Empress of the Deep: The Darkest Secret
Walkthrough - Chapter 1: The Royal Sceptre
The game starts in the mausoleum. The following hotspots are available:用章登记表
Take the screwdriver on the floor. Examine the notebook on the table to e a clo-up. Examine the blue panel on the notebook and it will be added to the slot at the bottom-left corner of the screen. The notebook can now be lected to reveal notes, a map, clues and flowers that have been collected. Exit the view of the notebook and back away from the table. New hotspots are available:
Examine the hidden object location. Find all of the hidden objects on the list:
After finding all of the hidden objects, examine the microscope to e a slide. Examine the slide to add the symbol to the notebook. Examine the plate. U the screwdriver on the screw in the middle of the plate. Remembering the symbol that was recorded in the notebook, move the blue bars to the following positions and then lect the handle: