觉的多音字组词多宝鱼吧 帮奶奶做家务英语作文150字带翻译篇5
今天,我吃完晚饭准备帮奶奶做家务。奶奶在擦桌子,我想:”我可以帮奶奶做一些简单的事,也可以帮奶奶减负担。”说干就干,我拿起一块小抹布,洗了洗真干净,我帮奶奶把桌子抹得干干净净。 我又想了想说:”奶奶,我来帮你扫地。”奶奶笑着点点头。我拿起扫把,用力地扫了起来,我又拿来畚斗,把垃圾都畚进去。奶奶夸我扫得很干净,我很开心。这真是难忘的一天!
甲沟炎怎么形成的 Today, I finished my dinner to help my grandma with the houwork. Grandma is cleaning the table, and I think, “I can help grandma do some simple things, or help grandma reduce the burden.” Just do it. I picked up a small rag and washed it. I helped grandma wipe the table clean. I thought about it again and said, “grandma, I'll help you sweep the floor.” Grandma smiled and nodded. I picked up the broom and swept it vigorously. I took the dustpan again and dusted all the garbage in. Grandma praid me for cleaning, and I was very happy. What a memorable day!