西晓静 关晶萍 门晓棠
摘 要 随着医学模式从生物医学模式向生物 心理 社会医学模式的转变,心理社会因素对健康的影响日益加重。文章探讨职业紧张与健康的关系及其可能会给作业员工健康造成的损害和相关干预措施。得出:职业紧张对健康的影响是较长时间内过大的压力所表现出来的累积性反应,其发展过程是缓慢和渐进的,可能会出现高血压、冠心病、中风、睡眠障碍等症状,在日常工作中,有必要采取有针对性的干预措施,其最基本的办法是干预生产活动中的紧张因素,提高作业员工的控制和适应能力,最终达到良性循环。 关键词 职业紧张 干预 健康 影响
中图分类号:B845.66 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3158(2011)04-0068-02
0 引 言
1 职业紧张对作业员工的影响1.1对生理机能的影响
西晓静,1995年毕业于南京医科大学临床医学系,主治医师,现在中国石油安全环保技术研究院H SE 评价中心职评室从事职业病危害评价与研究工作。通信地址:北京市海淀区志新西路8号,100083
68 油 气 田 环 境 保 护
2 职业紧张的干预措施
群体干预措施 群体干预是根据群体分析结果,进行有针对性的干预,具体由组织和参与者共同进行;主要形式为管理培训和组织活动,扩大人际交流沟通,工作重组,提高控制能力等,必要时还需要通过立法的形式保证干预措施的有效实施。
个体干预措施 个体干预是针对每个作业员工的职业紧张源,进行咨询和健康促进教育。干预过程使作业员工采取积极应对代替消极应对。加强心理咨询,增强作业员工的自我保健技能等[5]。目前国内外针对个体的心理、行为,干预常用的方法有以下五种:现实疗法、心理危机干预、关键事件应激报告法、灾后心理卫生工作策略以及其他心理健康干预方法(如精神分析、行为治疗、森田疗法、认知治疗、支持疗法、生物反馈技术等)[6],这些干预措施主要是针对较轻的心理健康问题而采取的措施,对于长期的紧张反应引起的症状必须要采取药物治疗。
WH O(联合国世界卫生组织)对健康的定义是生物、心理和社会三个层面同时处于完好状态。研究表明,职业紧张对作业员工健康的危害是全方位的,对作业员工的心理、生理和社会三方面的影响均不容忽视[7]。将职业紧张控制在可承受范围内,控制健康危险因素,从而促进作业员工健康,提高作业员工的生命质量,提高劳动生产率才是行之有效的方法。
3 结束语
紧张与健康的关系并制定出相应的预防对策,将有助于提高生活质量和工作效率。相信在不远的将来,可以使劳动者获得更人性化的职业环境,逐步实现 健康的工人,健康的工作场所 的目标。
[1] 余善法,张锐,马庆良,等.职业紧张测量工具研究[J].河
[2] 刘宝英,杨华,任南,等.职业紧张在高血压发病中的作
[3] 李奎荣,余善法,张锐,等.职业紧张对心理健康的影响
[J].中华劳动卫生职业病杂志,2003,21(1):16-19. [4] 周文慧,余善法.应付策略与职业紧张关系的探讨[J].
[5] 刘继文.脑力劳动人群职业紧张干预研究现状和展望
[6] H ellerstedt WL,Jeffery RW.T he asso ciatio n o f job
strain and health behavio ur s in men and w omen[J].
