Types of Music:
Classical music is complex and layered and beautiful but it is not spontaneous.
It is spontaneous, emotive, danceable and easy to make.
Hip Hop
Hip Hop is the newest form of music out there and so far we have only en the tip of the iceberg in terms of its capabilities. People often call Jazz the only American Art form…I would tend to agree with this but Hip Hop is a clo cond place. Beats, Rhymes, Life…what el could you want?
Bands that play the blues are usually not very good. The blues are a personal thing, and should usually be played by some guy who is very ugly and is half full of whiskey. Without this how can you have the blues…can good-looking people get the blues? They can, but they have to be on heroin.
It is very hard to argue with Rock & Roll. In many ways it is a lot like Christianity. It involves icon with long hair, and people have been predicting and attempting to initiate its demi since it began. But like Christianity Rock ems here to stay for a little while anyway. So every time a young man picks up a guitar and preaches the gospel of rock it will survive.
As was mentioned before, Jazz is the only true American art form. Improvisational, cool, xy, angry, sad, happy, jazz has it all, and nobody can touch jazz for its amalgam of styles and variations. If music is alive jazz is the air that music breathes.
Dance music is music for people who don’t know anything about music. This is perfectly all right though, becau dance music is for dancing, not for contemplating. A good dance track gets into your core and posss you. A bad dance track is what they play when you are waiting to get into hell.
Country gets a bad rep, but there isn’t a more humble, fun loving and sincere brand of music out there. Basically it is story telling and if you don’t like a good story you probably have no soul. And if you have no soul, enjoy your bad dance music.
Folk is suppod to be the music of the people. Something that everyone can relate to via some sort of common experience. Lately this meaning has been perverted to mean that one has to play an acoustic guitar to play folk. This is crap. If you have something to
say and you want to put music to your thoughts, that is folk.
Metal Music
Metal music emerged post World War II. Metal music was described as music that aris from the dissatisfied. Metal music is heavily influenced by the structure of the songs. While in rock music, songwriting is bad within a form; in metal music the central melody decides the structure of the song. A scientist has described metal music as ‘information music’.
Rap Music
早怎么组词Rap music is a creation of an American minority. It was widely believed the rap music, as a fad will not e the test of time…. But it has already been around for nearly 20 years. Rap music can be traced to the West African professional singers and storytellers. Rap music was an offshoot of the Hip Hop culture – characterized by graffiti and break dancing. Rap music has been influenced considerably by Jamaican music. The Bronx in New York City was the originating hub of rap music.
Types of Western Music 欧美音乐类型
1. 什么是 R&B?R&B的全名是 Rhythm & Blues,一般译作"节奏怨曲"。广义上, R&B可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源于黑人的Blues音乐,是现今西方流行乐和摇滚乐的基础。Billboard杂志曾介定 R&B为所有黑人音乐,除了Jazz和Blues之外,都可列作 R&B,可见 R&B的范围是多么的广泛。近年黑人音乐圈大为盛行的 Hip Hop和Rap都源於 R&B,并且同时保存着不少 R&B成分。
2. 什么是HOUSE学习不好?HOUSE是於八十年代沿自 DISCO发展出来的跳舞音乐。 这是芝加哥的DJ玩出的音乐,他们将德国电子乐团Kraftwerk的一张唱片和电子鼓(Drum Machine)规律的节奏及黑人蓝调歌声混音在一起,Hou就产生了。一般翻译为"浩室"舞曲,是电子舞曲最基本的型式,4/4拍的节奏,一拍一个鼓声,配上简单的旋律,常有高亢的女声歌唱。DISCO流行后,一些DJ将它改变,有心将DISCO变得较为不商业化, BASS和鼓变得更深沉,很多时变成了纯音乐作品,即使有歌唱部分也多数是由跳舞女歌手唱的简短句子,往往没有明确歌词。渐渐的,有人加入了LATIN(拉丁)、 REGGAE(瑞格源在西印度群岛)、 RAP(说唱)或 JAZZ(爵士)等元素,至八十年代后期, HOUSE请嫁给我吧冲出地下范围,成为芝加哥、纽约及伦敦流行榜的宠儿。Hou舞曲在1986年开始流行后,可说是取代了risk什么意思Disco音乐。
3. 什么是Britpop?Britpop虽有个“Pop”在里面,但其实是 Rock的一种,源於九十年代英伦,中文可译为“英式摇滚”武夷岩,这是英伦乐坛对美国 Grunge潮的一个回应,主要是以乐队形式出现。不过,Britpop风格其实十分广泛,如 Oasis是吉他摇滚乐队,Blur则Pop很多,而Pulp则接近Glam Rook及跳舞风格,不过他们都被列作 Britpop。
4. 什么是 Trip-Hop?Trip-Hop是英伦/欧洲跳舞音乐的一种,它的名字来源是“ Trip+ Hip Hop"考试不及格英语= Trip-Hop",因为它发源自英国的Bristol,因此最早时称作"Bristol Hip-Hop"。Trip-Hop是种慢板的迷幻的、有 Jazz感觉的、迷糊的、带点 Hip Hop节奏的 Break beat 音乐。它虽然隶属跳舞音乐类,但其迷幻特色已令它和一般跳舞音乐所有的明确节拍特色相去很远。
5. 什么是 Gangsta Rap? Gangsta Rap是 Rap的一种,以 Rap的内容多与都市罪案有关,充满暴力、色欲感受,这是反映现实的一种音乐路向。 Gangsta Rap于八十年代末期在美国兴起,音乐Rap中的强悍尖锐派,在美国大受欢迎,唱片销路甚高。而不少 Gangsta Rap乐手本身真正“参与” 现实中各式罪案,部分更因而入狱甚至死亡,可说是真正反映现实兼令人触目惊心的乐种。
6. 什么是 Synth Pop?Synth Pop中的 " Synth",即 Synthesizer,顾名思义, Synth Pop就是“由Sythesizers炮制出来的流行乐”,当然除 Synthesizers外还会用上其他电子乐器如电脑及鼓机等等。 Synth Pop于八十年代初期开始流行,至八十年代中开始沉寂,当年在香港也曾掀起过一阵热潮。 Synth Pop最简单的网名的特点是科技感强,有时会颇冰冷,歌曲多是“三分钟流行曲” (3-minutes Pop),很多时 Synth Pop乐手会作入时打扮。
7. 什么是 ORCHESTRA ?ORCHESTRA就是管弦乐团,它分成四部分: 弦乐,包括小提琴、大提琴等;铜管乐;木管乐和敲击乐四组。弦乐组每种乐器有多人演奏 (竖琴除外 )豆瓣评分排行榜,四组演奏者由一人统筹兼领导,他就是乐团的指挥。 ORCHESTRA於17世纪出现,到 18世纪因海顿和莫扎特的作品而清楚地建立模式。 19世纪加入了些新乐器,乐团人数加大。 ORCHESTRA是西方古典 /正统音乐的正宗。西方流行 /摇滚乐也经常运用 ORCHESTRA的部分或全部团员协助演出。