
更新时间:2023-07-29 19:04:56 阅读: 评论:0

This document and process INCH-POUND
conversion measures necessary to
comply with this revision shall be
completed by  7 July 2003
6 January 2003
6 January 1999
This specification is approved for u by all Depart-
ments  and Agencies  of  the  Department  of Defen.
This document is a performance specification.  It is intended to provide the device manufacturers an acceptable
established baline in order to support Government microcircuit applications and logistic programs.  The basic
document has been structured as a performance specification that is supplemented with detailed appendices.
The appendices provide guidance to manufacturers on demonstrated successful approaches to meeting military performance requirements.  The appendices are included as a benchmark and are not intended to impo
mandatory requirements.
1.1  Scope.  This specification establishes the general performance requirements for hybrid microcircuits, Multi-
Chip Modules (MCM) and similar devices and the verification requirements for ensuring that the devices meet the applicable performance requirements.  Verification is accomplished through the u of one of two quality programs (Appendix A).  The main body of this specification describes the performance requirements and the requirements for obtaining a Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) listing.  The appendices of this specification are intended for
guidance to aid a manufacturer in developing their verification program.  Detail requirements, specific characteristics, and other provisions that are nsitive to the particular intended u should be specified in the applicable device
acquisition specification.
Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be
of u
in improving this document should be addresd to:  Defen Supply Center Columbus (DSCC-VAS), PO Box
3990, Columbus, OH 43216-5000, by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form中国水资源现状
1426) appearing at the end of this document, or by letter
AMSC N/A FSC 5962 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A.  Approval for public relea; distribution is unlimited.
1.2  Description of this specification.  The intent of this specification is to allow the device manufacturer the flexibility to implement best commercial practices to the maximum extent possible while still providing product which meets the military performance needs.  Devices that are compliant
to this specification are tho that are capable of meeting the verification requirements outlined herein; and are built on a manufacturing line which is controlled by the manufacturer's quality management program and has been certified and qualified in accordance with the requirements herein.  The certification and qualification requirements outlined herein are the requirements to be met by a manufacturer to be listed on the Qualified Manufacturers List (QML).  The manufacturer may modify, substitute or delete the tests and inspections defined herein.  This is accomplished by balining a flow of tests and inspections that will assure that the devices are capable of meeting the generic verifications provided in this specification.  This does not necessarily mean that compliant devices have been subjected to the generic performance verifications provided in this specification, just that compliant devices are capable of meeting them.  It is the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that their devices are capable of meeting the generic performance verifications applicable to each specified product assurance level.  Appendix A defines the quality management program that may be implemented by the manufacturer.  Appendix A includes an option to u a quality review board concept, hereafter referred to as the Technology Review Board (TRB) in this document, which may be ud to modify the generic verification, design and construction criteria provided in this specification.  Appendix B is not currently being ud.  Appendix C defines generic performance verifications.  The verifications consist of a ries of tests and inspections which may be ud to v
erify the performance of devices.  They may be ud as is or modified as allowed by this specification.  Appendix D is not currently being ud.  Appendix E defines generic design and construction criteria relative to this technology, including rework limitations and major change testing guidance.  Appendix F provides statistical sampling procedures.  Appendix G provides the guidelines for a Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) program.    1.3  Classification.  Five quality assurance levels are provided for in this specification.  Four of the class, in highest to lowest order, are K, H, G, and D, as defined below.  The fifth class is Class E, the quality level associated with a Class E device is defined by the acquisition document.      1.3.1  Class K.  Class K is the highest reliability level provided for in this specification.  It is intended for space applications.      1.3.2  Class H.  Class H is the standard military quality level.    1.3.3  Class G.  Class G is a lowered confidence version of the standard military quality level (H) with QML listing per 4.5.
2.2, a possibly lower temperature range (-40o C to +85o C), a manufacturer guaranteed capability to meet the Class H Conformance Inspection and Periodic Inspection testing, and a vendor specified incoming test flow.  The device must meet the Class H requirements for In-Process Inspections and Screening.    1.