Internatio nal Journal of Epidemiolog y,1997,26(3):
[7] 余善法,李奎荣,杨艳,等.职业紧张与心血管疾病危险
(收稿日期 2011-05-24)
(编辑 王蕊)
概念 约束性指标是在预期性基础上进一步强化政府意志的指标,是政府在公共服务和涉及公共利益领域对有关部门提出的工作要求。约束性指标应具有两大约束功能。一是强制功能,即中央政府在公共服务和涉及公众利益领域对中央政府有关部门和地方政府提出的工作要求,应当得到不折不扣的执行。二是制约功能,即在约束性指标与其他指标不可兼而实现的时候,应当首先满足约束性指标的要求,绝不可以牺牲约束性指标换取其他利益。
重要意义 十一五 减排指标是约束性的,经由全国人民代表大会审议通过,具有法律效力。减排指标从预期性向约束性转变,是因为我国经济社会已经不能再承受污染之重。我国大凡高耗能、高污染的主要产品都居世界第一位或前列。巨大的污染背后意味着巨大的排放量,巨大的排放量则折射出日益增加的环境污染事件和污染纠纷。不转变发展方式,不加快调整结构、不进行污染减排,资源就会支撑不住,环境就容纳不下,社会就承受不起,经济发展就难以持续,现代化进程就会严重受阻。党和政府要对人民负责,对历史负责。因此,约束性指标必须完成。为了完成指标,必须进一步强化政府责任,重点是建立问责制度、目标责任考核制度等。约束性指标的提出,改变了以前有总量、无控制、不考核的局面,以必要的行政手段带动了各项经济、法律等方面政策、措施的到位。
(摘编自 中国环保网 2011-06-18)
2011年8月 西晓静等:浅述职业紧张对员工健康的影响及干预策略
KEY W ORDS o il sto rag e;unex pected cur ity incident; envir onment risks;emerg ency measures
The C onstruction of Oilfield Exploitation Planning Environmental Asssment Indicator System in Ordos Basin(48)
M o Zhian W ang Rui W u Z heng
(Xi an I nstitute of Geology and M ineral Resources)
ABS TRAC T T he oilfield exploitation planning environmental asssment in Ordos Basin is in the starting stag e,and has not y et formed a g enerally accepted evaluation system.Reg ional exploitation planning enviro nmental asssment has been carried out in an oil facto ry in Yan an city in2008.Bad on enviro nmental investigation,relevant visits,the planning scheme analys and env ironmental impact identificatio n and combined with local natural environment and social environmental characteristics,this paper builds thr ee grade indicator system of planning environmental asssment.T he paper summarizes the principles and basic requirements of oil field ex plo itation planning enviro nmental asssment indicator system construction in Ordo s Basin oilfi
eld after indicator system analys from various aspects. KEY W ORDS O rdo s Basin;oil field;planning& envir onmenta l impact asssment;indicator sy stem
The Environmental Impact of Dert Shrub Direct C ombustion Power Generation in Pos-t Oil Era(52)
Cao Xin L i M o
(School of Env ironment,Renm in Univ ersi ty of China)
ABSTRACT T hroug h the component analy s of dert shrub in centr al and w ester n reg ions of Inner M ongo lia and bad on life cycle approach(LCA),this paper quantitat ively demonst rates the envir onment al impact and pr omo tion feasibility of der t shrub direct combustion pow er g ener ation develo pment model.T he paper also show s that compared w ith tr aditional ener gy such as petro leum,this mo de has g reat potential benef its.M or eover,this mode has a strat eg ic sig nificance fo r the dev elopment of g reen a lternativ e ener g y in our co untr y and pr omo tes ecolo gical env iro nment and economic coo rdinated development in w est ern areas.
KEY WORDS biomass energ y;substitut ion for o il;dert shrub;direct combustion po wer g ener atio n;car bon dio xide emissio n r eduction
Total Copper Uncertainty Measurement by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry(55) Deng X iufen1 Wang Z hiyuan2
虎妞人物形象(1.T est ing,Monito ring and Eval uati on Centre of PetroChina Dag ang Oil f ield Com p any;2.S inop ec Pi p eli ne St orage and transp ortat ion Com p any) ABSTRACT Bad on the mathemat ical pr operty o f linear least squar es,this paper pr ents the simplified eva luation method fo r deter mining the uncertainty o f to tal co pper in surface water by using flame ato mic abso rptio n spectro metry. T hr ough identification and analys o f uncertaint y sources, the paper quantizes the uncer tainty and calculates the combined st andard uncert aint y.T his appr oach is fo r r apid uncer tainty asssment in direct deter minatio n method which is applied for det ermining the to tal copper content in g roundw ater,sur face w ater and wastew ater.
