一 Meaning
Semantics: the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and ntences in particular.
7 types of meaning: conceptual: denotive; the central part
Connotation: 内涵意义additional, emotive meaning
Denotation : 外表意义 the act of indicating or pointing out by name
Referential theory: the theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for.
缺点:there is sth behind the concrete thing we can e with our eyes; and that abstract thing is called concept.
Semantic triangle: the theory which explicitly employs the notion “concept”. It believes that the relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct; it is mediated by concept.
word concept thing
12星座谁最有钱Leech’s conceptual meaning has two sides: n and reference
Sen: the abstract properties of an entity
Reference: the concrete entities having the properties
(n is like connotation; reference is like denotation)
Sen relations: synonym; antonymy; hyponymy
经典钢琴曲Antonymy: gradable antonymy: differ in terms of degree;good/bad;long/short
Complementary antonymy: two words are absolutely contrary alive/dead;
Conver antonymy: relational opposites; always two sides; buy/ll; lend/borrow Hyponymy: 下位词
hypernym(superordinate): 上位词
eg: flower (上位词):(下位词) lily; carnation………
二 linguistics and foreign language teaching
linguistics and language learning:
grammar and language learning:
“FOCUS ON FORM” takes a balance between “purely form-bad approaches” and “purely meaning-bad approaches”; it believes that language learning should be generally meaning-focud and communication-oriented, it is still necessary and beneficial to focus on form occasionall
缺点:what elements of language are most amenable to focus on form; 两个影响因素:UG & complexity of language structures.
input and in language learning:
meaning-focus: authentic input; that is the input should vary in style,mode medium, and purpo.
Krashen’s input hypothesis:“i+1”principle---input不能过度超出或过度低于人的当前水平
optimal input包括: premodified input---the matetial is finely tuned in advance to the learner’s current level; interactively modified input---material is modified whenn the teacher and the speaker interacts(更好一点).
interlanguage in language learning:interlanguage---the type of language constructed by ccond or foreign learners who are still in process of learning; it is often understood as a language system between the target language and the learner’s native language.
对其研究主要在两方面: 1, investigate the psychological, biological, nerological mechanism involved in the process; 2, investigate the linguistic features of the interlanguage(尚未收到很多人关注)
linguistic and language teaching
the discour-bad view of LT:focus ono complete spoken and written texts on the social and culturlal contexts in which such language operates; it aims at developing discour competence, which is similar to communicative competence.
communicative competence:it refers to what a language knows about how a language is ud in particular situation for effective and appropriate communication; it includes knowledge of grammar,vocabulary,rules of speaking, how to u and respond to different types of speech acts and social conventions.
在这种理论下,有两种主要教学方法: communicative language teaching(CLT)---real world tasks; task-bad language teaching(TBLT)---pedagogical tasks
缺点:overemphasize the role of external factors in the process and ignore the internal learning process(similar to behavioristic view of LA); overstress the role of language of competence and functions and fails to notice the universal principles.
the universal grammar of LT:Chomsky’s UG, or TG
language learning is not a matter of habit formation but an activity of building and testing hypothesis;
input is deficient in two ways: input is claimed to degenerate cze it is damaged by performance features; input is devoid of grammar corrections
缺点: 1, acquisition part is cond important in UG
2, it is only concerned of linguistic grammar and neglects the perpheral grammar 3, it discarded the prmary function of language---communication
4, SLA ldom do empirical rearch
linguistics and syllabus design
syllabus:a specification of what taked place in the classroom, which usually cotains the aims and contents of teaching in a given cour; it is part of curriculum.
curriculum: a broad concept; provides general statements of the rationale of language,L-L, L-T; detailed sppecification of aims, objectives and target of L-L; implementation of a program; including t
he entire insturctional process :materials, equipment, examination and the training of teachers, in short, all pedagogical measures related to schooling or the substance of cours.
syllabus design: pedagogical narure; curriculum development:educational issue
theoretical views behind syllabus design
1, lecting teaching materials
structural view: lect the kernel elements of the structural system
functional view: lect the most frequently occurring functions and notions of language
2, grading teaching materials
staging: the division of the cour into time gments
quencing: deciding the order in which the items shuld be taught
types of syllabus
1, the structural syllabus:grammar-oriented syllabus;discrete-point grammar teaching
2, situational syllabus:believes that language is ud for communication; adopts aural-oral teaching method; practice under a certain topic and situation (ex.at the air port)
3, communicative syllabus: bad on a notional-functional syllabus; emphasizes the process
of communication
4, task-bad syllabus:6个制定标准
1, have a clear purpo
2, have some degree of remblance to real world events
3, involve informations eeking, processing and conveying
4, the students in some modes of doing sth
5, involve the meaning-focus u of language
6, end with a tangible product
current trends of syllabus design
1, the co-existence of the old and the new(old:gramatical and lexical syllabus; new: the
content and the task-bad syllabus)
2, the emphasis on the learning process
3, the inclusion of nonlinguistic objectives in syllabus(whole-person development)
4, the emergence of multi-syllabus
constrastive analysis and error anaysis
CA: compares L1 and L2 in order to determine potential errors for ultimate purpo of isolating what needs to be learned and what doesn’t need to be learned; the goal is to
predict what areas will be easy to learn and what areas are difficult to learn; was early associated with behaviourism and structuralism; gradually replaced by “the study of
cross-linguistic influencdes”.
