Chapter 2 Foundations of Individual Behavior
1. Which of the following statements is true about the term “ability”, as it is ud in the field of organizational behavior?
a. It refers to an individual’s willingness to perform various tasks
b. It is a current asssment of what an individual can do
c. It refers exclusively to intellectual skills
d. It refers exclusively to physical skills
e. It is a prediction of future aptitude bad on current attitudes
2. Which one of the following words is the best synonym for “ability”, as the term is ud in organizational behavior?
a. motivation
b. capacity
c. experience
d. intellect
e. wisdom
表现友谊的诗句3. Although he scores well on traditional intelligence tests, James does not perform well in the workplace due to an inability to relate effectively with his colleagues. James would likely score below the median on a test that measures what subpart of intelligence?
4. A company is looking for a manager to liai between its home office in the United States, its manufacturing plants in Poland and Germany, and its suppliers in the Middle East and South Asia. A good candidate would be likely to score highly in what subpart of intelligence?
5. An employee has abilities that far exceed the requirements of the job. Which of the following predictions about that employee is most likely to be true?
a. The employee’s performance is likely to be inadequate
b. The employee’s performance is likely to be far above what is required.
c. The employee’s job satisfaction is likely to be low.
d. The employee’s job satisfaction is likely to be high.
e. The employee’s abilities will deteriorate until they match what is required for the job.
6. What will be the largest demographic change in the U.S. workforce in the next decade?
a. increasing ethnic diversity
b. a fall in married workers
c. increasing age of workers
d. decreasing tenure of workers
e. more women in the workforce than men
7. Which of the following is not a biographical characteristic?
a. political affiliation
b. age
c. x
d. tenure
e. race
8. Rearch shows that which of the following is likely to decrea as a worker grows older?
a. productivity
b. likelihood of quitting
c. abnteeism
d. vacation days taken
e. work ethic
9. Rearch does not结婚快乐 support which of the following statements about gender in the workplace?
a. Women are more willing to conform to authority than men.
b. Men are more aggressive than women.
c. Women are more productive at work than men.
d. Men have higher expectations of success.
e. Women have lower turnover rates than men.
币的笔顺10. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the higher abntee rate of women in the workplace?
a. Women tend to have more illness that keep them from work than do men.
b. Traditionally, women have had the responsibility of caring for home and family.
c. Women tend to be less satisfied with their jobs than men.
d. Women generally have jobs for which a temporary replacement can be hired.
e. Women tend to work in jobs that have less flexible schedules than men do.
11. Which of the following is a major problem in the u of ability tests for lection and promotion of personnel?
a. the low reliability of the tests
b. the tests fail to take into account the personality of the individual
c. some individuals with high intelligence are poor test takers
d. the unfair advantage that women enjoy on the tests
e. the adver impact the tests may have on different racial and ethnic groups
12. Which of the following indicates that learning has taken place?
a. The ability to perform well on exams
b. A change in motivation
c. A change in behavior
d. A high I.Q. score
e. An increa in experience
13. Learning has 量体裁衣读音not taken place in which of the following cas?
a. A farm worker makes sure that she always wears a hat after she was badly sunburned,.
b. A salesman watches a training video and then us some of the techniques in that video.
c. An athlete trains rigorously, until he can run a mile in less than 4 minutes.
d. A warehouman avoids working by staying in areas of the warehou where he has obrved that the foreman does not enter.
e. A manager only completes an important project by working through the night.
14. Which of the following rearchers thought that reinforcement was the central factor involved in behavioral change?