
更新时间:2023-07-29 15:33:39 阅读: 评论:0

Delaunay.bas 中的代码如下:
'Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
'Credit to Paul Bourke (pbourke@swin.edu.au) for the original Fortran 77 Program :))
'Conversion by EluZioN ()
'You can u this code however you like providing the above credits remain in tact
Option Explicit
'Points (Vertices)
Public Type dVertex
x As Long
y As Long
z As Long
End Type
'Created Triangles, vv# are the vertex pointers
Public Type dTriangle
vv0 As Long
vv1 As Long
vv2 As Long
End Type
'Set the as applicable
Public Const MaxVertices = 500
Public Const MaxTriangles = 1000
'Our points
Public Vertex(MaxVertices) As dVertex
'Our Created Triangles
Public Triangle(MaxTriangles) As dTriangle
Private Function InCircle(xp As Long, yp As Long, x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long, x3 As Long, y3 As Long, ByRef xc, ByRef yc, ByRef r) As Boolean
'Return TRUE if the point (xp,yp) lies inside the circumcircle
'made up by points (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3)
'The circumcircle centre is returned in (xc,yc) and the radius r
'NOTE: A point on the edge is inside the circumcircle
Dim eps As Double
Dim m1 As Double
Dim m2 As Double
Dim mx1 As Double
Dim mx2 As Double
Dim my1 As Double
Dim my2 As Double
Dim dx As Double
Dim dy As Double
Dim rsqr As Double
Dim drsqr As Double
eps = 0.000001
InCircle = Fal
If Abs(y1 - y2) < eps And Abs(y2 - y3) < eps Then
MsgBox "INCIRCUM - F - Points are coincident !!"
Exit Function
End If
If Abs(y2 - y1) < eps Then
m2 = -(x3 - x2) / (y3 - y2)
mx2 = (x2 + x3) / 2
my2 = (y2 + y3) / 2
xc = (x2 + x1) / 2
yc = m2 * (xc - mx2) + my2
ElIf Abs(y3 - y2) < eps Then
m1 = -(x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)
mx1 = (x1 + x2) / 2
my1 = (y1 + y2) / 2
xc = (x3 + x2) / 2
yc = m1 * (xc - mx1) + my1
m1 = -(x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)
m2 = -(x3 - x2) / (y3 - y2)
mx1 = (x1 + x2) / 2
mx2 = (x2 + x3) / 2
my1 = (y1 + y2) / 2
my2 = (y2 + y3) / 2
xc = (m1 * mx1 - m2 * mx2 + my2 - my1) / (m1 - m2)
yc = m1 * (xc - mx1) + my1
End If
dx = x2 - xc
dy = y2 - yc
rsqr = dx * dx + dy * dy
r = Sqr(rsqr)
dx = xp - xc
dy = yp - yc
drsqr = dx * dx + dy * dy
If drsqr <= rsqr Then InCircle = True
End Function
Private Function WhichSide(xp As Long, yp As Long, x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long) As Integer
'Determines which side of a line the point (xp,yp) lies.
'The line goes from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
'Returns -1 for a point to the left
'        0 for a point on the line
'        +1 for a point to the right
Dim equation As Double
equation = ((yp - y1) * (x2
- x1)) - ((y2 - y1) * (xp - x1))
If equation > 0 Then
WhichSide = -1
ElIf equation = 0 Then
WhichSide = 0
WhichSide = 1
End If
End Function
Public Function Triangulate(nvert As Integer) As Integer
'Takes as input NVERT vertices in arrays Vertex()
'Returned is a list of NTRI triangular faces in the array
'Triangle(). The triangles are arranged in clockwi order.
Dim Complete(MaxTriangles) As Boolean
Dim Edges(2, MaxTriangles * 3) As Long
Dim Nedge As Long
'For Super Triangle
Dim xmin As Long
Dim xmax As Long
Dim ymin As Long
Dim ymax As Long
Dim xmid As Long
Dim ymid As Long
Dim dx As Double
润燥化痰Dim dy As Double
Dim dmax As Double
'General Variables
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim ntri As Integer
Dim xc As Double
Dim yc As Double
Dim r As Double
Dim inc As Boolean
'Find the maximum and minimum vertex bounds.
'This is to allow calculation of the bounding triangle
xmin = Vertex(1).x
ymin = Vertex(1).y
xmax = xmin
ymax = ymin
For i = 2 To nvert
If Vertex(i).x < xmin Then xmin = Vertex(i).x
If Vertex(i).x > xmax Then xmax = Vertex(i).x
If Vertex(i).y < ymin Then ymin = Vertex(i).y
If Vertex(i).y > ymax Then ymax = Vertex(i).y
Next i
dx = xmax - xmin
dy = ymax - ymin质量体系管理
If dx > dy Then
dmax = dx
dmax = dy
End If
xmid = (xmax + xmin) / 2
ymid = (ymax + ymin) / 2
'Set up the supertriangle
'This is a triangle which encompass all the sample points.
'The supertriangle coordinates are added to the end of the
'vertex list. The supertriangle is the first triangle in
'the triangle list.
Vertex(nvert + 1).x = xmid - 2 * dmax
Vertex(nvert + 1).y = ymid - dmax
Vertex(nvert + 2).x = xmid
Vertex(nvert + 2).y = ymid + 2 * dmax
Vertex(nvert + 3).x = xmid + 2 * dmax
Vertex(nvert + 3).y = ymid - dmax
Triangle(1).vv0 = nvert + 1
Triangle(1).vv1 = nvert + 2
Triangle(1).vv2 = nvert + 3
Complete(1) = Fal
ntri = 1
'Include each point one at a time into the existing mesh
For i = 1 To nvert
Nedge = 0
'Set up the edge buffer.
