Standard Specification for
General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar1
This standard is issued under thefixed designation B248;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the ca of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parenthes indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for u by agencies of the Department of Defen.
e1N OTE—Referenced Documents were editorially corrected in November2003.
1.1This specification covers a group of general require-ments common to veral wrought product specifications. Unless otherwi specified in the purcha order or in an individual specification,the general requirements shall apply to copper and copper-alloy plate,sheet,strip,and rolled bar supplied under each of the following product specifications issued by ASTM:B36/B36M,B96/B96M,B103/B103M, B121/B121M,B122/B122M,B152/B152M,B169/ B169M,B194,B291,B422,B465,B534,B591,B592, B694,B740,B747,and B768.2
N OTE1—A complete metric companion to Specification B248has been developed—B248M;therefore no metric equivalents are prented in this specification.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1The following documents of the issue in effect on date of material purcha form a part of this specification to the extent referenced herein:
2.2ASTM Standards:
B36/B36M Specification for Brass Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar3
B96/B96M Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Plate, Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar for General Purpos and Pressure Vesls3
B103/B103M Specification for Phosphor Bronze Plate, Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar3
B121/B121M Specification for Leaded Brass Plate,Sheet, Strip,and Rolled Bar3
B122/B122M Specification for Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy,
Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy(Nickel Silver),and Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar3
B152/B152M Specification for Copper Sheet,Strip,Plate, and Rolled Bar3
B169/B169M Specification for Aluminum Bronze Sheet, Strip,and Rolled Bar3
B193Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials4
B194Specification for Copper-Beryllium Alloy Plate, Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar3
B291Specification for Copper-Zinc-Mangane Alloy (Mangane Brass)Sheet and Strip5
B422Specification for Copper-Aluminum-Silicon-Cobalt Alloy,Copper-Nickel-Silicon-Magnesium Alloy,Copper-Nickel-Silicon Alloy,Copper-Nickel-Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy,and Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy Sheet and Strip3
B465Specification for Copper-Iron Alloy Plate,Sheet, Strip,and Rolled Bar3
B534Specification for Copper-Cobalt-Beryllium Alloy and Copper-Nickel-Beryllium Alloy Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar3
B591Specification for Copper-Zinc-Tin and Copper-Zinc-Tin-Iron-Nickel Alloys Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar3 B592Specification for Copper-Zinc-Aluminum-Cobalt Al-loy,Copper-Zinc-Tin-Iron Alloy Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar3
B694Specification for Copper,Copper-Alloy,and Copper-Clad Stainless Steel(CCS)and Copper-Clad Alloy Steel (CAS)Sheet and Strip for Electrical Cable Shielding3
B740Specification for Copper-Nickel-Tin Spinodal Alloy Strip3
B747Specification for Copper-Zirconium Alloy Sheet and Strip3
B768Specification for Copper-Cobalt-Beryllium Alloy and Copper-Nickel-Beryllium Alloy Strip and Sheet3
1This specification is under the jurisdiction of the ASTM Committee B05on Copper and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.01 on Plate,Sheet,and Strip.
Current edition approved May10,2001.Published September2001.Originally published as B248–51T.Last previous edition B248–98.
2The UNS system for copper and copper alloys(e Practice E527)is a simple expansion of the former standard designation system accomplished by the addition of a prefix“C”and a suffix“00”.The suffix can be ud to accommodate
composition variations of the ba alloy.
3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol02.01.
4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol02.03.
5Discontinued.See1992Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.05. 1
*A Summary of Changes ction appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.
E8Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials6 E18Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials6
E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications7
E50Practices for Apparatus,Reagents,and Safety Consid-erations for Chemical Analysis of Metals,Ores,and Related Materials8
E53Test Method for Determination of Copper in Unal-loyed Copper by Gravimetry8
E54Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Special Brass and Bronzes8
E62Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Copper Alloys(Photometric Method)8
E75Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper-Nickel and Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloys8
E106Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper-Beryllium Alloys8
E112Test Methods for Determining the Average Grain Size6
E118Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper-Chromium Alloys8
E121Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper-Tellurium Alloys8
E255Practice for Sampling Copper and Copper Alloys for the Determination of Chemical Composition8
E478Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper Alloys9
E527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys(UNS)10
3.1.1blank—a piece offlat product intended for subquent fabrication by forming,bending,cupping,drawing,hot press-ing,and so forth.