EA: errors made by L2 learners caud by factor other than L1 inteference
1, source of errors:
interlingual errors(or transfer errors语际差错): occur when the learner misus an item cze it shares features with an item in the native language
intralingual errors(developmental errors 又叫语内差错):occur within the target language, such as overgeneralization
2, the nature of errors
5 types: omissions; additions; double marking; misformation; misdordering
recognition(identification): before producing a ntence, we ask ourlves wthether it’
s gramatically correct; overt or covert errors
description: 1,先compare the errors to the correct ones--bilingual comparison
2, description:
the staged in which errors are made:presystematic/sys/postsys
the general nature of erroe(见上)
the levels of language: phonology, lexicon, grammar, and discour
explanation: why did the learner commit the errors---the sources of the errors
the interlingual transfer
the intralingual transfer
transfer of training:cze fixed modes of training; such errors called induced errors
communication strategies:the conscious employment of a verbal or nonverbal mechanism for communicating an idea when preci linguistic forms are for some reason not readily available to the learn at a point; 4种: avoidance/prefabricated patterns/appeal to authority/language switch
cognitive and affective factors: styles of thinking and personality application of error analysis: 4 types
1, correction of errors in the classroom(what to correct depends on the following) the gravity of the error in refwerence to the effectiveness of communication
the degree of linguistic devianc
the objective of a certain lesson
2, providing explanation
3, curricula and teaching materials
4, remedial teaching
缺点: 1, it’s inadequate to rely on errors to study how L2 is learned
2, lack of precision and specificity in the defeinition of error categories
3, over-stress production date and fails to account for error avoidance
4, confusion of error description and explanation
error:ari from the learner’s lack of knowledge and competence
mistake: occur when the learner fails to perform their competence due to lack of attention or other factors
fossilization: it refers to the relatively permanent incorporation or internalization of incorrect linguisti forms into a person’s cond language competence due to some cognitive and affective factors
pidginization: it refers to a process by which a pifgin develops; the L2 acquisition is a process of oversoming pidginization and adopting the TL exclusively.
corpus linguistics language teaching
types of corpus: in terms of function, 4 types
1, general corpora: a collection of materials broadly homogeneous an dis gathered from a variet of sources
2, specialized corpora:
3, sample corpora: gene-bad ; randomly lected from all kinds of genres
4, monitor corpora: ever moving store of text
what us can we make of corpora?
1, frequency ifo
2, context and co-text ifo:(contexts are the situational environment; co-texts are the linguistic environments)
3, gramatically ifo
4, collocation and phraology
5, pragmatics ifo
三 what is applied linguistics?
definition and scope:
narrow view: it particularly refers to foreign language teaching
the broad view: a combination of linguistics with psychology, pedagogy, mathematics, ; any definable area of human endeavor to which the “investigation of the
theories, methods and empirical findings of linguistics could be applied”
the intermediate view: the study of lang teaching and learning
linuistics 到 applied linguistics 到 language teaching
theoretical bas
nature of AI
what is language?
1, structuralists(Saussure): interested in the structure of language; the uniqueness of
different language
2, sociologists(Halliday): an activity consisitng of listening, speaking, reading and
3, behaviourists(Skinner): operant behaviour and equate human beings with pigeons
4, transformationalists(Chomsky): an internalized system of rules and equate human beings
with automators; university of language rules
四 L1 acquisition85年几岁
1, it is concerned with competence or performance?
2, child acquire L1 by nature or nuture?
that is to say : external environmental; language acquisition devece(LAD)?
3, how is L1 acquired----imitation and practice:early period
creative hypothesis-testing: Chomsky supports the univeristy of language
major L1 acquisition theories
1,behaviouristic theories: follow the empiricist approach; “black box”: what goes into
it is stimulus and what comes out of it is respon; the goal of behaviorists is to discover
and creat predictable relationships (associations) between stimulus and respon.
imitation-reinforcement theory
S-R-R: stumli-respon-reinforcement; fails to account for the abstract nature of
language, the creativity of language u by the child and the acquisition of the meaning .
mediation theories: the goal is to fill the “black box” with postluated internal
psychological stucuturs and process; meanig is an interna replica of an external respon/
2,cognitive theories:
nativist theories(the innateness hypothesis):
the child is born with the biological basis for the language acquisition; Chomsky’s UG
and calls black box LAD, he reagrds it as “the genetically determined language faculty”
“the innate component of human mind that yield particular language through the interaction with prented experience”;
they rearched the systematic nature of child language acquisition, which they call pivot grammars;
缺点:focus on the form of language ; fails to notice the function
cognitive theories:
the linguistic development lags behind conceptual development;
4 stages of intellectual develpment of chila
the nsory-motor stage(0-2)
the preoperational stage(2-7)
the concrete operational stage(7-11)
the formal operational stage(11-16)
五 L2 learning
cond language:is ud to refer to a non-native language learned and ud within one country and a community where it has official status or a recognized function外国留学生在中国学汉语
foreign language: a non-native language learned and ud outside the country or community where it has official status中国学生在中国学英语
the goal of L2 learning :
native-like proficiency: grammatical competence; sociolinguistic com; strategic com; the task of L2 learning:
two-fold: competence side
performance side
differences between child and adult L2 learners:
the biological explanation
the cognitive explanation
the affective explanation: affect the strength of affective filter(stengthed in puberty) other factors: BICS(basic interpersonal communication skills)
CALP(cognitive/academic language proficience)
Major L2 learning theories
sj资料1, the interlanguage theory:the collective name of cond language urs’ language and calls it transitional competence; reflects the cognitive learning strategy and communicative strategy
2, the monitor theory
the acquisition-learning hypothesis: the most fundenmental; acquisition is subconscious and the learni gis conscious
the monitor hypothesis: acquisition initiates our utterance and is responsible for our fluency while learniing only has one function---monitor or editor