The envelope was stuffed full of original documents connected to the discovery of artemisinin and one name stood out from the rest –Tu Youyou.
Finally, I can piece the whole story together.
As they scoured the documents, Louis and Su uncovered an incredible story, the story of an exceptional scientist, willing to risk her own life to find a cure for malaria and bring it to the world, the story of Tu Youyou. 在翻阅文件的过程中,路易斯和苏发现了一个不可思议的故事,关于一位伟大科学家的传奇故事,宁愿冒着自己的生命危险,也要寻找治疗疟疾的方法,并将这份厚礼献给全世界,这就是屠呦呦的故事。
Tu’s quest didn’t begin in China, but in the jungles of Vietnam, where soldiers on both sides of the war found themlves fighting a third enemy -- mosquitoes.
Tens of thousands were left incapacitated after being bitten by the malaria-carrying incts.
In one US army unit, a third of soldiers contracted the dia.
Now, we have no way of estimating how many soldiers died in the North Vietname army, but we know the loss were colossal becau the Communist Party Chairman, Ho Chi Minh, reached out in desperation to his allies in China, asking for help to find a cure.
Chairman Mao Zedong declared the arch for a drug a top priority, and in May 1967, officially launched Project 523.
At Beijing’s Academy of Chine Medical Sciences, 39-year-old
rearcher Tu Youyou decided to scour hundreds of old manuscripts in arch of ancient wisdom a traditional herbal remedy that might form the basis of a cure.
With over 2,000 preparations to choo from, this was a daunting task.
Professor Ni Muyun worked cloly with Tu on the project.
Tu Youyou was very lf-disciplined. She t an example for the rest of us leading the discussions and inspiring everyone el.
At that time, we were all young, so it was a happy team.
Our task was very clear. We had to complete the task
Then, with her husband away and her rearch growing more demanding,Tu was forced to place her children into care.
At that time, we had to overcome the difficulties ourlves.
It really was not easy for her. The children were away for so long, it placed a barrier between them.
Tu only saw her daughters once in the next three years and when they finally reunited, the older girl refud to acknowledge the face that she was her mother and the younger one didn’t even recognize her.
Despite the hardship, Tu never gave up hope that a cure was just around the corner.
By this stage, she had tested almost 200 compounds with noting to show for it.
广式腊肠做法She continued to scour the ancient text.人的不安全行为有哪些
Then, in a book written in the fourth century by Chine scholar Ge Hong, she found a preparation that claimed to cure a malaria-like fever.
Take a handful of artemisia annua, soak in two litres of water, extrude juice and take it all.
Artemisia was a plant Tu had tested before without success.
汝瓷特点Then she had an epiphany. By heating the plant to extract the compound, she might have been damaging the drug in the process
Instead, she decided to try extracting it at a lower temperature mimicking the original formula.
She tested it on a cluster of malaria cells.
Every single one was destroyed.
But when the team tested the drug on animals, the results were alarming. 可是,当研究小组将青蒿用于动物实验时,结果却令人震惊。
While some of them were cured, others were poisoned.