3.1.2coil—a length of the product wound into a ries of connected turns.The unqualified term“coil”a
s applied to“flat product”usually refers to a coil in which the product is spirally wound,with the successive layers on top of one another. (Sometimes called a“roll”.) or traver wound—a coil in which the turns are positioned into layers parallel to the axis of the coil such that successive turns in a given layer are next to one another. or traver wound on a reel or spool—a coil in which the turns are positioned into layers on a reel or spool parallel to the axis of the reel or spool such that successive turns in a given layer are next to one another.
3.1.3lengths—straight pieces of the product.—straight pieces,shorter than the nominal length,left over after cutting the product into mill lengths, stock lengths,or specific lengths.They are subject to minimum length and maximum weight requirements.—straight lengths,including ends,that can be conveniently manufactured in the mills.Full-length pieces are usually8,10,or12ft and subject to established length tolerances.—straight lengths of integral multiples of a ba length,with suitable allowance for cutt
ing if and as specified.—straight lengths that are uniform in length, as specified,and subject to established length tolerances. with ends—specific lengths,including ends.—straight lengths that are mill cut and stored in advance of orders.They are usually8,10,or12ft and subject to established length tolerances. with ends—stock lengths,including ends. 3.1.4plate—a wroughtflat product over0.188in.thick and over12in.wide,in straight lengths or coils(rolls).
3.1.5reel or spool—a cylindrical device that has a rim at each end and an axial hole for a shaft or spindle,and on which the product is wound to facilitate handling and shipping.
3.1.6rolled bar—a rolledflat product over0.188in.thick and up to and including12in.wide,with sheared,sawed,or machined edges,in straight lengths or coils(rolls).
3.1.7sheet—a rolledflat product up to and including0.188 in.thick and over24in.wide,in straight lengths or coils(rolls).
3.1.8strip—a rolledflat product,other thanflat wire,up to and including0.188in.thick,in straight lengths,coils(rolls)or traver wound on reels or spools: slit,or sheared edges in widths up to24in. inclusive. drawn or rolled edges,in widths over 11⁄4to12in.inclusive.
4.Materials and Manufacture
4.1Materials—The material shall be of such quality and purity that thefinished product shall have the properties and characteristics prescribed in the applicable product specifica-tion listed in Section1.
4.2Manufacture—The material shall be produced by either hot-or cold-working operations.It shall befinished,unless otherwi specified,by such hot working,cold working, annealing,or heat treatment as may be necessary to meet the properties specified.
4.3Edges—The edges shall be slit,sheared,sawed,or rolled edges,as specified.Slit edges shall be furnished unless otherwi specified or agreed between purchar and supplier or manufacturer.See
5.6for edge descriptions and tolerances.
5.Dimensions,Weights,and Permissible Variations
5.1General—For the purpo of determining conformance with the dimensional requirements prescribed in this specifi-cation,any measured value outside the specified limiting values for any dimension may be cau for rejection.
N OTE2—Blank spaces in the tolerance tables indicate either that the material is not available or that no tolerances have been established. 5.2Thickness—The standard method of specifying thick-ness shall be in decimal fractions of an inch.For material0.021 in.and under in thickness,it is recommended that the nominal
6Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.01. 7Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol14.02. 8Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.05. 9Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.06. 10Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol
thickness be stated not clor than the nearest half-thousandth.(For example,specify 0.006or 0.0065in.,but not 0.0063in.)For material over thickness,it is recommended that the nominal thickness be stated not clor than the nearest thousandth.(For example,specify 0.128or 0.129in.,but not 0.1285in.)A list of preferred thickness is shown in Appendix X1.The thickness tolerances shall be tho shown in Tables 1-3for the product specification indicated:5.2.1Table 1—Thickness tolerances applicable to Specifi-cations B 36/B 36M,B 121/B 121M,B 152/B 152M,B 291,B 465,B 591(Copper Alloy UNS No.C41100),B 592,and B 747.
5.2.2Table 2—Thickness tolerances applicable to Specifi-cations B 96/B 96M,B 103/B 103M,B 122/B 122M,B 169/B 169M,B 194,B 422,B 534,B 591,B 740,and B 768(except Copper Alloy UNS No.C41100).
5.2.3Table 3—Special thickness tolerances applicable to Copper Alloy UNS No.C72500when ordered to Specification B 122/B 122M,and to Specifications B 194,B 534,B 740,and B 768as noted in the table.
5.3Width —The width tolerances shall be tho shown in Tables 4-6,depending on the type of edge r
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5.3.1Table 4—Width tolerances for slit metal and slit metal with rolled edges.
