal if it has been re-scheduled.
C. Doubles.
The doubles fi nal should be scheduled approximately two (2) hours prior to the pub-lished start time of the singles fi nal, unless otherwi approved by the ATP.
1) Exceptions shall be when one (1) or both of the singles fi nalists are also involved
in the doubles fi nal.
2) Tournaments may petition the ATP Executive Vice President - Rules & Competi-
tion for an exemption to this provision; however, it is the responsibility of the tournament to show that there are valid reasons for justifying the exemption.
1.05 C hange of Tournament Site
There shall be no change of tournament site without approval from the ATP upon writ-ten petition by
the tournament. Any and all actual costs incurred by the ATP during the site approval process shall be the responsibility of the tournament.
1.06 Commitment to Rules
All ATP World Tour and ATP Challenger Tour tournaments are subject to the jurisdic-tion of the ATP and shall comply with, be bound by and conduct the tournament in accordance with the ATP rules and regulations.
1.07 Commitment, Membership Obligations and Bonus Pool
A. P layer Entry and Commitment To Rules
Any player who is included in the Emirates ATP Rankings for singles (hereafter re-ferred to as “Emirates ATP Rankings”) or the Emirates ATP Doubles Rankings and/ or commits to enter or participates in any ATP World Tour or ATP Challenger Tour tournament connts and agrees with the following:
1)To comply with and be bound by all of the provisions of the 2014 ATP Offi cial
Rulebook and the ATP By-Laws (the “ATP Rules”), including, but not limited to, all amendments to the ATP Rules.
2)The International Tennis Federation (“ITF”) may conduct anti-doping testing at
ATP sanctioned events under the Tennis Anti-Doping Program (the “Anti-Doping Program”), the full text of which can be found at /antidoping.
ATP Tour, Inc. (“ATP”) will honor and enforce any penalties or sanctions against players resulting from the Anti-Doping Program. The Anti-Doping Program shall apply to and be binding upon all players and shall govern all ATP-sanctioned events including ATP Challenger Tour events. Players shall submit to the jurisdic-tion and authority of the ITF to manage, administer and enforce the Anti-Doping Program and to the jurisdiction and authority of the Anti-Doping Tribunal and the Court of Arbitration for Sport to determine any charges brought under the Anti-Doping Program. Players also connt to the relea to ATP of their Anti-Doping results obtained by the ITF at ATP events, including misd tests and/or fi ling failures.
3) To comply with and be bound by all of the provisions of the 2014 Tennis Anti-老鹰打饱嗝
Corruption Program Rules.
4)To review and agree to the terms and conditions contained in the Notice of Pri-
vacy Practices t forth in Exhibit S.
5)Each calendar year all players shall, as a condition of entering or participating in
any event organized or sanctioned by ATP, deliver to ATP a signed Connt and Agreement in the form t out in Exhibit R.
B. Offi cial Means of Communication
The PlayerZone and Player’s Weekly are the ATP’s offi cial means of communicating with its player members. All players must stay informed of all information published by the ATP through the offi cial means of communication. Notifi cation of any modifi -cations, deletions or additions to the rules t forth in this Rulebook shall be through such means of communication and shall become effective upon their publication.
C. Commitment Player
A 2014 ATP commitment player is any player positioned in the Top 30 in the ATP 2013
Rankings (singles) as of November 4, 2013.
D. C ommitment
欺侮的近义词The commitment for the commitment player is, the singles event of all ATP World Tour Masters 1000 tournaments for which he is accepted, the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals (if qualifi ed as a direct acceptance or designated as the alternate) and four (4) ATP World Tour 500 tournaments, one (1) of which must be held following the US Open. For commitment and ranking purpos, the Monte Carlo Masters 1000, London Queens and Halle will be included in the minimum requirements for the 500 category. 2014 Davis Cup points may be counted as one (1) of the best of six (6) in the Emirates ATP Rankings, however, it shall not count towards the commitment requirement of a commitment player. See page 184 “Ranking Penalty.”
E. C ommitment Player Entry Exception – Top 30
Commitment players are automatically accepted into the main draw of all ATP World Tour 500 events
in which they have entered in a proper manner.
