myweekend英语作文Agreement on Salary Payment
Home Company:AAA
乙方: BBB
Host Company:BBB吴彤彤
Home Company and Host Company hereinafter referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties".
At the request of Host Company, Home Company agrees to pay in advance the salaries (from July **,2
0** to **,20**) of XYZ ( hereinafter referred to as "Expatriate") who is assigned to Host Company to be Management consultant "Senior Manager". The Parties reached an agreement as follows:
滴滴下架了吗1、XYZ先生20**年*月*日-20**年*月*日薪酬合计为 *** 欧元,甲方同意先行垫付。薪酬代垫付清单如下:
1.The salaries from **,20** to **,20** of Expatriate is EUR*** in total. Home Company agrees to pay in advance. The payment list is as follows:
2. Expatriate is assigned to Host Company and provides rvices for it only. Expatriate shall be subject to the directions of Host Company. The function and position of Expatriate is decided by Host Company and he shall be instructed by and report regularly each month to Managing Director from the Host Company. The Host Company undertakes to bear all risks related to the assignment, having nothing to do with the Home Company.
3. Expatriate is not permitted to act for and on behalf of Home Company. It is further agreed that he must not assume obligations in the name or on account of Home Company nor make and reprentations or warranties on its behalf, and has no authority to impo obligations to third parties upon Home Company.
4. Expatriate shall obey to Chine Laws and regulations during the period he works in the Host Company. The individual income tax is paid by himlf, having nothing to do with the Parties.
5. The Host Company shall pay the amount showed in the payment list above in 30 days冷死了表情包
after this agreement comes into force ,without any deduction.
石榴盆栽6.The amount and detail in the payment list above shall conform to the contract signed between Host Company and Expatriate.口技
7. The salaries paid by Home Company in advance shall be given to Expatriate completely. Home Company shall not charge any fees for the payment.
招商引资工作8.This agreement bas on consultation and negotiations between the Parties. Matters not mentioned herein, Parties hereto may revi or supplement through negotiation.
甲方:AA乙方: BB
Home Company:AA Host Company: BB
Date:XX,20XX Date:XX,20XX