5.3.2Table 5—Width tolerances for square-sheared metal.5.3.3Table 6—Width tolerances for sawed metal.
5.4Length —The material shall be furnished in coils or straight lengths of plate,sheet,strip,or rolled bar as specified.The length tolerances for straight lengths shall be tho shown in Tables 7-9,depending on the method of cutting required (e 5.4.1-5.4.3).When ends are permitted,the length and quantity of the ends shall be in accordance with the schedule in Table 7—Length tolerances,for straight lengths.5.4.2Table 8—Schedule of minimum length and maximum weight of ends for lengths with ends.
5.4.3Table 9—Length tolerances for square-sheared metal.5.4.4Table 10—Length tolerances for sawed metal.
5.5Straightness —The straightness tolerances,which are the maximum edgewi curvature (depth of arc)in any 72-in.portion of the total length,shall be tho shown in Tables 11-13,depending on the type of edge required.
5.5.1Table 11—Straightness tolerances for metal as slit,or as slit and straightened,or as slit and edge-rolled,or metal with drawn edges.
5.5.2Table 12—Straightness tolerances for square-sheared metal.
5.5.3Table 13—Straightness tolerances for sawed metal.5.6Edges —When rolled edges are required,they may be produced by either rolling or drawing to one of the following specified edge contours:
5.6.1Square Edges (Square Corners)—Edges shall have square corners with esntially 90°angles and with a maxi-mum corner radius as prescribed in Table 14.
5.6.2Rounded Corners —Edges shall have rounded corners as shown in Fig.1with a radius as prescribed in Table Edges —Edges shall be rounded as shown in Fig.2with a radius as prescribed in Table 16.
5.6.4Full-Rounded Edges —Edges shall be full rounded as shown in Fig.3with a radius as prescribed in Table 17.5.7Weight Tolerances for Hot-Rolled Material :多肉种植方法
TABLE 1Thickness Tolerances
(Applicable to Specifications B 36/B 36M,B 121/B 121M,B 152/B 152M,B 291,B 465,B 591(Copper Alloy UNS No.C41100),B 592,and
B 747)
Thickness Tolerances,plus and minus,A in.
8in.and Under in Width Over 8to 12in.,incl,in Width Over 12to 14in.,incl,in Width Over 14to 20in.,incl,in Width Over 20to 24in.,incl,in Width Over 24to 28in.,incl,in Width Over 28to 36in.,incl,in Width Over 36to 48in.,incl,in Width Over 48to 60in.,incl,in Width 0.004and under 0.00030.Over 0.004to 0.006,incl 0.00040.00080.Over 0.006to 0.009,incl 0.00060.00100.Over 0.009to 0.013,incl 0.00080.00130.00130.00180.00250.00250.0030.00350.004Over 0.013to 0.017,incl 0.00100.00150.00150.0020.00250.00250.0030.00350.0045Over 0.017to 0.021,incl 0.00130.00180.0
0180.0020.0030.0030.00350.0040.005Over 0.021to 0.026,incl 0.00150.0020.0020.00250.0030.0030.00350.0040.005Over 0.026to 0.037,incl 0.0020.0020.0020.00250.00350.00350.0040.0050.006Over 0.037to 0.050,incl 0.0020.00250.00250.0030.0040.0040.0050.0060.007Over 0.050to 0.073,incl 0.00250.0030.0030.00350.0050.0050.0060.0070.008Over 0.073to 0.130,incl 0.0030.00350.00350.0040.0060.0060.0070.0080.010Over 0.130to 0.188,
Rolled Bar
Over 0.188to 0.205,incl 0.00350.0040.0040.00450.0070.0070.0080.0100.012Over 0.205to 0.300,incl 0.0040.00450.00450.0050.0090.0090.0100.0120.014Over 0.300to 0.500,incl 0.00450.0050.0050.0060.0120.0120.0130.0150.018Over 0.500to 0.750,incl 0.00550.0070.0070.0090.0150.0150.0170.0190.023Over 0.750to 1.00,incl 0.0070.0090.0090.0110.0180.0180.0210.0240.029Over 1.00to 1.50,incl 0.0220.0220.0220.0220.0220.0220.0250.0290.036Over
2.00,incl 0.0260.0260.026
When tolerances are specified as all plus or all minus,double the values
5.7.1Table18—Lot weight tolerances for hot-rolled sheet and plate applicable to Specifications B96/B
96M(Copper Alloy UNS Nos.C65500and C65800)and B152/B152M.