'If the point (Vertex(i).x,Vertex(i).y) lies inside the circumcircle then the
'three edges of that triangle are added to the edge buffer.
j = 0
j = j + 1
If Complete(j) <> True Then
inc = InCircle(Vertex(i).x, Vertex(i).y, Vertex(Triangle(j).vv0).x, Vertex(Triangle(j).vv0).y, Vertex(Triangle(j).vv1).x, Vertex(Triangle(j).vv1).y, Vertex(Triangle(j).vv2).x, Vertex(Triangle(j).vv2).y, xc, yc, r)
'Include this if points are sorted by X
'If (xc + r) < Vertex(
i).x Then
'complete(j) = True
If inc Then
Edges(1, Nedge + 1) = Triangle(j).vv0
Edges(2, Nedge + 1) = Triangle(j).vv1
Edges(1, Nedge + 2) = Triangle(j).vv1
Edges(2, Nedge + 2) = Triangle(j).vv2
Edges(1, Nedge + 3) = Triangle(j).vv2
Edges(2, Nedge + 3) = Triangle(j).vv0
Nedge = Nedge + 3
Triangle(j).vv0 = Triangle(ntri).vv0
Triangle(j).vv1 = Triangle(ntri).vv1
Triangle(j).vv2 = Triangle(ntri).vv2
Complete(j) = Complete(ntri)
j = j - 1
ntri = ntri - 1
End If
'End If
End If
Loop While j < ntri
'Tag multiple edges
'Note: if all triangles are specified anticlockwi then all
'interior edges are opposite pointing in direction.
For j = 1 To Nedge - 1
If Not Edges(1, j) = 0 And Not Edges(2, j) = 0 Then
For k = j + 1 To Nedge
If Not Edges(1, k) = 0 And Not Edges(2, k) = 0 Then
If Edges(1, j) = Edges(2, k) Then
If Edges(2, j) = Edges(1, k) Then
Edges(1, j) = 0
Edges(2, j) = 0
Edges(1, k) = 0
Edges(2, k) = 0
End If
End If
End If
Next k
End If
Next j
西安游玩攻略'Form new triangles for the current point
'Skipping over any tagged edges.
'All edges are arranged in clockwi order.
For j = 1 To Nedge
If Not Edges(1, j) = 0 And Not Edges(2, j) = 0 Then
ntri = ntri + 1
Triangle(ntri).vv0 = Edges(1, j)
Triangle(ntri).vv1 = Edges(2, j)
Triangle(ntri).vv2 = i
Complete(ntri) = Fal
End If
Next j
Next i
'Remove triangles with supertriangle vertices
'The are triangles which have a vertex number greater than NVERT
i = 0
i = i + 1
If Triangle(i).vv0 > nvert Or Triangle(i).vv1 > nvert Or Triangle(i).vv2 > nvert Then
Triangle(i).vv0 = Triangle(ntri).vv0
Triangle(i).vv1 = Triangle(ntri).vv1
Triangle(i).vv2 = Triangle(ntri).vv2
i = i - 1
ntri = ntri - 1
End If
Loop While i < ntri
Triangulate = ntri
End Function
Begin VB.Form Form1
Caption        =  "Triangulate"
ClientHeight    =  5685
ClientLeft      =  165
ClientTop      =  315
ClientWidth    =  7035
LinkTopic      =  "Form1"
ScaleHeight    =  5685
ScaleWidth      =  7035
StartUpPosition =  1  '所有者中心
Begin VB.PictureBox Picture1
AutoRedraw      =  -1  'True
BackColor      =  &H00FFFFFF&
Height          =  7935
Left            =  120
虾缸ScaleHeight    =  7875
ScaleWidth      =  13155
TabIndex        =  0
Top            =  600
Width          =  13215
Begin VB.Label Label1
Caption        =  "Click The Pic Box to add points"
Height          =  375
Left            =  4200
TabIndex        =  3
Top            =  120
Width          =  2655
Begin VB.Label lblTris
Height          =  375
Left            =  2040
TabIndex        =  2
Top            =  120
Width          =  1935
Begin VB.Label lblPoints
Height          =  375
最美校长事迹材料Left            =  120
TabIndex        =  1
Top            =  120
Width          =  1455
如何让脸变白Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = Fal
Attribute VB_Creatable = Fal
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Expod = Fal
Dim tPoints As Integer 'Variable for total number of points (vertices)
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Initiate total points to 1, using ba 0 caus problems in the functions
tPoints = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_MouDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
'variable to hold how many triangles are created by the triangulate function
Dim HowMany As Integer
'Set Vertex coordinates where you clicked the pic box
Vertex(tPoints).x = x
Vertex(tPoints).y = y
'Perform Triangulation Function if there are more than 2 points
If tPoints > 2 Then
'Clear the Picture Box
'Returns number of triangles created.
HowMany = Triangulate(tPoints)
'Draw a circle where you clicked so it does something
Picture1.Circle (Vertex(tPoints).x, Vertex(tPoints).y), 50, vbBlack
End If
'Increment the total number of points
tPoints = tPoints + 1
'Display the total points and total triangles
lblPoints.Caption = "Points: " & tPoints
lblTris.Caption = "Triangles: " & HowMany
'Draw the created triangles
For i = 1 To HowMany
Picture1.Line (Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).y)-(Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).y)
Picture1.Line (Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).y)-(Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).y)
Picture1.Line (Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).y)-(Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).y)
Next i
End Sub

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