The Cobb angle, named after the American orthopedic surgeon John Robert Cobb (*1903-1967), was originally ud to measure coronal plane deformity on plane radiographs in the classification of scoliosis. It has s 根据美国整形外科医⽣John Robert Cobb命名,最开始⽤于在前后位平⽚上测量冠状位畸形⾓度。
To u the Cobb method, one must first decide which vertebrae are the end-vertebrae of the curve. The end-vertebrae are the vertebrae at the upper and lower limits of the curve which tilt most verely toward the c ⾸先需确定属于此弯的最后⼀个椎体,确定⽅法:两个椎体间隙凹侧>凸侧,即向凹侧成⾓最后⼀个椎体。确定后在最上椎体的上缘,最下椎体下缘分别划平⾏线,夹⾓即是。
If the endplates cannot be easily en, the lines can be drawn along the top or bottom or the pedicles.
The angle of interest is simply the angle between the two lines. However, with minor degrees of scoli英法战争
osis, the two lines will probably interct off the film somewhere, like downtown Seattle. Therefore, a uful th 两条线夹⾓即是Cobb⾓,然⽽,如果Cobb⾓很⼩,做线的话,在平⽚上可能没有交点,可以过两条线分别做垂线,其⾓度等于Cobb⾓,如上图⽰。
跳绳好还是跑步好When reporting this angle, it is important to mention that one is using the Cobb method and also which end vertebrae were chon for the measurement. This latter data is especially important, since once chon, the up films. This information should be in the radiographic report, since it becomes part of the patient's chart and therefore lasts far longer than the radiographs, which are often recycled after 5 years or so.