Tooling and Fixture Management Provisions
It is ted to standardizing the management of tooling and fixture (referred as fixture) to ensure the fixture being controlled by company for better production.
The provision suit all the fixtures in factory.
3、职责与权限Duty and Authority
质管部QC Dept.
负责对生产的夹具进行检定,并作记录;Test the fixtures and record
钢构车间鼠尾掌Steel structure Workshop
负责根据技术图纸对夹具进行制作;manufacture the fixtures according to the drawings
负责对不合格的夹具进行修复。Repair the unqualified fixtures
Check with the deliver sheet and sign for the fixtures when they are incoming.
4. 2质管部在接收到仓库管理员送检的夹具后,应在一个工作日内,安排人员完成对送检工装夹具的入厂检定;
QC Dept. should arrange inspection for the fixtures in 1 day when receiving the fixtures by warhou keeper.
4. 3质检人员应根据技术图对夹具进行判定,出具“工装检定报告”,如所有尺寸均合格,则在“工装检定报告”九年级语文古诗中“苹果手机怎样截图检定结论”栏勾上合格选项,经质管部部长签字后交仓储进行入库;如存在有尺寸不合格的情况,则按照不合格品管理程序进行处理。
QC should judge the fixtures by drawings and issue Tools Inspection Report. Mark the qualified in Result of Tools Inspection Report.fixtures then are put in storage after signed by QC manager. If unqualified, treat according to the unqualified management process.
4.4 夹具周期检定家具店广告语Fixture Period Inspection
Workshop fill in Tooling and Fixture Ledger Management and mark out the period. All the using fixtures should be go througe annual survey.
Workshop should sort out the fixture need inspection in the next month according to Tooling and Fixture Ledger Management before every 30th of month. QC Dept. should make Tooling and Fixture Asssment Report by the standard of fixture drawing which should be signed by QC manager, then turn it to the workshop.
Deal with the unqualified fixtures by the unqualified control system.
4.5 夹具修理:修理后的工装必须重新进行检定,检定合格后,方可继续使用。
Fixture Repair: Recheck the repaired fixtures and u when it’s tested to be qualified.
4.6 夹具报废:对于检定后为“报废”的工装,由生产车间通知操作者办理消账程序;
Fixtures Abandonment: operator should do balance account for the abandoned tools.
4.7 夹具状态标识Fixtures Mark
Quality Mark: the three state refers to be qualified, repairing and abandoned.the qualified should be marked with white paint and green card which needs recording in tools documentation. The repairing fixtures should be put into the pointed area in workshop and marked with red cards. The abandoned fixtures should be marked with red paint obviously and red cards before entering the waster zone.
4.8 夹具维护保养Fixtures Maintaining
Check the fixtures everyday if there is any damage, check the thread screw if there is any extract. Check if the components such as compact nuts,press plate,ect.) and if the cards is clear. Change the component damaged and lost in time and re-mark the cards which is not clear.