3.4  Class E.  Class E designates devices which are bad upon one of the other class (K, H, or G)
with exceptions taken to the requirements of that class.  The exceptions are specified in the device acquisition document, therefore the device acquisition document should be carefully reviewed to ensure that the exceptions taken will not adverly affect the performance of the system.    1.3.5  Class D.  Class D is a vendor specified quality level available to this specification.  This is a possibly lower temperature range (0o C to +70o C) part with a vendor specified test flow available from a QML listed manufacturer.  * * * *
一个口一个客2.  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS    2.1  Government specifications, standards, and handbooks.  The following specification and standard form a part of this document to the extent specified herein.  Unless otherwi specified, the issue of the documents are tho listed in the issue of the Department of Defen Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (e 6.2).
MIL-I-46058  - Insulating Compound, Electrical (For Coating Printed Circuit Asmblies)
MIL-STD-883  -  Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics
(Unless otherwi specified copies of military standards are available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.  Copies of military standards are also available online from the Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System (ASSIST) at astimage.daps.dla.mil/online/new/.
2.2  Other Government documents, drawings, and publications.  The  following other Government documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein.  Unless otherwi specified, the issues are tho cited in the solicitation.
Handbook H4/H8          -    Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Handbook.
NAVSHIPS 0967-190-4010    -    Manufacturer's Designating Symbols.
QML-38534    -  Qualified Manufacturer's List of Custom Hybrid Microcircuits Qualified
Under Military Specification MIL-PRF-38534
(Unless otherwi specified copies of military standards are available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)
2.3  Order of Precedence.  In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein (except for related associated detail specifications, specification sheets, or MS standards), the text of this
document takes precedence.  Nothing in this document, however, superdes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1  Performance Requirements for Class K Devices.  Class K devices shall be capable of meeting the Class K tests and inspections of Appendices C and E (e Table I).  This shall include the incoming inspection flow, the in-process inspection flow, the screening flow, and the Conformance Inspection and Periodic Inspection flow.  The devices shall be specified over the temperature rang
e of -55o C to +125o C or as specified in the device acquisition document.  Manufacturers of the devices shall be fully certified and qualified in accordance with this specification. Verification of the Performance Requirements shall be performed as described in paragraph
3.2  Performance Requirements for Class H Devices.  Class H devices shall be capable of meeting the Class H tests and inspections of Appendices C and E (e Table I). This shall include the incoming inspection flow, the in-process inspection flow, the screening flow, and the Conformance Inspection and Periodic Inspection flow.  The devices shall be specified over the temperature range of -55o C to +125o C or as specified in the device acquisition document.  Manufacturers of the devices shall be fully certified and qualified in accordance with this specification. Verification of the Performance Requirements shall be performed as described in paragraph
4.  *
4 3.3  Performance requirements for Class G devices.  Class G devices shall be capable of meeting
the Class H tests and inspections of Appendices C and E, except incoming inspection (e Table I).  This shall include the In-Process Inspection flow, the screening flow, and the Conformance Inspection and Periodic Inspection flow.  Compliance with the Conformance Inspection and Periodic Inspection flow must be guaranteed by the manufacturer. Actual completion of Conformance Inspection and Periodic Inspection tests and inspections are optional and at the manufacturer's discretion.  DSCC approval or notification is not required to eliminate Conformance Inspection and Periodic Inspection tests and inspections for this class of device, however it is the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that their devices are capable of passing the tests and inspections.  The devices shall be specified over the temperature range of -40o C to +85o C or a wider range.  Manufacturers of the devices shall be fully certified and QML listed in accordance with this specification.  Verification of the Performance Requirements shall be performed as described in paragraph 4.    3.4  Performance requirements for Class E devices.  Class E devices are devices which meet all of the requirements of one of the other class (K, H, or G) with some exceptions taken.  The device acquisition document shall clearly state which class the device is bad upon (K, H, or G) and what exceptions are being taken.  The urs of the devices should carefully examine the device acquisition document to verify that the exceptions being taken will not adverly affect the system performance.  Manufacturers of the devices shall be fully certified in accordance with this s
pecification.  Verification of the performance requirements shall be performed as described in paragraph 4.    3.
