E-mail Urs: Beware of Scams
By Emily B. Mos, Communications
CHFS e-mail urs received messages in recent weeks from the Office of Administrative and Technology Services (OATS) reminding them not to divulge personal login information in any form, especially when responding to e-mails that ask for it.
That’s becau CHFS urs – like the rest of state government – are constantly under the threat of attack from “social engineers,” people who u deviant methods to attempt to access state government rvers for their own benefit.
And all they need is your urname and password to get inside. Once they’re in the system, chaos ensues.
OATS Division of IT Security Director Richard Chapman said there is one request that CHFS urs should never respond to.
“The request for any personal information, but particularly your password, is the biggest red flag in my book,” said Chapman. “Remember, our staff has administrative rights and can access your machine wit
hout your login information. We would never ask for it.”
Scams that most often target state government urs are called “phishing” and can come in the form of an official-looking e-mail. The e-mails may say they have been nt from a state government account. E-mails may ask for urs to respond to verify their state government login information. The e-mails also sometimes may look like warnings to employees that they will lo files if they don’t provide this information.
If a person responds to a phishing e-mail with his or her urname and password, state government rvers can be accesd from an outside source. Usually, a person will u the rvers to nd millions of spam messages. This can cau actual e-mail address ending in “ky.gov” to be nt through spam filters, which can cau a major disruption in state government business.
Chapman says it’s all a ru and one that has become quite common.
“It’s really bad on your good nature,” said Toni Halley, a member of the IT Security team. “There are different ways to get into a system. One way is to get someone on the inside to give up information without knowing it.”
早餐食谱简单快速做法Halley said IT Security experts predicted that social engineering would be on the ri in 2010, and a big part of that would be the persistence of phishing.
So what should employees do if they receive a suspected phishing e-mail?
First things first – do not reply to a suspected phishing message at all. Remember Chapman’s words: The Cabinet would never request your urname or password in an e-mail.
“Never put your password in an e-mail,” said Chapman. “If everyone in the Cabinet could remember that, 100 percent of the time, we wouldn’t have the problems.”
If you believe you’ve received an e-mail that could be a scam, you should nd the message as an attachment to the OATS IT Security team at *********************. You can also stay informed of the most current IT Security alerts at the Commonwealth Office of Technology website, v/ciso/Pages/alerts.aspx.
COT also reminds urs they will never be requested to provide personal information to the COT E-mail team or COT Security team via e-mail. Examples of items that will never be requested are: urname, password, domain or social curity number.
老式相机How to Attach an e-mail to an e-mail
If you want to attach an e-mail message from within Outlook to an outgoing e-mail, you must attach it as an “item” and not a file.
Open a new mail window. To attach an item, click the button labeled “Attach Item.” This is located next to the “Attach File” button and has the icon of an envelope with a paper clip over it. If this icon is not prent, click the small down arrow next to the “Attach File” icon. The option for “Item” should appear.
After clicking “Attach Item,” a window opens that allows you to choo an e-mail message from your inbox or other folders.
Choo the e-mail you want to attach and click “OK.”
The e-mail should appear in the “Attached” line of your message and is now ready to nd. CHFS Names General Counl
Ryan Keith of Public Protection Cabinet Appointed to Post
CHFS Secretary Janie Miller recently announced that F. Ryan Keith, general counl of the Kentucky Public Protection Cabinet since March 2008, has been named as the Cabinet’s general counl.
Keith replaces Kerry Harvey, who has been appointed U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky.
“Ryan Keith’s wide-ranging experience and experti in government will be a valuable ast to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services,” Miller said.
Keith’s appointment was effective May 16.