F. G ood Standing
Players are in good standing with the ATP if:
1)They pay all outstanding debts and obligations to the ATP;
2)They participate in the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals, if qualifi ed as a direct ac-
ceptance or designated as the alternate, unless otherwi approved by the ATP;
3)They complete all Stars Program responsibilities, if applicable; and
4)They are otherwi confi rmed to be in good standing by the President.
Penalties for not being in good standing with the ATP result in a player:
1)Not being eligible to participate in the bonus program;
2)Not being eligible to participate as a main draw entry in the following ATP Year;
3)Not being eligible to earn a year of credit toward the ATP retirement program.
G. ATP World Tour Masters 1000 & Barclays ATP World Tour Finals (“WTF”) Bo-
nus Pool
Players in good standing shall be eligible for the bonus pool bad upon the Emirates ATP Rankings as of the Monday following the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals in the current year. Rules for bonus pool eligibility are as follows:
Emirates ATP Playing 7 of 8* plus Playing 8 of 8** plus
Rankings WTF if qualifi ed WTF if qualifi ed
1) B onus pool distribution is awarded as follows:
*6 of 8 for players with a one (1) tournament commitment reduction; 5 of 8 for
players with a two (2) tournament commitment reduction, plus the Barclays
ATP World Tour Finals, if qualifi ed.
**7 of 8 for players with a one (1) tournament commitment reduction; 6 of 8
for players with a two (2) tournament commitment reduction; 5 of 8 for players
meeting all three (3) criteria for commitment reduction; plus the Barclays ATP
World Tour Finals, if qualifi ed.
2) Conditions of eligibility.
a) Good Standing. Player must be in good standing as defi ned in the ATP Cir-
cuit Regulations ction of the 2014 ATP Offi cial Rulebook.
b) Barclays ATP World Tour Finals. All players must play, if qualifi ed, in the
Barclays ATP World Tour Finals. Alternates must appear and fulfill the re-
quirements of the alternate, as determined by the ATP. A player who is other-
wi qualifi ed but does not play in the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals may
receive 80% of bonus by appearing at the finals event to do promotional
activities, as determined by the ATP.
c) Suspended player. A player who is suspended from an event shall have the
suspension count as a misd event for the bonus year in which the event is
d) Not direct acceptance. Any player who is not a direct acceptance to a man-
datory ATP World Tour Masters 1000 event shall not have that event count as
a misd event.
e) Promotional work.
i)On-site promotional activities for withdrawn players are applicable for re-
lief of fi nes and/or suspensions but shall not provide relief for the ranking
penalty and shall count as a misd event.
ii)On-site promotional activities are not applicable to players missing the event due to being suspended.
The bonus pool distribution payment to players will be made by the end of January 2014.
1.08 Reduction of ATP World Tour Masters 1000 Commitment
A. A player’s number of ATP World Tour Masters 1000 commitment tournaments shall
be reduced by one (1) tournament for reaching each of the following milestones:
1)600 matches* (as of 1 January of the commitment year);
2) 12 years of rvice;
3)31 years of age (as of 1 January of the commitment year).
If all three (3) conditions are met then the player has a complete exemption
from the ATP World Tour Masters 1000 player commitment.
fi rst Year of Service shall be the fi rst calendar year in which a player has The
competed in at least twelve (12) tournaments offering ATP ranking points.
* From 2010 only main draw singles matches played in the following events will be ud in the player’s match count for purpos of this rule.
Barclays ATP World Tour Final
Challenger and Futures matches played prior to 2010 will remain on the play-
er’s record as relates to this commitment reduction rule.
B.A player who is eligible for a reduction of his ATP World Tour Masters 1000 commit-
ment tournaments must be in good standing with the ATP in order to receive a reduc-tion of required ATP World Tour Masters 1000 commitment tournaments.
1.09 U nsatisfi ed Player Commitment Penalties
A. F ailure To Participate in the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals
1)If a player qualifi ed for the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals as a direct acceptance
or designated as the alternate, fails or refus to participate in this event, except for bona fi de injury or other reason which constitutes good cau, the player shall not be in good standing.
2)All direct acceptances and the alternate must appear at the site of the event(s) as
determined by the ATP and participate in the pre-tournament media conference.
Failure to appear shall result in a penalty of fi ve percent (5%) of total ATP prize money earned during the ATP World Tour circuit year.