
更新时间:2023-07-30 09:42:40 阅读: 评论:0

I 汉译英
1. 感恩话语简短常常是黄昏或者夜晚。丢了一天的疲倦和纷扰 , 我漫步在未名湖边的小路上。明灭闪烁的路灯撒下朦朦胧胧的光晕, 如雾似雨。摇曳的树影和轻轻的晚风, 送来花的清香。间或有数点草虫的鸣叫, 一缕缕年轻人的笑语和歌声, 飘到小路上来, 与湖面上倒映的灯火 , 暗蓝的树, 天上的星光, 一抹晚霞或一钩淡淡的新月, 辉映成有声有色的图景。真像是一首诗, 一首写不尽读不完的诗。
Often it was at dusk or evening when a day's troubles and fatigue were over, I wandered along the paths around Lake No-Name. A misty hale surrounded the twinkling light from the lampposts, and the trees waved; along with the soft breeze came the pleasant fragrance of flowers. Occasionally you could hear incts chuckling and young people's laughing and singing. The, together with the reflection of the lamppost on the water, the dark blue shapes of trees, the starlight high above in the night sky, and sometimes with a touch of the tting sun or a crescent of the new moon, produced a colorful scene, a scene of poem, wh
ich is forever being written and read.
2. 山居生活寂寞单调, 冬夜僵冷的黑暗也更是难堪。从小镇买来带有玻璃罩的油灯光芒是微弱的。为了获得更多的光亮, 我试用废弃的瓶瓶罐罐制作了许多形态不一的小油灯。每盏小油灯都绽开一朵火花, 奉献小小的光亮。微弱的光也能划破黑暗, 对沉沉的黑夜是一种无言的反抗。即使熄灭了, 它也燃烧过。何况还能再一次点燃, 继续以它怯弱而又勇敢的火光向黑夜挑战。我满心喜悦地观赏着我自己手下诞生的一点光明。在长夜漫漫的动乱岁月里 , 它燃起了我精神上的火焰。
Life in the mountain village was boring and always made one feel lonely, and the cold winter night was even harder. The glass-tube oil lamp bought in the town gave out only very feeble light. In order to get more light, I tried and made many little oil lamps of various shapes with all kinds of ud bottles and pots.Every little oil lamp gave out a little fire, giving out a little light. The feeble light could as well shine through the darkness, a silent protest against the dark night. Even though they would finally burn out, they at least had lit and could be lit again and defy the dark night with their feeble but brave fire light. I
was filled with happiness watching the tiny light of my own creation. It was the lights that lit up the fire of my spirit during tho long and dark days of political turmoil.
3.逢年过节, 把屋子收拾利索, 长了能维持几个月, 短了不消几天, 兰陵中学屋子里又乱了, 主要是书在捣乱, 到处是书堆。外出总禁不住要逛书店, 逛书店就不可能不买书。新书、准备要看的书、看了一半的书、写作正用得着的书、有保存价值的书, 占据了我房子里的绝大部分空间; 而且还不断扩展, 每时每刻都在蚕食供我存身的那块空间。这不是侵略是什么? 我舒舒服服、自得其乐地接受这种侵略和征服。
Before every New Year or major celebrations, there would be a general cleaning. The room could usually be kept tidy for a couple of months, but often it was a matter of only a few days before the room was a mess again, and that was mainly due to tho books, piles of books, everywhere. Whenever I was out on business, I couldn't help going to bookstores, and once I was there, I could never resist the temptation of buying more .New books, books that I had a thought of reading, books of which I only finished half, books needed for my writing, and books that had values to keep took up most of the spac
e in my room, and they were ever expanding, eating up a11the time the remaining part of my room that provided the minimum space for me as the dweller there. Isn't this an invasion? But I accepted invasion of such kind with comfort and pleasure.
4.孩子简单。他们不爱钱, 不爱荣誉, 不爱大而漂亮的房子经期可以练瑜伽吗, 有人把他弄痛了, 哭过一场也什么都忘了。所以, 他们脑袋一碰枕头就能呼呼睡去, 营养学基础拥有世界上最佳质量的睡眠。
孩子好奇。孩子总在想一些东西, 也在思考一些东西。他们的大脑常常处于快乐的旋转之中。一朵奇特的云, 一片鲜见的树叶, 都会引发孩子许多的联想。同样的生活, 在孩子的眼里会呈现出我们发现不了的乐趣和快乐。
Children are not sophisticated. They do not love money or reputation, or tho big and magnificent hous. If they are hurt by someone, they cry it off. That is why they usually fall to sound sleep once their heads touch the pillow, and they enjoy the best-quality sleep in the world.
Children arc always curious. They are always fancying and thinking, and their brain is alw
ays in a happy whirl. A strangely-shaped cloud, a rarely-en leaf, all the will arou endless associations from them. The same life, in children's eyes, will prent pleasures and happiness which we grown-ups can never imagine.
5. 处在心灵的荒漠中, 谁都会为这无际的空虚而感到寂寞、孤独甚至恐惧。其实, 这荒漠只是视野中的“海市蜃楼”。“外面世界歌声”依旧悦耳, 花草依旧芳艳, 热情的朋友们正向你走来。只要你自己能够拨开眼前的迷雾, 仔细审视 " 视野 " 中的景象, 正视内心的细微感动, 就会发现视野中的美, 自然而然地摆脱这无援的境地。
梅花图片大全大图If you feel yourlf in a dert of heart, you would certainly feel lonely and even frightened among such a vast space of emptiness. In fact, it is just a visionary mirage, common to many people. In fact, there are always pleasant melodies in the world outside, as well as pretty scenes and warm-hearted friends walking up to you. You are sure to e the beauty in your vision and get away from the helpless situation if you can e through the mist around you, study the scenes in your vision, face every little move in your heart.
6. 崩坠那么失去后的感觉会使你明白拥有的宝贵。当你在黑暗中勾勒黎明的天空时, 才明白已从眼前过去的东方朝霞有多美丽; 关于自己的作文当你人过中年时, 才明白年轻时代荒废了多少光阴; 当你默数浑浑噩噩的往日时, 才明白该干而没干的太多太多; 当你踊踊独行在人生路上时, 才明白曾经同行的幸福。如果认为一切都是自然的给予, 那么失去也将是必然的惩罚。
You will realize the value of posssing something only after you lo it. When you imagine the feeble light of dawn in total darkness, you realize the beauty of morning sun light that has pasd; you are already advanced in years before you wail over the time wasted when you were young; when you are silently counting the number of days idled away, you find that you have left so many things that should have been accomplished; and you will not e how valuable it is to have a companion in life until you find yourlf struggling along all alone. If you take everything for granted, you are sure to lo it, a punishment that is inevitable.

本文发布于:2023-07-30 09:42:40,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:油灯   孩子   精神   图景   枕头   朋友   失去   空间
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