Women’s Health Walk Footage Online
The “Walk Across Kentucky” to bring attention to Women’s Health Week was last week at the Capitol. The Kentucky Department for Public Health Division of Women’s Health, in partnership with the Frankfort Regional Medical Center, Franklin County Health Department and the Kentucky Commission on Women, hosted the event as part of the Women’s Health Week, a national obrvance spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health. Watch video from the event online at
Remember Voting Leave Policy
Kentucky’s primary election will be Tuesday, May 18. There are candidates of each political party eking statewide office on the primary ballot as well as nonpartisan judicial races in some of the counties.
To view a sample ballot that will include the state and local races, go to the Secretary of State’s website at www.v.
In accordance with Section 148 of the Kentucky Constitution, KRS 118.035 and the voting leave regulations, 101 KAR 2:102, Section 7 and 101 KAR 3:015, Section 7, all employees who are entitled to vote, who are otherwi scheduled to work during the hours that the polls are open, and who request leave in advance shall be granted four (4) hours of voting leave to cast their vote. Employees voting abntee may be granted this leave if a request is made in advance of the day they appear before the clerk to apply for the abntee ballot, except as noted below.
KRS 118.035 states that any qualified voter who exercis their right to voting leave but fails to vote
under circumstances that did not prevent them from voting may be subject to disciplinary action. An employee appointed to rve as an Election Officer may receive voting leave not to exceed a total of ven and one-half (7.5) hours (bad on a 37.5 hour work week) or eight (8) hours (bad on a 40 hour work week) for a designated election to attend training and for rvice as an Election Officer, provided that such leave is requested and approved in advance.
Living Well
‘Eat This’ Summer Edition
Wondering which summer treats you should or should not eat? You might be surprid at the asonal favorites that are featured as beach-body friendly. The editors of Men’s Health magazine have again featured an “Eat This, Not That” edition, this time for summer. Summer-friendly foods were scrutinized by their overall nutrition score. See a few of the items from their surprising list below.
Eat this: Ice cream sandwich = 144 calories, 6 grams of fat (3.2 g saturated)
Not that: Nutty Buddy ice cream cone = 217 calories, 14 grams of fat (5.6 g saturated)
Eat this: 6-inch funnel cake = 287 calories, 14 grams of fat (2.7 g saturated)
Not that: Slice of apple pie –411 calories, 19 grams of fat (4.7 saturated)
Eat this: Caramel apple = 244 calories, 4 grams of fat (3.9 saturated)提拼音
Not that: 3 oz. of caramel corn = 367 calories, 11 grams of fat (3.1 g saturated) – note popcorn is a whole grain, equivalent in fiber to the apple, but the apple takes longer to eat, which makes it more satisfying.
Eat this: Hot dog with ketchup and a bun = 254 calories, 14 grams of fat (5 g saturated)
Not that: Bratwurst with mustard and a bun = 401 calories, 27 grams of fat (9.1 g saturated)
To e more nutritional information on their suggested foods, visit MSN Health & Fitness to view the full article. The differences in calories and fat may not em significant enough to change your lection. However, cutting out just 100 calories a day can lead to weight loss; studies have found it can take off 10 pounds in a year. The best part is you still get to enjoy tho great asonal treats. Combining better food choices and regular physical activity will leave you feeling better and looking healthier for the summer ason.
Employee Enrichment
By Anya Armes Weber流光溢彩的意思
ie12浏览器When we are innovative, we keep our skills fresh and our workplace productive. It’s important to always be open to new techniques and be vocal about your ideas to work smarter.
Merit employees can earn money for their good ideas through the Personnel Cabinet’s Employee Suggestion System (ESS). ESS is an incentive program designed to encourage employees to participate in good management by sharing the ideas on improving their productivity and the rvices offered by the state.
Cash awards may be given to employees who submit a suggestion that results in the improvement of state rvice or in the realization of financial savings by the state. Suggestions can be related to any state agency or rvice.
Awards of $100 may be given for ideas that are adopted and have intangible savings. Other awards may range from a minimum 10 percent of the first year’s estimated or documented savings up to maximum of $2,500.
Learn more online at the Personnel Cabinet’s ESS home page.