5  Performance requirements for Class D devices.  Class D devices are built and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's specified production and testing flow (e Table I).  The devices shall be capable of meeting the specified electrical tests.  However, the devices are not required to meet any of the tests and inspections of this specification.  The devices shall be specified over the temperature range of 0o C to +70o C or a wider range.  Manufacturers of the devices shall be fully certified and QML listed in accordance with this specification.  Verification of the Performance Requirements shall be performed as described in paragraph 4.    3.
6  Performance requirements for RHA devices.  Compliant RHA devices must meet the additional performance
requirements of Appendix G.  Detailed information for producing and acquiring RHA devices can be found in JEDEC publication JEP133.  * *
5  TABLE I. Performance Requirements Summary.  Class  Test Flow or Requirement 1/
D  E 2/  G 2/  H 2/  K 2/  Certification
Required  Required  Required  Required  (Class H)  Required  (Class K)  QML Listing
Required per  Required per  Required per  Required per  Incoming Inspection
(App. C)
Manufacturer Specified 3/  Manufacturer Specified 3/  Applicable  (Class H) 1/  Applicable  (Class K) 1/  In-Process
Inspections(App. C)
Manufacturer Specified 3/  Applicable (Class H) 1/  Applicable 1/  Applicable 1/  Screening (App. C)
Manufacturer Specified 3/  Applicable (Class H) 1/  Applicable  (Class H) 1/  Applicable  (Class K) 1/  Conformance
Inspection and
Periodic Inspection
(App. C)
Manufacturer Specified 3/  Guaranteed (Class H) 4/  Applicable  (Class H) 1/  Applicable  (Class K) 1/  Temperature Range 5/  0o C to +70o C  Required per the Applicable device class and the Acquisition Document      -40o C to +85o C  -55o C to +125o C  -55o C to +125o C
1/  For test flow implementation and available flexibility e 3.7.1. 2/  Design and construction and rework criteria are as specified in Appendix E and shall be utilized per 3.7.1. 3/  Manufacturer Specified means that the manufacturer does not have to take the generic criteria of this specification into consideration during the establishment of its manufacturing and test flows.  The manufacturer's flow may or may not meet the same requirements as the flow of this specification.  Furthermore, the manufacturer may specify that they do not perform the particular test or inspection flow. 4/  Guaranteed (Class H) means that the manufacturer is assuring that their devices will meet the Conformance Inspection and Periodic Inspection test flow contained in Tables C-Xa, C-Xb, C-Xc, and C-Xd, but may or may not actually perform the tests and inspections specified.  Elimination of the tests and inspections does not necessitate DSCC approval or notification. 5/  Wider temperatu
re ranges are also acceptable for class D and G.  Class H and K shall be -55o C to +125o C unless otherwi specified in the acquisition document.
3.7  General.  The manufacturer of devices, in compliance with this specification, shall have and u production and test facilities and a verification program adequate to assure successful compliance with the provisions of this
specification and the associated device acquisition specification.  Adequacy of a device manufacturer to meet the requirements of this specification shall be determined by the Government qualifying activity.  The individual item requirements shall be as specified in the associated device acquisition specification and herein.  Only devices which meet all the performance requirements of this specification and the associated device acquisition specification and have been adequately verified shall be marked as compliant and delivered.  Monolithic microcircuits may be built to the Class K, H, G, E, or D performance requirements of this specification, however, monolithic microcircuits offered in compliance with this specification shall be specified on a Standard Microcircuit Drawing (SMD).  Facilities and
programs listed on the Qualified Manufacturer's List (QML) may be ud for the manufacture of other
than compliant devices; however, any u or reference to compliant device marking, Class K, H, G, E, or D certification status or this specification in such a way as to state or imply equivalency (and thereby Government endorment) in connection with noncompliant devices is prohibited and may be cau for revocation of certification or QML status (or both).  Terms, definitions, methods, and symbols are per 6.3.  Any military specification or standard referred to in this specification may be replaced by an equivalent commercial standard as determined by the preparing activity.

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