Unit1 A
Key concepts
rervation豇豆的功效与作用: 谦逊的 coldness: 关于猴子的成语冷静的 modesty:谦虚的
humor:幽默的 sportsmanship:运动员精神
Q1、what is a rerved person like?
Answer: A rerved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and ldom gets excited.
Q2、what is the character of the Englishmen?
Answer: rerved 、humor、modesty、cold、sportsmanship.
Q3、what is sportsmanship?
Answer: sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat.
Ca study
Q、宝贝儿子What made the British feel quite unhappy in this situation?
Answer: The loud speaking and speaking their native language made the rerved British
feel quite unhappy. The Englishman is rerved, he doesn’t show much emotion and ldom gets excited.
Unit1 B
淡泊Key concepts
the pioneering spirit 创业精神 trying something new 探索精神
equality 平等 national optimism 民族乐观
freedom自由牛顿的成就 the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 rags-to-richer白手起家 social mobility社会祛寒湿流动性 American dream 美国梦
Comprehension questions
1. Can you summarize the character of Americans?
The characters of Americans are the pioneering spirit, trying something new and being e
ager to equality and freedom. The American is competitive, friendly, spontaneous, adaptable, efficient, energetic, and kindhearted.
2.In what n is the pioneering spirit still an important part of the American character?
1). Except for the slaves, immigrants came to America voluntarily in arch of greater prosperity and freedom. (para3)
2). In the mid-nineteenth century, the pioneering spirit led American ttlers to travel westward in arch of land and gold. (para4)
3). The desire to start a new life in a new place is noticeable throughout the nation. Many Americans change residences every year. (para5)
4). Americans who don’t change residence are also on the move—traveling by air or auto to e their own country or to visit others. The need to explore a new frontier is basic to the American character. (para7)
3. What is the American Dream? What is its impact on the American character?
The American Dream愚人节什么时候 is the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue.
Impact: Americans are optimistic and adventurous. The typical American believed in trying something new in an attempt to make life better. He had a firm faith in the possibility of progress. Every day in every way I am getting better and better.
4. What are the basic roots of American character?
The basic roots of American character are the pioneering spirit, the liberty spirit and the equality spirit.
Ca study
Q;Why did the American feel uncomfortable? Plea give him suggestions on how to get along with English people.
The American did something that he thought is friendly, but the English emed quite unfriendly to him, so he felt uncomfortable.
American is a bit casual, optimistic and outgoing. He called the first names and touched the people on the shoulder.
But, English are rerved and conrvative. They dislike physical touch and dislike to show much emotion. It’s also not polite to call the first names.
1. On the whole British habits of politeness are very informal. All politeness is bad on the elementary rule of showing consideration for others, and acknowledging the consideration they show to you.
2. Conversation in Britain is in general quiet and restrained and loud speech is considered ill-bred.
Passage C The Chine Character
Comprehension Questions
1. Apart from family, what are other important units in Chine society? How do they work?
Clan. A clan is the aggregate of kinship. A clan may compri a whole village or suburb, and counties, provinces and state are conglomerates of a vast number of villages and suburbs with such clan populations.
Grouping linked by friendship or marriage is also another important unit in Chine society. A district may have all its groupings so associated together, and this forms the basis for common action in an emergency.
2. Why is China a country with highly complicated social relationship? What are suppod to be the advantages and disadvantages of it?