5.7.2The weight of each lot offive or more plates or sheets of the same type and the same specified dimensions when ordered to thickness,shall not vary from the theoretical by more than the amount prescribed in Table18for the product specification indicated.The weight of any individual plate or sheet may vary from the nominal by not more than one third in excess of the tolerances prescribed in Table18for the product specification indicated.The tolerances for lots of less thanfive plates or sheets shall be governed by the tolerances for individual plates or sheets.
TABLE2Thickness Tolerances
(Applicable to Specifications B96/B96M,B103/B103M,B122/B122M,B169/B169M,B194,B422,B534,B591,B740
(except Copper Alloy UNS No.C41100),and B768)
Thickness Tolerances,Plus and Minus,A in.
Strip Sheet
Under in
0.004and under0.00040. Over0.004to0.006,incl0.00060.00100. Over0.006to0.009,incl0.00080.00130. Over0.009to0.013,incl0.00100.00150. Over0.013to0.017,incl0.00130.0020. Over0.017to0.021,incl0.00150.00250. Over0.021to0.026,incl0.0020.00250.00250.0030.0040.0040.0050.0060.007 Over0.026to0.037,incl0.00250.0030.0030.00350.0050.0050.0060.0070.008 Over0.037to0.050,incl0.0030.00350.00350.0040.0060.0060.0070.0080.010 Over0.050to0.073,incl0.
00350.0040.0040.00450.0070.0070.0080.0100.012 Over0.073to0.130,incl0.0040.00450.00450.0050.0080.0080.0100.0120.014 Over0.130to0.188,incl0.00450.0050.0050.0060.0100.0100.0120.0140.016
Rolled Bar Plate
Over0.188to0.205,incl0.00450.0050.0050.0060.0100.0100.0120.0140.016 Over0.205to0.300,incl0.0050.0060.0060.0070.0120.0120.0140.0160.018 Over0.300to0.500,incl0.0060.0070.0070.0080.0150.0150.0170.0190.023 Over0.500to0.750,incl0.0080.0100.0100.0120.0190.0190.0210.0240.029 Over0.750to1.00,incl0.0100.0120.0120.0150.0230.0230.0260.0300.037 Over1.00to1.50,incl0.0280.0280.0280.0280.0280.0280.0320.0370.045 Over1.50to2.00,incl0.0330.0330.0330.0330.0330.0330.0380.0450.055 A When tolerances are specified as all plus or all minus,double the values given.
TABLE3Special Thickness Tolerances
Thickness,in.Tolerances Applicable to
Copper Alloy UNS No.
B122/B122M and B740
Tolerances,Plus and
Minus,A in.,for Strip8
in.and Under in Width
Tolerances Applicable to
Specifications B194,
B534,and B768
Tolerances,Plus and
Minus,A in.,for Strip4
in.and Under in Width
0.004and under0.00020.0002
A If tolerances are specified as all plus or all minus,double the values given.
TABLE4Width Tolerances for Slit Metal and Slit Metal with
Rolled Edges
(Applicable to all specifications listed in2.2)
Width Tolerances,A Plus and Minus,in.
2and under0.0050.0100.0120.015 Over2to8,incl0.0080.0130.0150.015 Over8to24,incl1⁄641⁄641⁄641⁄32 Over24to40,incl1⁄321⁄321⁄323⁄64
A If tolerances are specified as all plus or all minus,double the values given.
TABLE5Width Tolerances for Square-Sheared Metal
(Applicable to all specifications listed in2.2)
N OTE—All lengths up to120in.,incl.
Width Tolerances,A Plus and Minus,in.
1⁄16in.and Un-
der in Thick-
incl,in Thickness
20and under1⁄323⁄641⁄16
A If tolerances are specified as all plus or all minus,double the values given.
TABLE6Width Tolerances for Sawed Metal
(Applicable to all specifications listed in2.2)
Width Tolerances,A Plus and Minus,in.
For Lengths Up to10ft,incl
For Lengths
For Thickness
Up to11⁄2in.,incl
For Thickness
All Thickness
Up to12,incl1⁄321⁄161⁄16
A If tolerances are specified as all plus or all minus,double the values
5.7.3For the purpo of calculation,the densities of the materials covered by the specifications are listed in Appendix X2.
6.Workmanship,Finish and Appearance
6.1The material shall be free of defects,but blemishes of a nature that do not interfere with normal commercial operations are acceptable.It shall be well cleaned and free of dirt.A superficial film of residual light lubricant is normally prent and is acceptable unless otherwi specified.
