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Document No.: COP9.13E 文件编号 Document Title: Pilot Run Procedure 文件名称
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牛柳MK( V ) ED ( V ) PC ( V ) PU ( V ) MC(V ) IE (V ) PD ( V ) QM( V ) PS ( ) TM( ) WH( V ) SH ( ) PA ( ) IT ( ) KZ( ) GM( V )
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Document NO: COP9.13 文件编号REV. 00 01
Document Title: Pilot Run Procedure 文件名称
Page 1 of 6
第页,共页Date: 20020218 日期
1.0 Purpo
1.1To provide a comprehensive guideline in developing the manufacturing process under a smooth starting
and trouble free from production run.
1.2To anticipate and solve all problems before production.
1.3To Ensure the effort of all responsible department are well coordinated and cooperated to achieve the
success of a new product.
2.0 Scope
It covers the scope from design output to production relea; this includes new developed products, new construction and new technology.
3.0 Responsibility
3.1PPC department is responsible to ensure that date, quantity as defined and production line of pilot run is
in Production-Schedule (3 dayssch).
3.2PMC department is responsible to ensure that all the needed components/ materials are available in
hou prior to pilot run.
3.3IE department ensures that plant layout and Line layout are completely prepared prior to pilot run, and
monitors labor balance in pilot run.
3.4R&D is in charge of the pilot run and should conduct the whole process from design relead, pre-pilot
run meeting, pilot run, trouble analysis and corrective action executing. And follow up the Safety
approval status, including rating approval. In addition, Engineering document has to monitor the result &make improvements on any problem or potential problem found.
3.5PIE is in charge of hold of whole production pilot run process to ensure that all the required tooling,
equipment are ready at the asmbly line for the Pilot Run, and should help to train the operator to ensure they u predetermined motion and method, and analyze all defective units in production pilot run and make all needed tooling and fixture.
b超孕囊3.6Quality department ensures that all incoming, process (WIP) and finished product samples are
inspected, including safety items test, reliability test, durability test, vibration test and package drop test are performed. All corrective actions are tested and verified.
3.7Purchasing department is responsible to ensure that all needed components/materials are purchad in
3.8Production department should provide the necessary supervision staff and workers for the pilot run and
make sure that all necessary parts per BOM are ready in the pilot run area just prior to pilot run.
3.9Engineering sample building room will provide necessary field, partly supervision staff and workers for
the pilot run.
3.10 Marketing is responsible to follow-up on getting MPL/ID/EMP (if applicable)/Graphic/Manual/label
available prior to pilot run.
3.11Quality Engineering ction is to control the quality & effectiveness of the pilot run.
3.12 Warehou department will check bill of engineering pilot run material and components; and help to
carry when other department necessary to help.
4. 0 Pilot run chart
Refer to Appendix1
5.0 Procedure
Document NO: COP9.13 文件编号REV. 00 01
Document Title: Pilot Run Procedure 文件名称
Page 2 of 6
第页,共页Date: 20020218 日期
5.1 Preparation for pilot run
5.1.1 Preparation conference. project manager/leader should hold a pre-pilot meeting with responsible department
to discuss all necessary arrangements and planing. PIE supervisor or above should hold a pre-production pilot run meeting with all
responsible department to discuss anything concerned with production pilot run.
5.1.2 Documents to be prepared availability of design output, the relevant design engineering documents should be
relead, such as: -
---Manufacturing specification,
---Test Requirement,
---BOM (STP) for Engineering Pilot Run, BOM(FIN) for Production Pilot Run;
---Asmbly drawings & Parts drawings;
---(Component) Lead-wire specifications;
---Circuit Drawings
---Documents and Bill of Tooling & Fixture
---Flow Chart;
---Special Process Requirement;
---New parts PER.
--Working prototype sample. The BOM (STP) should be issued ahead of at least two weeks of The Engineering pilot run. All plastic parts will be issued <notice of molds trail>. will issue temporarily version PWC (Production Workmanship Card) BEFORE
production pilot run. The line will be stopped if the line without any concerned PWC. department ensure that MPL/I.D.S/EMP (if applicable)/Graphic/Manual/
Label are available and correct prior to pilot.小传怎么写
5.1.3Schedule PPC will prearrange location of Production pilot run before Engineering pilot run; and
ensure at least to plan the PP (production pilot run) and MP (the mass production) on the same production floor. date of Production pilot run will be prearranged after two weeks of the Engineering电高压锅使用方法
pilot run if the engineering pilot run is pasd and relead.
5.1.4All materials and components to be prepared电脑定时关机 moulds should off tooling and arrived in-hou ahead of four(4) days of The
Engineering pilot run; and PMC is informed that the moulds will be ready ahead of one
week of the Engineering pilot run; materials and components will be collected for Engineering pilot run by concerned
project engineer. Meanwhile project engineer will ask Warehou to help to carry when it’s necessary. PMC will issue bill of goods ahead of 3 days of Production pilot run for PP preparation. Production is in charge of drawing all material and components; and will check all material
Document NO: COP 9.13 文件编号REV. 00 01
Document Title: Pilot Run Procedure 文件名称
Page 3 of 6
第页,共页Date: 20020218 日期 ahead of two (2) days of the PP; The PP will be run on time if all goods are
ready. If not, Production department will inform PPC to amend the schedule. department will inform concerned project engineer ahead of two days of
Engineering Pilot run if some goods can not be purchad on time. department will check bill and inform concerned project engineer, PMC, PPC and
Purchasing department ahead 3 days of Pilot run if some goods are not ready still. will evaluate components/material for reliability and record the result with new
components /material in PER. will inspects & tests all the incoming parts according to defined specification (PER,
IQC WI) and any deviation should be disposition by pilot-responsible department.
5.1.5Samples prototype sample will be distributed to concerned departments (Prod, QC, HQA
and IE) before Engineering pilot run by project engineer approved samples should be distributed to concerned departments (Prod, QC, HQA
and IE) before Production pilot run by project engineer engineer will provide two-three samples, which all parts are out of tooling, to QE to
evaluate to ensure QE report issue as soon as pilot run finish.
5.1.6Further process will be taken by responsible departments to prepare for pilot run to verify
the design output.
6.1The alternative and/or design change suggestion would be provided by PIE & Quality to
improve the product after design output was relead if necessary.
6.2The project manager/leader would hold a meeting after the design was relead with
responsible engineers of R&D, PIE, Quality to discuss the design recommendation and any potential problems and further process if necessary.
6.3Upon design output is discusd and considered to be applicable, if necessary, some design
detail will be relead by responsible department, such as: -
---New tester design,
---New Tooling & fixture fabrication,
---Component incoming PER,
---Plant layout.
6.4 Pilot Run Information (PRI) is issued before Pilot Run (e ED-F020).
5.2Pilot Run
The project manager/leader should coordinate all responsible departments to ensure that everything is ready prior to actual pilot. Project engineer ensures all-necessary parts per BOM are ready in the Engineering samples building room.
PIE department check and adjust all the workstations and fixtures and train the operator prior to pilot run.
IE department ensure that plan layout and line layout prepared prior to pilot run, and monitors labor balance in the locale of pilot run.
Engineering samples team provides partly the necessary supervision staff and workers for engineering pilot run, others workers will be provided by Production department.
Document NO: COP9.13 文件编号REV. 00 01
Document Title: Pilot Run Procedure 文件名称
Page 4 of 6
第页,共页Date: 20020218 日期
Production department provides the necessary supervision staff and workers for pilot run and tho all necessary parts per BOM are ready in the Production pilot run area just prior to pilot run.
QC 100% inspects all in process units and HQA samples to check all finished product lots according to defined specification/samples.
QE samples to perform the safety items test, reliability test, durability test, and package drop test and vibration test.
5.2.1 Engineering pilot run
Using Engineering samples building room line tools for asmbly to assure that the product is produced in good quality. Documents are required prior to starting a final engineering pilot run, such as: -
---- Manufacturing specification,
-----In process line QC Specification should assist R&D and familiarize themlves with the product’s specification and quality
requirements, etc. department ensures that plant layout and Line layout are completely prepared prior to pilot run.
硅谷钢铁侠读后感5.2.2Production pilot run
Using production line tooling for asmbly to assure that everything is suitable for a trouble free production. Engineering pilot is approved, the approved samples should be distributed to concerned
departments (Prod, QC and HQA), All design details should be finalized and all engineering
documents should be updated for production pilot. any special request by Quality Director and General Manager, production pilot run should
be run minimum 100 pieces. PIE is in charge of hold the responsibility of whole process and should
----help to train the operator to ensure they u predetermined motion & method,
---- monitor & record all throw –off and scrap,
----analyze all defective units. department should evaluate labor balance. should assist PIE with pilot process and nonconformity analysis.