KEY WORDS flame atom ic absor pt ion spectro metry; to tal copper;uncertainty;asssment
The Construction and Utilization of S ewage On-line Monitoring System(57)
L iu Guoy u
(J inzhou Oil Pro ducti on Pl ant of Pet roChina Liaohe Oi lf iel d Co mp any) ABSTRACT T his paper
intr oduces inst rument allocation, measur ing pr inciple,instrument character istics and usage status of o n-line monito ring system.T he w ag e on-line monit oring sy st em puts tog ether CO D,ammonia nitrog en, suspended substance,oil in w ater and har dness mo nitor ing instruments so as t o simplify the water quality test in o ilfield wag e reu,and perf orms rea-l time monito ring fo r w ater quality po llutants.T he o per ation ex per ience sho ws that the data measured by this sy st em can effect ively improv e the wag e mo nit or ing level and makes wag e meet the pro duction requir ements.F urthermo re it adjusts and treats the disqualified w age in time and realizes r emote tr ansmissio n and co nt rol.
KEY WORDS w ag e;on-line mo nitor;COD;ammonia nitr og en;oil;suspended substance;har dness
Th e R earch Progress of Enh anced Bioremediation for S oil Petroleu m Hyd rocarb on Pollutants(60)
W ang Bing Ren H ong yang L i Y ong tao W u X iaojuan G ong H ang
(Schoo l of Chemistry and Chem ical Engi neering,S out hwest Petrol eum Univ ersit y)
ABS TR AC T T hroug h so il harm analys caud by petroleum, this paper points out that the bioremediation is an important mean for soil petro leum co ntamination r emoval.Becau of the complexity and refractory of petroleum po llutants,efficient degradation microbial enrichment and domestication,especially the construction of efficient degradation flor a bad on various org anism co ordinated symbiosis,are important w ay s fo r enhancing bioremediation.T he types of pollutants,physicochemical properties,temper atures,pH values,electr on acceptors,and nutritive elements,etc.during deg radation process,have g reat impact on pollutant degradation.
KEY W OR DS petroleum hydrocarbon;soil contamination; bioremediation;efficient deg radation flora;influence factors Discussion On HS E Management for High-end Market EPC Project(64)
L i Shux in
(PetroChina Engineeri ng&Construction Corp.)
ABS TR AC T T his paper introduces the basic circumstances of A bu Dhabi crude oil pipeline project,and expounds the characteristics and requir ements of hig h-end market HSE manag ement.T hrough HSE management pr actices and problems of A bu Dhabi crude oil pipeline project,the paper analyzes the differences between domestic project HSE manag ement and project
proprietors requir ements,finds the solutions and ultimately meets the requir ements of high-end market HSE management. T hroug h management practices,the paper summarizes the hig h-end market EPC project HSE management exper ,in the compliance with local laws,regulatio ns and inter national conventions and talen-t oriented,developing international standard training and implementing HSE professional management mode, which pr ovide a reference for HSE management of inter national EPC project.
KEY WORDS hig h-end market;H SE;management; inter national standar ds
Discussion On the Influence and Intervention Strategies of Occupational Stress to Employee s Health(68)
Xi Xiao jing Guan Jing ping M en X iaotang
(CN PC Rearch Inst itute of S af ety&Env ironment T echnology)
ABS TR AC T With medical model transfo rming from biomedical model to bio logical psycholog ical social medical model,the psychosocial factor plays an increasing ly important role in health. T his paper discuss the r elationship between occupational str ess and health,the possible hazards to e
mplo yees health caud by occupational stress and the related interventions.T he paper show s that health effect of occupational stress is the cumulative respon caud by to o much pressure during a long period of time and its development process is slow and gradual,and it may cost hig h blood pressure,coronary heart dia,stroke,sleep disor ders and other symptoms.T herefor e,in daily work,it is necessary to adopt targ eted interventio ns.T he mo st basic way is intervening tension factors in production and improving staff s control and adaption ability w hich ultimately achieve a virtuous circle.
KEY W O RD S occupati onal stress;interventi on;health;impact