6.2The surface finish and appearance shall be the normal commercial quality for the alloy,thickness,and temper or-dered.When application information is provided with purcha order,the surface shall be that commercially producible for the application.Superficial films of discoloration,or lubricants,or tarnish inhibitors are permissible unless otherwi specified.
7.1Sampling —The lot size,portion size,and lection of sample pieces shall be as follows:
7.1.1Lot Size —An inspection lot shall be 10000lb or less material of the same mill form,alloy,temper,and nominal dimensions,subject to inspection at one time or shall be the product of one cast bar from a single melt charge,who weight shall not exceed 25000lb that has been continuously procesd and subject to inspection at one time.
7.1.2Portion Size —A portion shall be four or more pieces lected as to be reprentative of each lot.If the lot consists of less than four pieces,reprentative samples shall be taken from each piece. Analysis —The sample for chemical analy-sis shall be taken in accordance with Practice E 255for product in its final form.Unless otherwi required by the purchar,at the time the order is placed,the manufacturer shall have the option of determining conformance to chemical composition by analyzing samples taken at the time the castings are poured or samples taken from the mifinished product if heat identity can be maintained throughout all operations.If the manufac-turer determines the chemical composition during manufac-ture,he shall not be required to sample and analyze the finished product.The minimum weight of the composite sample in accordance with Practice E 255that is to be divided into three equal parts shall be as follows:ASTM Designation
Weight of Sample,
B 36/B 36M,B 96/B 96M,B 121/B 121M,
B 122/B 122M,B 152/B 152M,B 169/B 169M,B 194,B 291,B 422,B 465,B 534,B 591,B 592,and B 740
B 103/B 103M
225 for All Other Tests —Samples for all other tests shall be taken from the sample portion in 7.1.2and be of a convenient size to accommodate the test and comply with the requirements of the appropriate ASTM Product Standards and Test Methods.
8.Number of Tests and Retests
8.1Chemical Requirements :
8.1.1When samples are taken at the time the castings are poured,at least one sample shall be analyzed for each group of castings poured simultaneously from the same source of molten metal.
8.1.2When samples are taken from the mifinished or finished product,at least one sample reprentative of the product of each cast bar from a single melt charge continuously procesd with heat identity maintained shall be analyzed.8.1.3When samples are taken from the mifinished or finished product and heat identity has not been maintained,a single sample reprentative of each 10000lb lot,or fraction thereof,shall be analyzed.When the product piece is greater than 10000lb,one sample to be reprentative of the product piece shall be analyzed.
8.2Mechanical and Electrical Requirements and Grain Size —Unless otherwi provided in the product specification,test specimens shall be taken from two of the sample pieces lected in accordance with 7.1.2.The required tests shall be made on each of the specimens so lected.In the ca of copper alloy Specifications B 194,B 534,and B 740two specimens shall be taken from each of two sample pieces lected in accordance with 7.1.2.One specimen from each sample piece shall be tested without further treatment,and the other specimen shall be tested after precipitation hardening.In the ca of the requirements in Table 4,Mill Hardened Tempers,in Specifications B 194and B 740,only two speci-mens need to be taken and tested,becau the product is in the precipi
tation hardened temper as supplied.The reported value shall be the arithmetic average of the readings.In the ca of hardness,three readings shall be taken and averaged for each sample.
8.3Retests :
8.3.1If the chemical analysis of the specimens prepared from samples lected in accordance with 7.1.2fails to conform to the specified limits,analysis shall be made on a new composite sample prepared from the pieces lected in accordance with 7.1.2.
迭戈科斯塔8.3.2If one of the two tests made to determine any of the mechanical or physical properties fails to meet a specified limit,this test shall be repeated on the remaining pieces,maximum of two,lected in accordance with 7.1.2,and the results of both of the tests shall comply with the specified requirements.
TABLE 7Length Tolerances for Straight Lengths (Applicable to all specifications listed in 2.2except B 694)
N OTE —The following length tolerances are all plus;if all minus tolerances are desired,u the same values;if tolerances are desired plus and minus,halve the values given.
栩栩如生什么意思Length ft.
Length Tolerances
Specific lengths,mill lengths,multiple lengths,and spe-cific lengths with ends 10and under
Over 10to 20,incl
Stock lengths and stock lengths with ends
As stock lengths are cut and placed in stock in advance of orders,departure from the tolerance is not