附录一 词汇扩展—构词法
Part One
廉租房补贴1、[引用] Gold is one of the growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend. (NMET2002 Reading B)
He says printers that print on both sides are growing in popularity (NMET 2003 Reading E)
1) n. + er villager partner geographer lecturer farmer gardener climber consumer
2) v. + er writer reader worker teacher player manager painter waiter explorer supporter winner leader rider employer driver baker recorder computer designer
[扩展] hatter 制帽子的人 commander 指挥官 mixer 搅拌器 container 容器、集装箱
2、[引用] After their stay, all visitors receive survival certificate recording their success. (MET2001 reading B)
director actor operator sailor collector competitor editor inventor
[扩展] supervisor 管理人 conductor 指挥 calculator elevator 电梯 governor 统治者 褔字图片
administrator 管理人 advisor 顾问 agitator 鼓动家 auditor 听众 collector 收藏家 commentator 评论员 creator 创造者 investor 投资者contractor 定约人 contributor 捐助者 distributor 分发者 protector 保护人 posssor 拥有者 councilor 顾问
3、[引用] Rearching this matter called friendship, psychologist早安语录适合发朋友圈早安的句子 Lillian Rubin spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men. (NMET2001 reading E 心理学家)
Some activists suggest people have been led to believe that a lot of dangers to the environment have gone away. (NMET 2003 Reading E)
Literacy specialists微信如何查看银行卡余额 admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower lf-respect, and regard reading as a headache, (NMET 2003 Reading B)
idealist communist artist novelist dentist biologist geologist technologist socialist tourist Marxist historicist scientist capitalist微信的名字
[扩展] feminist 女权主义者 industrialist 工业家 perfectionist 完美主义terrorist 恐怖分子 opportunist 机会主义者 capitalist 资本家 nationalist 民族主义者xist 性别歧视 racist 种族歧视 cartoonist educationist climatologist 气象学家 ecologist 生态学家
4、[引用] The major market force rests in the growing population of white-collar employee, who can afford the new rvice, said Zhuang Yu, marketing manager of Shanghai Angel Car Rental Co. (NMET2001 reading A)
Which of the following will the trainees be doing during the program? (NMET2003 Listening 18)伤心动漫图片
[扩展] employee 雇员 trainee 见习生,受训者 addre 收信人,收件人 examinee 受试者,受审查者 licene 领有许可证或执照者 appointee 被任命者 trustee 受托管者 payee 收款人,受款人 interviewee 被采访者,被接见者 returnee 回国人,复读生,刑满
释放者 divorcee 离婚者 retiree 退休者,退役者,辞职者 escapee 逃犯 devotee 热衷者,信徒 abntee 缺席者,未上班者 puree 菜泥,果泥 referee 仲裁人,裁判员 refugee 流亡者,避难者
5、[引用] After the accident, my roommate called a doctor for me. (上海 2000年高考 reading B)
workmate schoolmate classmate desk-mate teammate playmate tent-mate
[扩展] watch-mate 一同监视的那个人 bedmate 同床者 shipmate club-mate flat-mate
6、[引用] If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food. (NMET 2002 Reading B)
First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the venteenth century…(NMET2003 Reading C)
Musician historian politician magician electrician technician Russian mathematician
[扩展] beautician 美容师 comedian dietician 营养学家 optician 眼镜商 physician 内科医师
Christian 基督教徒 civilian 平民 urban 城市生活方式 guardian 保护人 republican 共和党员 mammalian 哺乳动物 metropolitan 大都市人 pedestrian 步行者
7、[引用]…Torrold and his assistant have successfully followed the traveling of young fish from mid-ocean to the coast, a journey of many hundreds of miles. (2000年春季高考)
mid- = middle mid-June midnight midday midsummer mid-winter mid-1920s mid-October mid-week mid-term mid-America mid-harbour mid-road mid-air in mid-flight in mid-fight midway
[扩展] midhour mid-fifties 五十五上下 mid-teens mid-court mid-page midpoint midwife 助产士 midland Mideast midmost 正中的 midtown midyear
Part Two
1、[引用] Which of the following 宿的读音statements is true to the facts about most organic produce sold in Britain? (02 61)
Their word were a great encouragement to me (NMET 2003 Proof reading)
V + ment development amazement argument excitement amument announcement movement puzzlement management replacement enjoyment entertainment government agreement payment improvement disagreement